Having just spent an unsuccessful and thoroughly frustrating chunk of my day down the police station to report my brother's car being broken into and completely shafted because whoever did it was too inept to actually steal it (which would have been covered on the insurance) I wanted to ask you lot what you think to the following scenarios.
Put a percentage likelihood (in your opinion) of the following happening in each given scenario.
*a) The police find out who did the crime.
*b) They are charged with the crime.
*c) They are found guilty
*d) They recieve a custodial sentence.
And the situations are:
1) Car is broken into.
2) Car is stolen
3) You are violently mugged.
4) Your house is burgled (while you are out)
So, for example my answers would be
1a 4%
b 3%
c 2%
d 1%
2a 8%
b 5%
c 3%
d 2%
3a 20%
b 16 %
c 16%
d 5%
4a 7%
b 5%
c 4%
d 4%
Don't know why I thought of this, probably just the over whelming feeling of "Whats the fucking point" as we waited down the police station. When we finally got to see the receptionist, we were told to go to a little phone booth by the entrance and phone someone up on that to report the crime. They'll phone us back in about two days time... Mean time the car is completely immobile (with the doors and ignition screwed).
Put a percentage likelihood (in your opinion) of the following happening in each given scenario.
*a) The police find out who did the crime.
*b) They are charged with the crime.
*c) They are found guilty
*d) They recieve a custodial sentence.
And the situations are:
1) Car is broken into.
2) Car is stolen
3) You are violently mugged.
4) Your house is burgled (while you are out)
So, for example my answers would be
1a 4%
b 3%
c 2%
d 1%
2a 8%
b 5%
c 3%
d 2%
3a 20%
b 16 %
c 16%
d 5%
4a 7%
b 5%
c 4%
d 4%
Don't know why I thought of this, probably just the over whelming feeling of "Whats the fucking point" as we waited down the police station. When we finally got to see the receptionist, we were told to go to a little phone booth by the entrance and phone someone up on that to report the crime. They'll phone us back in about two days time... Mean time the car is completely immobile (with the doors and ignition screwed).