CS headshot script


Atomic Rammer

Just got CS for the first time - what a great mod!
As a newbie to CS I heard other players talking about a headshot script and so I asked about it and was verbally abused by many players for even asking, saying that if I wanted to cheat I should F*** off.

I said I just wanted to know how it worked and challenged them to explain how on earth you could use console commands to aim for you and laughed as there was complete silence.

Can some more experienced CS players confirm for me that the headshot script is nothing more than a myth?



The CS headshot script is a myth at the moment because no one has been shown to have broken the encryption in the HL net code. From what I understand from reading about the subject, this is an essential step before any aiming proxy, headshot or otherwise, can be made.


There is supposedly an aim bot cheat for q1 tf that aims your crosshair on the heads of targets (sniping) - but you r better off staying away from cheats as only cock sucking morons with no skill use them.

Another aspect of cheats becoming available for games is that if u r/become any good u get arrogant lame arsed tossers accusing u of cheating as they think that no one should be better than them. They should spend less time finding out about cheats becoming available and more time playing then they may get decent.

For my money both type of player - users of cheats and accusers (with no proof) are capable of destroying online gaming and can be put under the same brush - f'ing w*****s!!!!.

Atomic Rammer

I think the hs script is actually not a script at all but a single console command to lock your aim at a certain height

Luckily the relavant command now kicks you from the server in CS 6

LOL !!!!


Well my god if the CS team aren't the biggest shambles in the known world!

erm, do these "l33t" peeps who found this command realise it makes no difference, lets play the spelling game...
K e y b o a r d _ s k 1 l l z
Jesus, rebind a few keys, have it at a constant height, increase the turn speed, and you're made, ph33r!

Kez the l33t

Atomic Rammer

My thoughts exactly! Well almost.

I was thinking something along the lines of mapping joystick axes and holding down a button to enable elevation change.

Or even modifying your mouse so that vertical mouse movement is disabled. Can this be done using software?

(This is not something I'm actually intending to do, I'm just preemtively discussing exploits that might ruin the game)

Still, u need to aim up or down so frequently that I dont really see much point in any of this. Its only useful if you can quickly turn it on and off easily, or in flat portions of the map like corridors where you cant be got at from above.

In any case I think that there is a flaw here in their attempt at realism since I can't believe that anyone can hold a sniper rifle in exactly the same spot from a standing position (in real life). I think all this sniping while strafing is a bit queer. Surely some sort of cursor wander (like tfc conc but not as bad) should be apparent through a zoom. In real sniping they have the end of the barrel on a tripod dont they?

(Yes I'm just a bitter crap sniper!)


Um, so the crosshair hinders you even more? first the shambles CS team cause the bullety fings to not hit where the xhair sez, and now you want them to make it even worse? are you just silly? the xhair is supposed to guide you, if you don't want xhair guidance, turn the facker off, don't ruin it.

Kez the l33t


I also think shooting people while running and jumping about is abit silly. I doubt if anyone could shoot someone from 200 yards away while jumping about like a crazied rabbit. Action Quake was more realistic in this respect.

Counterstrike is the best mod for halflife so far but when I get killed by a jumping sniper it kinder annoys me. :(

Hope they put diving and rolling in the next beta because its so cool looking at people do it in action halflife :)


Most of it is just for show though, no roll or bollocks will ever detract from jumping like a march hare on acid or crouchstrafing as if it was your last.

A simple Jump script that crouches afterwards will do me, gives me the time to shoot the other bugger while he has to reaim twice, of course, sometimes this will result in meh being injured, but as is life.

T'is a bit shite that there are no health kits in CS/AHL though, coz my main strategy is run, and shoot ocassionaly, so I get hit a fair bit (and there is no doubt I'm not crap at DM yet), alas I shall never play CS then ;)

Kez the l33t

Atomic Rammer


I just meant that moving about when sniping is ummm... a tad difficult.

If youre going to do precision sniping in real life then you have to remain completely still and usually have the gun resting on something.

If you're walking about while standing then the second (max) zoom setting on a sipe rifle should be inaccurate.

For the rifle to be accurate I think that from ease of gameplay to fit this realism then there should be a delay after you keep still before accuracy is regained after moving. And a still crouch could reduce this delay.

If youre going to have kickback from the weapon reduce accuracy then this is also a fair measure to affect long range shooting. This isnt to ruin the game even more I just think that to get the accuracy you should stand still and hide like real snipers.


yes, but either way, it detracts from the gameplay element (I assume there is one, but its such a shite mod I'll never touch it again) - the choice inevitably ends up asking "realism or gameplay" because the way all realistic games are programmed atm it seems some of the gameplay is lost because it is So lifelike, this is not to say realism is a bad thing, I just don't think it works at present, thus I'd rather have the gameplay, but thats just me.

Kez the l33t


I don't believe you understood my message in context with what I meant :(

I didn't imply the UT, TFC etc gameplay tactics would be lost, I was attempting to say that having moving weapons (like concs in tfc you said?) would hinder one more, put that in with the crosshair that doesn't hit where it should, and it becomes an almost random thing to hit someone.

I also think that the reason more people are attracted to CS because its their childhood fantasy to play soldiers etc. perhaps thats just my (biased) view on it ;)

Kez the l33t

Atomic Rammer

There are different aspects of gameplay. Theres the fast and furious run about shooting aspect, and then theres the thought and tactics and teamplay aspect.

Yes some aspects of gamplay would suffer, but theyre not the ones I care for, I can just go and play UT TFC etc. I think most people that play CS are playing it because its good to make an ambush, or find a good place to snipe from without being spotted or execute a plan to rush the base. You play a role - thats the fun for me. IMHO dancing snipers aren't playing the role they were designed to perform

Certainly being killed by frontline snipers that are dancing about lessens the aspects of gameplay that I like. I think a slight pause to achieve accuracy is not that big a deal and would enhance the type of gameplay that they are working to achieve with CS.

Atomic Rammer

Since beta 6.1 the guns do hit exactly where they should (not off centre). And thats exactly how they should behave.

I was saying that snipe rifles should be bang on target like they are but only shortly after you have stopped moving to steady yourself for the shot. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Yes that would hinder a sniper but I think for good reason. Think about where you are going to snipe from rather than mindlessly standing out in the open dodging and firing using your l33t skills from other fps games. Its just a bit unreal and cartoony - what CS is trying to avoid.

Snipers could still snipe with the same spot on accuracy but they would have to pick less exposed places to snipe from due to their increased vulnerability. I would hope that this would have a minor impact on game flow while making things a bit fairer.

There will still be good players mowing my arse down with an AK but with them at least I wont be thinking "Thats ****ing impossible to do!"

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