created a pbaoe-aimed SM... and now?



Hello fellow Midgardians

just created a SM to once become a pbaoer. Can I get some advice on the spec-path and final setup as I do not seem to find neither good SM guides nor speccing details...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the good advice I can get

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Old Nicodemus

I would suggest going darkness until 20 then respecc to supp and play until 40. If you don't like your PBer by then respecc into darkness.

Early levels can fly by with supp and a good group but if you want to survive those moments when you don't have a good group or you are soloing then darkness and a good pet will help.

Other than that.. you can't go wrong.

Just have fun and find the play style that suits you :) If you want a bit more info just send me a BW Pm and I'll answer your questions :)


Personally I found great fun in my summoning SM - who I respecced to Supp at 20 - but apart from that, I'd say go with Nico's advice :)

And if pbae is what you're after, I'd go high Supp and put the rest into darkness :)


Halas for you Anoushka,

PBAoE SMs can be the most fun to play when you get a good group.

Unfortunately, there still are too many people frightened at the idea of having 5 or 6 mobs at once pounding at them.

Recently I was in a group with 2 tanks, 2 healers (at least one pac with a good stun) and 2 SMs. Guess what: we were root-pulling.

I personally have given up on good pbaoe groups for if everyone loves the idea, no-one seems ready to try it.

But I wish you luck in your endeavour. I personally look forward to getting to RvR see what it's worth in Keep defense. I bet a couple of us at the Lord would be enough to keep anyone at bay until mana runs out...


only 5-6 mobs??? ask Ozird how many he got for us in one pull when we xpd with our PBAE group, most ppl would crap their pants ;p

and to Anoushka, Supp Sm´s are great fun to play in a dedicated group where everyone knows what to do..

my SM is currently lvl 37, and we are having a great time in malmo pulling 5+ draks/pull (sometimes more, 20+) and we rarely have any wipeouts, we get insane xp insanely fast and having fun while getting it, i aint going back to the old mezz and bash way of xping ever...

we play with our group alittle now and then when we have time and we dont xp outside group, im pretty sure the amazons could do the same. feel free to PM me if you need any help with group setup, xp spots etc.

old.Ozird Rinfut

Originally posted by Irgil
only 5-6 mobs??? ask Ozird how many he got for us in one pull when we xpd with our PBAE group, most ppl would crap their pants ;p

and to Anoushka, Supp Sm´s are great fun to play in a dedicated group where everyone knows what to do..

my SM is currently lvl 37, and we are having a great time in malmo pulling 5+ draks/pull (sometimes more, 20+) and we rarely have any wipeouts, we get insane xp insanely fast and having fun while getting it, i aint going back to the old mezz and bash way of xping ever...

we play with our group alittle now and then when we have time and we dont xp outside group, im pretty sure the amazons could do the same. feel free to PM me if you need any help with group setup, xp spots etc.

I think record pull was 20 wolfs :D

After lvl 34 we used Hardbeins Malmohus XP map, found on this forum on page 4 or 5 or something.


Irgil has it spot on, find a dedicated group. If the majority aren't on dont hunt, when they are on let rip and have fun. The group i'm with are all having the most fun in ages from what I can see, we have an average /played of 5 days to L48(we haven't been rushing), we can take down pulls of 8 draks with little problem and exp rate is just insane. Even if a group member misses a few hunts they catch up at an amazing rate.

To cap it on Saturday we were hunting in DF, when ready to leave we decided to suicide on the Alb side. At the time we were the only 8 non-anon mids in DF, we proceeded to clear house all the way to the alb portal only dieing when the 2fg returning from the mid side hit us from behind. 4k rps in 5 minutes convinced us this group is the most fun you can have in this game, and you really begin to understand why NP run the group they do.


Originally posted by Old Nicodemus
I would suggest going darkness until 20 then respecc to supp and play until 40. If you don't like your PBer by then respecc into darkness.

Early levels can fly by with supp and a good group but if you want to survive those moments when you don't have a good group or you are soloing then darkness and a good pet will help.

Other than that.. you can't go wrong.

Just have fun and find the play style that suits you :) If you want a bit more info just send me a BW Pm and I'll answer your questions :)

Can't say ive had any problems soloing as pbae sm =)

debuff pull >send pet >get in position>pbae>quickpbae>dead>loop

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