CS/HL geforce brightness problem



Anyone know how to make CS playable on a GeForce in w2k with the latest detonator drivers?

I don't know exactly where the fault is but since beta7/HL1101 and the detonator3 drivers CS has got so dark it's unplayable for me - I can hardly see a thing on most maps and only NVG's help but they crash my framerate & cost too much...

I've played about with all the console commands I can find and scoured every tweak site I can find but no joy :/

Anyone else have this problem or any solutions?



Bitch ain't it, i crash my fps by yanking up the gamma, it's ok till you get to dust or tundra, then you can't see s--t, it's the same in quake too. I had the same problem with my old ddr, i hoping they bring something decent out soon, so i can buy something better, the geforce 2 is good for everything else, but for HL :(


Shit no!....I just ordered a new system with a GeForce2 !!!

Could it be a driver thing? or Win 2k?

I plan to stay with Win 98 until I get the all clear on Win 2k.

Mr Lee

I'm using a geforce in 2k with the latest drivers and everythings fine, looking through my cfg (note I'm not really sure what I'm looking for :)) the only things that looked like they made a difference were;

gl_overbright "0"
lightgamma 1
gl_lightholes 0
gamma "2.6"
brightness "1.000000"

See if any of them make a difference


Hmm well it looks a bit brighter... hard to tell right now cos it's 8am and a) my eyes don't work properly yet and b) it's really really really sunny in here right now and I can't be arsed to get up and close the blind :)

I'll have a good butchers at it later on :)


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