Yea its always been the same with creeping death , regardless of your target
Non-Tank visuals = Can strafe or sprint away from your pa np if they know how.
Tanks = Can parry creeping death alot also same as above
Stealthers = Evade creeping death alot of the times tbh
Overall i find it easier to pa a moving target than a stationary one<unless sitting> as u can catch them unawares as they are less likely to get a glimpse of u just before u perf them and if u stick just after u land pa u can cd em in the back so no parry/evade etc
It all depends on player skill in both parts tbh , givf a snare on pa tbh , go on ... givf
seems its a lag issue...or strafe that is causin with practice you can learn to wrk round ive heard...not figured it out myself but the whines i hear of "you lag abusing strafeing cnut bucket" must have atleast some truth in it...must also depends on the target u land it on...if its a stationary target an u stick em just as u land pa....i cant see why it would do it....
most of the times a stealther pas my tank or so they can be a few feet behind me and get cd in its very lagg made...and the stealthers like it to i ´bet
Its the same error you get if you PA a moving target when they are infront of you instead of when you are a few paces away. Just practice and you will land more. Ive found that PAing targets earlier helps me with landing CD much more.
If they got speed just stick right after PA, just be ready to stop and turn 180 (get mousepan on, takes less than 0.5 sec then) if they begin to lag off. But no matter what, the sec you pa, press sprint, all the time. Id say i get cd off 60-70% of the time, biggest problem is shield tanks parry/blocking it.
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