/cry for archers



I know that site been around for ages but i finally i took some time to read thru it. I gotta say archers have suffered too much.

Gave 6 second stackable pulsing blade turn to others.

Gave pets the ability to chase archers from unlimited range.

Gave casters in each realm "Near sight" anti-archer spells.

Gave all casters self blade turn.

Gave Assassins "Detect Hidden" to see archers at range.

Added 10 second delay to restealth.

Made it impossible to stealth while mezzed.

Increased draw times.

Increased fumbles. With 50 base longbow I often fumble twice in a row and sometimes 3 in a row.

Increased misses.

Increased the chance to "unstealth" when nocking an arrow, not firing. With 63 stealth 2 out of 3 times is the normal.

Added interruptions.

Reduced damage to sitting players.

Reduced damage to higher level players

Gave assassins 'See Hidden' on top of 'Detect Hidden' so they can see higher level archers regardless of stealth spec. It sets the archers level / stealth to 1.

Reduced bow damage in PVE and RVR by 20%. They didn't post this but one of the developers himself explained it.

GIVF scouts and other archer somethin pls, cant say ANY other class that have been nerfed as much as they do. Kinda sad really :(


Some of those needed changing though, hardly call them nerfs.


Archers as a whole are not that bad. The only real problem with them is that, after all the nerfs/balancing, they don't bring anything particularly valuable to either PVE or RVR groups so there's no compelling reason to have them around. The scout and ranger team leads both report that the devs are now examining the role of the archer in DAoC and hopefully we'll see some fleshing out of the class in the next couple of patches. Some of the things that have been discussed: quickshot that would work like a mage's quickcast, bow styles based on bow spec like the other combat lines with linked debuffs/bleed, a tracking skill (first promised a year and a half ago :rolleyes: )...

Tank Init

tanks dont really give anything to a group either if u got a enchanter whos full mana spec, in fact haveing tanks in a group with a enchanter slows down the exp flow, soon you will see heros, champs and blademasters begging for exp, as there not really needed for leveling, they will be begging stalkers for groups soon when mages and healers dont want them anymore.


Originally posted by Tank Init
tanks dont really give anything to a group either if u got a enchanter whos full mana spec, in fact haveing tanks in a group with a enchanter slows down the exp flow, soon you will see heros, champs and blademasters begging for exp, as there not really needed for leveling, they will be begging stalkers for groups soon when mages and healers dont want them anymore.

Yuo just descprised normal day on hib/pryd

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