@ Cro



Stop laughing and waving from stealth lamer and come fight me.


Club Singer

Cro Bar

LOL .... hey mate I would have, and no doubt I'd have died.... I did'nt due to the the odds ie you had 3 mates with you ...... about all I could do was wave :) .... My first time in the BG, sorry if I pissed you off .... was funny tho you were all running through me .... all over .... must say this SB lark is fun.

Thanks for the music tho .... hence the dancing.


i try to wave to all my victims before i get em :)

ps - quick tip to all the kobold runies who like to sit - dont ;)

and some of your stealth levels are absolutly shocking midgard, im appauled! jereza is the only one i have trouble finding (congrats btw for you know what, despite my missing (which is in no way an excuse) you showed me how painful a 2h sword is ;) )


LOL Cro (bro) that waving lark, the last time I tried that was on Friday, sat up on the battlements in e-main and waved at a bunch of hi-con albs... it was a riot to watch them runaround looking for me, even blew a kiss to the chick with the pet (hector?), I stopped laughing when the stealther I hadnt seen decided to share some of his styles with me tho...


Originally posted by Myshra
and some of your stealth levels are absolutly shocking midgard, im appauled!
Unfortunately us poor Mids have to make do with only 2.2 points so unless we build for thidranki we have to cut back somewhere. Also remember a lot of us (myself included) are building Shadowzerkers with a long term game plan so adding any stealth at all is just a waste of autotrain points.


2.2 ? pfft minstrels get 1.5 :( and I believe scouts get 2 points per level

2.2 is no excuse :p , hell, it's damned near luxurious :)


I think he is on about our Infils getting 2.5x per lvl, personally I'd like to be able to hit with both DW weps instead of the xtra .3x per lvl :D

Brannor McThife

Hell, I'd give up the .3 per level to be able to wield 2-H weapons as an assassin... :rolleyes:


Halo | NS


I had heard Infiltrators will have to train in 'disguise' rather than get it naturally (Like the Shadowblade and Nightshade) when the ability gets implemented.

Is that true? If that is the case, then infiltrators can have their extra training for all I care.

Shadowblades get amazing fighting abilities. They can kill anything if used well.

Nightshades get magic and are encouraged to invest more time in the study of poisons. We make excellent all rounders in my humble opinion and amazing anti-stealther units.

Infiltrators get extra points to spend in melee or stealth, for now.

I really do think a plan is laid out so eventually the three stealther classes will become equal. Just be patient and adapt to the situation. I'm having amazing fun as the 'weakest stealther' (apparantly) in the game and my character template as horrible.

Pwyiw TwoFace

For me, towards the end of Thidranki, I turned defensive. Having better stealth than the SB's I faced, I could stand on the hill in front of the keep and wait for them to try sneak up and kill a caster and either run away or sneak off. My job was not to kill them, although, if they were blue enough, I could do do. I simply PA'd him, turned and ran back up the hill, leaving the intended targets to fireball the SB and the NPC bowmen to shoot them.

I will say, that I never really feared nightshades. One on one was never an issue, but, against SB's, if I didn't at least get my PA in first, then I was doomed. I don't measure my skill in killing a SB one on one. Just making sure he/she dies and I return to my guard duty.


I've just levelled my Hunter to Thidranki level (after my Thane crashed and burned several times) and it's my first RvR experience with a Stealth class.

Already I have noticed that my meagre 15 Stealth (Lvl 20 char) will not cut it against the uber Alb stealthers. The only way I could even rival the stealth of their twinked characters is if I stop maxing out Comp Bow and put everything I have into Stealth while levelling from 20-24 which isn't gonna happen.

While talking about Stealth classes everyone seems to forget the lowly Hunter. They don't seem to do nearly aswell in the BGs as other classes.


I don't think it's intended that Hunters/Rangers/Scouts would be able to out-stealth the assasin classes, since stealth is the assasins defining attribute, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you do spot a stealther, you just plug him full of arrows like a pin cushion and see how well his leather armour stands up to it :cool:

Brannor McThife

I've watch Hunters kill a lot of infiltrators. Mainly when the albs are PK camping. It's simple. Sit within the Uber guard range and cloak. Then the infils can't get to you, or if they try, they die. Wait with your max range/damage arrow knocked and drawn. Then wait for an infil to attack someone and destealth, and pow. 3/4 Hunters will drop an infil before he starts to think about not camping anymore...

As Carnelian said, archer classes will never outstealth assassins. I often tracked hunters for ages, taunting them with /wave. ;)



blaming it on us being twinked holds no ground, as its the player who makes the killer, not the items. all my +stealth items are items any one can get at that level.


Hey I was only commenting why we have low stealth!!

But seriously you'd give up that 0.3 for DW or 2H weapons? Hell i'd give up both for the 0.3 and Dragonfang.

Here's a very quick template knowing little to nothing about infs. 40 stealth, 50 thrust, 40 envenom, 39 CS.So allowing the general rule that you can get +11 points in RR/Items that leaves you with maxed stealth, safe fall 4, Lifebane, a respectable CS and to cap it Dragonfang a level 50 style with a stun triggered by an evade. I mean ffs with evade 7 you should be able to pull that move off every 2nd/3rd swing.

Compare that to a SZ if I go 39LA/34Axe,39 CS and 40 stealth the best I can get is 23 Envenom, add to that my primary damage style (Doublefrost) is about to get the shaft I sure as hell know which points scale/styles i'd go for. Oh and did I mention that Dragonfang has a nice bonus to our chain? :rolleyes: Or that our 1 saving grace of staying stealthed after CS also gets battered with the nerf stick? And I purposely haven't mentioned autotrain here either.

Dont get me wrong in the BG at this moment in time our SB can look very good, you just have to allow that as time go's on the gap will close until you are head and shoulders above us.

***public service announcement*** this is not a rant :m00:

Brannor McThife

If you play a crit-infil, then a 2-Handed weapon would be awesome. I've already started a critblade in Mid, and will have pretty decent stealth and be able to lop off heads in one shot. Fine, so my axe skill will be 1 as with my LH-Axe. But that's how I planned my Infil. To do 1.5x the damage we do minimum... I understand that we may end up more stealthy and as such have to make sure we get the crit first against you guys. But, even then, you outdamage us in hand to hand.



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