• Thread starter [SCC]Calkarkian
  • Start date


Over the weekend i will be posting all the cheats i know for cs and where to get them from. I have had over 40 emails sent to me asking for the cheats and i met most of these people on BW servers.

Calkarkian (no longer in SCC but looking for new clan)

I have Wallhack(new one works in opengl)
possibly infinite ammo ( coming out soon)

[This message has been edited by [SCC]Calkarkian (edited 06 May 2000).]


Cal do NOT do this, i have seen you ruin some games and i bet it made you feel good, but what about when your trying to play seriously and someone comes in a ruins it?

cant you keep em to yaself?

There are no stooopid questions...

...Just stooopid answers


I know where to get most of those cheats, but I don't have/use any of them. I wonder why. If you were *ahem* and l33t ev1l h4x0r then you would make your own cheats, I dinnae see what posting other peoples is going to do for you... Unless you were wanting to trade pr0n for it or something.

Hmmm sounds like a flame. It's not really s'posed to be, but I just don't see the point. Besides if you use all of the above cheats the game just looks and feels ridiculous, I just don't understand how you could enjoy playing it unless you just liked other peoples misfortune...

I mostly feel sorry for the people who start arguing with the cheats, cos then the cheats feel the need to victimise people even more. But the worst thing to do is cheat back, unless you want to see the server clear out. I say, ignore it, find another server or take a break. Your best weapon is a silent satisfaction that you don't have the same psychological issues that the cheats do...

Atomic Rammer

You really are a very naughty boy aren't you Calk?

AND you are a cheat. And I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
Your granny sucks eggs, and you smell of poo, and you pick your nose and eat it.

Mind you I've always wanted to be a very very very very naughty little boy myself. If I had those cheats I would get up to all sorts of tomfoolery and skullduggery. And people would get really annoyed with me and I would laugh at them. I would go Har Har at the monitor.

They would use rude words at me and call me names, but sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

Calk. If you send me those cheats I will be your best friend, and we could go on the bw servers together and cheat like mad, won't that be fun.

I've never had a real friend before. Mummy says I'm special though. Can I come round your house for tea? You can show me your best cheats and how good u are at the game.

I just can't wait to be a really good cheat like you. Hurry up with the cheats. I'm weeing my pants.

Tell your mum I don't like fish fingers in case she makes that for us.

Where are the cheats!!!!!

old.Mad Bloke

Your attention seeking and superiority complex are glaring signs that there is something physcologically wrong with you little boy. Maybe you get bullyed by the kids in school, maybe you are being sexually abused by your daddy ?

Feel free to post your troubles here Calkarkian, we won't laugh at all and maybe we can help.

I can understand, although still disapprove, if someone is utter shite at the game and cheats to make them look better but YOU Calkarkian are still utter shite with or without your cheats, I suggest you play something that requires less skill.

~ MD


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally rambled by Mad Bloke:
Maybe you get bullyed by the kids in school, maybe you are being sexually abused by your daddy ?
ok, now while I understand that he's a skanky cheater and you all hate him (hell, even I dislike cheats, and this is CS we're talking about), but please (if only for meh sake) refrain from such eeeeeeeevil comments?
g'wan, you know you wanna.


No lets see. Beta6.5 is out in 1-2 weeks. This will stop all the cheats he's going on about.

Ah then there's the fact BW is monitoring this forum so the second he posts them (if he ever does) then it will be wiped :)

Also [SCC]Calkarkian why not grow up? It seems your doing all this for the attention, and get a kick out of pissing people off.

Posted by S.A.S


oooh, SAS, you can change yer sig. to yer new subdomian whatnot thingie now ;)

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