Creating a Scout......



Greetings Albs..

I was wondering how to specc my scout?

Any tips for a newbee (in Albion) ??
What do avoid and so on??


Cloak `n Daggers


I would say. Don't start a scout until Mythic got those nerfs out again. Your scout is gonna suck in 1.50 A noob NS or SB can detect you easily with see hidden :(

I started my scout early on and when I lvled 50 I felt it an challenge to lvl my scout although I know he will be nerved to oblivion.

If you really decide to start one I would say: max your longbow, at least 42 in shield for slam, your lifesaver. And then you can either decide to pump some in stealth and thrust like i did or think that stealth will be obsolete because of see hidden in 1.50 and pump it all in thrust.


Forget it Scouts, Hunters, Rangers crap in 1.50 Assassin fodder

Poor Eleasias won't know what hit him :(


stealth chars aint been nerfed that bad . and definatly not obsolete . the only chars that can buy that realm ability is assasin . and do you realyl think there is gonna be tons of assasins running around knowing that they cant 1 shot kill and stay stealthed . belieave me when that patch comes assasins get hit just as bad as other stealthers .thus not many people making scouts and not many making assasins . although i still think many minstrals will be made cos there stealth has always sucked . and they can and will still be a very viable char for rvr .


Yoda u ever played on the American servers and have u taken a look at the characters with the most RP's in one day

Trust me running through emain on the american server is like running an assassin Gauntlet, with 4-5 trying to PA u all the time


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ
and do you realyl think there is gonna be tons of assasins running around...

Yes :D
Midgard has 5x more assasins then Albion+Hib :]


Saracen +10 dex/con/qui or +15dex +10qui for max dmg.

As for final template u dont have to decide till 40+ so see how u like to play & how much u need melee. Keep bow maxxed at least to 40. Killtask to lvl20.


Aha :)

Thanks alot for all the answers.

Ushari The Scout
Cloak`n Daggers


At the end of all the nerfs you still have a DD with a range of 2300 (plus the bad guys only need to in range at the end of your 'cast' - unlike a normal nuker), and studded armour, and a shield.

Plus depending on your spec, you have stealth capable of beating anyone bar an assassin or a pet, and/or a 9 sec stun on your shield and/or respectable thrust or slash melee capability.

Certainly the nerfs make scouts less powerful, but run with a group (like everyone else bar assassins) and you'll be just fine.

Like others have said - standard template is to keep your bow maxed, and pick one of sheild or thrust as your second main skill, and put extra points into dex, qui, con.


Archers are quite good as long as you don't expect them to be ruling the server :)

(after 1.50)

They're just as naff as everyone else in surviving in RvR ... actually slightly better... as you can't be easily spotted by the skalds/minstrels/other speed classes when they're solo.

(gwan, try running around solo as a tank, then come back and say your sniper is gimped?)

As for advice:

Ignore your stealth until you're high level.. it's worthless in PvE for an archer, no?

other than that I'm not too sure :) If I was going for a scout, I'd probably spec quite high in shield/melee with less than the usual amount in longbow.. but then again I'm weird... so don't listen to me.


Whatever you do, do not read that url posted in the previous post.

It was written by an hysterical fool whose primary reason to whine was because once he was uber, now he is not.

If you really want to see how scouts do, go to the Camelot Herald and look at the RP earners for the US servers. Most archer classes are represented in the top 25 total RP holders, and in the top RP in last 7 days category.

Scouts are not gimped, they just are no longer as uber as they once were. They same can be said for all archers.

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