CS - IRC and a new guide



I started playing CS 4 days ago and have not stopped since. I knew this game was good so I thought I'd look for any guides that maybe around. The ones I found where pretty basic so I will be having a crack at creating a detailed guide to this amazing MOD

This is where you guys come in. Cast your minds back to when you first started out playing CS. What problems did you have? Is there anything newbies to the game need to know? What should a guide include?

Slap your replies here and I'll visit frequently and see what you have to say

You can also find me in the new CS channel on IRC = #cs.uk

Posted by S.A.S www.barrysworld.com/guides

[This message has been edited by SAS (edited 14 February 2000).]


erm., wait a min, you started playing cs 4 days ago and you're writting a guide?


well I've been playing since beta 1, i thinks its been about 6 months, a bit more. And my guide team has also been playing as long. http://www.csguide.co.uk

erm, i don't think any previous guide experience can make you a good writer of a game you don't really know.



That's true. Been playing it for 5 days straight now. But I've got in contact with a number of excellent CS players.

I've always put together guides by playing a game for a fews days first. This allows me to see a 'newbies' prespective and I can see the pitfalls and troubles they may have to overcome. So far I've not had people tell me my guides are total crap (ok had a few, but 99.9% of people love them).

I hope to make my CS guide as good as the other guides I've created. It's a same your making one as well as there is bound to be competition. However my guide will be aimed at every gamer in the world. Where upon talking to 'Stealth' It seems your guide will be for WP only?

Posted by S.A.S


I'm downloading CS as I write this, (bastard Bigfoots column intrigued me
. If ya want, I'll make a note of any probs/pitfalls and let ya know...


Hmm, could this have been timed any better...

Last time I pottered around with Half-Life was with the release of TFC and for a few weeks following it, so it's been a while.

Anyhoo, downloaded and installed the 30 meg file np. Managed it in one x-stream connect, (woop).

A few hundred redials later and happily reconnected, (with gamespy tab nicely settled and bw servers "favourited") I try and kick it off.

Doh, version out of date. A meg or so's download later, (upping to 1.blah.3) and kick it off again, (after a few hundred more redials following the install of the new patch) and the same message - need a new version.

Hmm, I think. Something strange occurs.

Kick off a Lan server and I can potter around merrily rescuing hostages, (after, by sheerest chance, stumbling over the evac point) but no joy for net play.

Reinstall the lot, (Hl, TFC patch, latest, (then) patch and CS) and again - wrong version.

Think "bugger this" and play q2 and watch some TV.

Log back on now and start surfing the hl sites. Joy, another patch released. It's just finished dl'ing so I'm off to install now...

If I have to dl anything else, I'm gonna start swearing...


Yep they are damn annoying. Once 4-5 players start spraying I swear my connection slows down after trying to download them


Yep they are damn annoying. Once 4-5 players start spraying I swear my connection slows down after trying to download them

Any luck with playing it on the net?

Posted by S.A.S


As another CS newbie, what strikes me is how many people disconnect as soon as they're killed. Makes for a very choppy game on some servers, as the team size changes so often.

Oh, and the bastard that nailed me from about 6 miles with a pistol (I was wearing full kevlar/helmet). I've got a special AK47 round...just for you

[This message has been edited by SoWat (edited 16 February 2000).]

Atomic Rammer

I havn't got CS yet, - next time I'm on x-stream, but I have some info on the decals front.

cl_download_ingame 0

will disable downloading of decals while playing.


Right, had a few sessions online now - all using x-stream, (so the connect was a bit pants).

First session saw me running around like a headless chicken, mainly because it took a while to identify exactly who was who. That under my belt, (except at a distance
the maps are a bit twisty turny, so getting lost alot took the rest of the first session to a close. I managed to kill a few people with spammed grenades...
I was a dirty terrorist camper.

Second session and a bit of cunning entered my play. I didn't immeditately blow all my money on the best kit I could buy with what I had, instead relying upon defaults and battlefield booty. However, the plethora of available weaps was a bit daunting, so most of the time I ended up running around with pants for three rounds, buying something big in round four and getting shot through a wall by some git with a SG-552. That session I was also a scummy terrorist camping git.

The thrid session was a bit more productive. I actually knew a couple of the maps and had firm plans on tech to buy. Also, a couple of people took the onus of leadership, making attacking a damn sight more productive. This sesh I was dirty imperialistic CT pig, (camper) and actually managed to kill people I was aiming at...

The biggest drawback has been the need to adapt paying style. I'm a q2 wh*re by choice, but running around shooting madly seems to result in my waiting 4.58mins for the next round. Once I learn to curtail my beserker urges, things should improve, (I've not tried things like Rainbow 6, which I suspect may be similar).

A couple of things that have kinda bugged me are the tendancy to go for elimination victories. It's only about 1 in 10 games that ends with rescued hostages/successful bomb drops. Also, I can only see my own kill/death scores on the scoreboard...

Ah well, off to session four with a, (hopefully) stable connection this time...


cl_hidefrags 0

in your config and auto exec.

thats lets you see others frags

hopefully you have all turned off the help files, if you want to know how just ask.

I play on Wireplay as i find that the BW servers tend to have peeps buggain about, where as you get some v top games on WP.

Also get yourself into an organsied clan, this way you will get top games.

Only way cunterstrike can be fully appretiated is in clan games.

If you want a few experienced cs gamers tip, just ask.



Cheers for the hidefrag thingy.
It seems inevitable that clan games are the only way to get really good teamplay going in these sorts of mods. Alas, been down the clan route before - no longer my cup 'o tea...

Hmm, ping really does make a difference. Tried it with a stable connect and it's like a different game. Hell, I could even use the sniper rifles.

Mr Lee

and #cstrike.uk is another cs irc channel as well

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