CS boxed set



When the new CS comes out (boxed set) arabstreets,office aren't going to be there (and a few more maps also).
Will BW be supplying a custom map server (hopefully running the new arabstreets).
Will BW ever get a decent CS map cycle running? how about halfing the maps for each server?i just played 3 hours of cs,and the only maps i played were assualt,foption,747,dust and office. i seem to miss the decent maps when i goto play cs.


Office ain't gona be in there, thats good news, if's there's a case for worst cs map ever then im sure cs_office is up there somewhere:) But your right about the maps, all i ever seem to play these days is 747, office, dust and foption, which im starting to like these days, now i realise how big it is:)


How can you NOT like CS_OFFICE. It is probably the best hostage rescue map in the current rotation. Just played a competition with that map in 4v4 and it ROCKED !

Just my 2p


Ok fair enough it's just my opinion, each to his own, i just find it way to small, and all rush and attack, unless the CT's camp the spawn, it just becomes two teams rushing each other, the t's can't realy hold back because a rushing ct force just runs straight over them, and flanks any t's that might be trying to hold the back entrance window:) I just speak from my experiences on public servers thats all:eek:


For every person that loves a CS map, there's usually 2 that hate it. One of the things that surprises me is the rapidity that the dev team have ditched some maps (and even game styles, like Escape) based on very early user feedback. IMO games are like music, films, and many other forms of entertainment - it's the ones that initially jar a little, and take a while to get used to, that ultimately prove most rewarding. My favourite maps for QW and Q2 were ones I absolutely hated the first few times I played them, but with CS we don't get the chance to adjust - if people don't take to stuff straight away, it gets changed or ditched.

Have all the old "redundant" maps actually been taken out of the client now? Or are they just removed from the map rotation? I mean, I sure downloaded them at some point, and it would be pretty ridiculous if the newer client releases actually deleted the older maps. The newest "full" client isn't exactly small in size either, which would suggest all those old maps are in there, just not used.

Might be nice to see a server or two running some of those older maps - or am I the only one starting to get very bored of aztec/dust/prodigy/assault/siege/rinse/wash/repeat as necessary?


Yeah in the new client releases, the old maps ain't there, shame i say, but the download would be huge if they were, so maybe not:) but iv'e got all the maps archived on cd anyway, i play them from time to time on my lan, maps like station, biohazard and the retirement home were class, The best games ever came on escape maps, i too would like too see them return, maybe a better way of getting into the weps cash at the start though. You couldn't beat sneaking around jail, the map was perfect, a great atmosphere being at night, plenty of places to hide, and loads of ways in or out, and a top map all round, it also ran like a dream:)


its just a shame there getting rid of arabstreets,the new arabstreets has no roof walking ,the r_speeds have been lowered alot also.there was a link on csnation,that there gonna be ditching some of the maps.which is a shame as most of the shite maps are being left in(they took out docks and left in assault).id post the link but,the cs website wont open 4 me.
office is a good map and so is foption ,but when you play the map 3 times in a row it gets really fuckin boring.
Well what do you lot think of BW getting a decent map rotation???


Originally posted by Kurt_Angle
Yeah in the new client releases, the old maps ain't there, shame i say, but the download would be huge if they were

As opposed to 100MB+ ? :)

Seriously though, are you sure they've been hacked out? I mean, RA2 for Q2 has 30 maps or something at the moment (far more than CS), and the maps themselves are made up of 5 or so arenas each, and that comes in (full) at about 70mb. OK, so they're different games, but the maps are constructed in the same way, and so should take about the same amount of space (in fact, the CS maps are probably more simple).

but iv'e got all the maps archived on cd anyway

Aye, I'm guessing most people do, as they've upgraded through the patches - unless the newer ones actually delete the maps from the older patch paks (which I very much doubt), they're just sat their on our hard disks doing nothing. How about it BW - set up a couple of the servers playing some of the old classics. OK, it might not cater to those people who go straight to version 1 (or beta 7), but they'll still have 12-odd servers to choose from (and as the maps that got ditched tend to be love-em-or-hate-em types, it shouldn't be too bad getting onto the server either). Hmm, mebbe we should petition the CS team to release the old maps individually...

[Edited by Stu- on 19-10-00 at 16:25]


Getting rid of Escape maps was unavoidable. Trying to get people to AVOID combat in an online FPS was never gonna work, so it was flawed from the start.

The maps that get cut from the retail version of CS, like arabstreets, will still be present in the v1.0 download, so the chances are most servers will still run them.

I also expect (hope anyway) that we'll see things going the AQ2 route with Map Packs being made available by a mainstream website and run on the majority of servers.

BTW, cs_office rocks, don't deny it :)


1 Question how much is it going to cost?? Oh yeah cs_Office is good but it's shit if the CT's camp, cs_Arabstreets is shit too de_Dust now there's a map :)


dust LOL

arabstreets is a good map raven,espcially with the r_speeds lowered.i don't seem to get any pleasure from playing dust anymore.


Tsk. de_dust annoys the hell out of me. It's a DM map these days - who can buy the weapons the quickest and rush to position the quickest.

Counter-Strike should be about thought, skill and aim, not "who can get into position the fastest".

Maps which have the right stuff include:

Why? They all offer multiple routes, good layout, clear goals. They don't just rely on major fire fights taking place in choke points that everyone sprinted to.

Oh, and DaGoD - if the CTs camp in cs_office, the Ts will win. :)


Back alley is one of my faves, I also like 747 for some reason (don't know why) and Oilrig (encourages teamwork imo). Dust sux ass, period. Prodigy good.
Estate is annoying when your a CT and creeping down the tunnel bit at the start and some tosser comes running behind you.
foption is nice, but I always lag on that map :(
I also like Tundra, coz a firefight in the open is always fun. Mind you a scrap in the tunnel is groovy too.

erm...thats it.

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