Critblade TOA temp


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Hi !

I am looking for/need help with a TOA temp for a critblade that will have GsV, SoM and Legendary 2 H weapons Cold/heat in it

buffbotted kobold have atm Qui at 254 and dex 367 (can´t remember if i have Qui capped in the temp i use atm though)

I need a temp that get the important stats ALL resists at cap or near cap
sword,stealth,CS and env +11,prepared to use extra MP gloves with Env for swapping though.

melee SPD near 10%
style,meleedmg AFbonus and STRcap will be considered a bonus

Appreciate all the help i can get because I am not that good at making temps.

thanks in advance!

PS. If anyone says there is a better vest than GsV after I've almost finished levelling it i gonna shoot myself IRL ,so sick and tired of lavabugs :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I'm also a crit blade! I'm starting to make a template soon, I'm sure it's gonna suck, but you can have a look at it when it's done ;)

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