Hello ppl, I am leaving the game.
It has lost it's... flair to me, maybe i will come back and maybe I won't. In both cases: Good Luck to all of u and a merry christmas and a happy new year. I hope u all have happy lives...
I would like to send out special thanks to wonderfull ppl:
Gwohar - For always being there
Haladrid - For always being there
Ignar (formerly known as Etaew) - For being a great m8
Travelyan - Also one of the best guys
Osprey - Cos I can talk with u about everything
Elitestoner - I dunno what we haven't been through
Zaffa - For bringing me into the game and being my m8
Afrofyr - Just being there
Keira - For being there
Stussy - Even though he's a new mate he's a good mate
Metuk - We are going into SWG together and he is just another great m8
Kinder - For being there since the earliest lvls
Moshy - The norwegian friend
Anyways albion has lost 1 more of it's Pala's!
And the last thx goes to... Guardians of Vetutsa for making the game last longer for me!
Bye bye from the KungFuCow
It has lost it's... flair to me, maybe i will come back and maybe I won't. In both cases: Good Luck to all of u and a merry christmas and a happy new year. I hope u all have happy lives...
I would like to send out special thanks to wonderfull ppl:
Gwohar - For always being there
Haladrid - For always being there
Ignar (formerly known as Etaew) - For being a great m8
Travelyan - Also one of the best guys
Osprey - Cos I can talk with u about everything
Elitestoner - I dunno what we haven't been through
Zaffa - For bringing me into the game and being my m8
Afrofyr - Just being there
Keira - For being there
Stussy - Even though he's a new mate he's a good mate
Metuk - We are going into SWG together and he is just another great m8
Kinder - For being there since the earliest lvls
Moshy - The norwegian friend
Anyways albion has lost 1 more of it's Pala's!
And the last thx goes to... Guardians of Vetutsa for making the game last longer for me!
Bye bye from the KungFuCow