crazy thoughts



I havent been to sleep yet...just ran around Thid with my Sb gettng killed and going pretty tired, but i have a gut feeling that i want to play my Sb at a critblade :/

So i think im pretty crazy for wanting to level this character to 50 considering i havent even got a single one of my 2 'mains' to the big 50 yet.

I dont know though, i think i could have fun playing an honest unbuffed CB, perhaps i could do well at it???
After uni commitments are over for this year i'll have the time i suppose, but will the current stigma on Shadowblades affect me? since i will be refraiming from buffbots and all that crap.

hmm, i still can't believe i want to do this either....i must be going mad.


I regret not going Critblade on my SB TBH.

If SBs ever get granted a respec I'm going 50 Crit, 50 Axe, 37 Stealth without a second thought.


well hopefully its just a case of scalling up my SB's spec already.
The way i play ATM in Thidranki is hit em hard, hit em fast and get the hell out of there...

Though the only problem is the feeling im going to spend most of my time in places like Valruv and Spidel soloing various things from 24 onwards :(

i suppose it's ok to the 30's then i have to appeal to peeps better nature. That or roll a buffbot but that defeats the point in rolling an honest no BB Critblade doesn't it :)


we have a cb in our guild... Throat, lvl 47 or 48 these days.

Sounds like he has a great laugh, one shotting lvl 50 casters

Go for it swords ;)


One of our Guildys Jasilla just hit lvl 50 yesterday, managed it as a sword spec critblade... Looks to be a nightmare to level but well worth it when your stabbing people in the back :)


Originally posted by swords
I dont know though, i think i could have fun playing an honest unbuffed CB, perhaps i could do well at it???

  1. I remember the days when Emain was all fields.

    Seriously, I doubt that unbuffed assassin will do much except die, mate. That's the way Mythic want it. Sorry to break it to you like that, but I hope you can prove me wrong :) Good luck, and while I'm at it, good luck levelling to 50, too :D


Heh Jasilla is my wife, she seems to be enjoying her char now she's 50, but she had some rough spots getting there. Even so I think her /played was the fairly standard ~20 days for a first char and thats with over 500 fletching :) Still need to get her some nice weapons but even with her 15dps sword she was able to kick a bluecon buffbotted NS's ass several times yesterday. Be nice to see her trying out some yellowcon casters soon :)


This is great, the only thing we actually need in realms:

More stealthers..

Note the irony in this post, only zergfils/buffedfils/buffblades..etc. I think you know what I mean.

Example: Last time I did some rvr with my skald in emain we were 1fg and spotted 1fg fron NP, we were:

1 skald (me)
1 healer
5(!!!!!!!!) rouges
and 1 thane that was something like 44 or so.

They were all like "OMG NP, we are sooo dead lets run!"
we got wiped pretty easily since our rouges didnt know it would be good to get their caster/drood, instead they broke mezz and was like "HEAL ME HEAL ME!!!!!"

What is there to learn by this?
Np = succesfull due to one fact tha they dont have any stealthers in their groups, when I played with Bulle Af Fetstryk, 2fg vs 2fg NP we smacked them around with only 1 loss...skills from baf and guess what..we didnt have a single rouge in group ^^

I dont even know why I wrote this story, somebody flame me'

Edit: There is some good SB players aswell, I don't deny that, just that we need tanks/healers/casters not SB:s


You're right. Stealthiers have no place in regular groups after nerfing by mystic.


Actually Jas was really useful in our group, great for spotting other stealthers and warning us about them, trying to keep the shammy alive. 5 might be a bit much for 1 group, but even so I've had some great xp with my thane and my healer in mainly rogue groups, and both of my chars are useful to them, with slam, instas and melle support for my thane and of course heals buffs and stuns from my healer.


1 sb with see hidden is ok in a group... beyond that a nd the group has gimp written all over...

same with thanes atm really :)


Originally posted by insomnia
Np = succesfull due to one fact tha they dont have any stealthers in their groups

I call bullshit on that one.

The reason NP is sucessfull is that they know how to play, and they have the essential in a group. Ofc, if they had one skald and rest stealthers they wouldnt own so bad, but seriously. There is some variables in a "perfect" group.

LA is doing fine with Ozrique, like NP are with Fonss, yes there is room for stealthers, but the key to success is everyone knowing what to do and when.

I was in a group once with 7tanks and one healer, we wiped 20albs(low rr ofc), we didnt have uber-buffs, we didnt have good cc(was a mend/aug healer) we didnt have pbt or resist-buffs, but we took em due to protecting the healer and taking out the important chars first.


Hey :)

Im a lvl 50 critblade (50 Cs 50 Sword) and its great fun.

There's nothing like one-shotting a caster in a group, running off and coming back doing the same to a second caster :p

I find myself abit lacking against faster hitting inf's though.
Mainly cause of DF :p

If you wanna be a critblade, go for it :)

Though as Svart says, without a buffbot be prepeared to live of casters forever, just like i did till rr3.

With a buffbot, you are even to the rest of the buffbot users.

Evil circle that, someone gets a buffbot, someone dies to a buffbot user, subject rolls a buffbot.



Brelakor lvl 50 Critblade
Breladur lvl 33 SZ


read my lips...never will i ever get a doesn't amtter how man y times i get ganked.

Either i will go alone and go searching for casters (as stated)
if im in a guild group or another group my job will be to either hang back and protect the healer from enemy stealthers or take out enemy healers and support classes.

I think i know my role quite well i have been playing in thid with a critblade for a few months now and the principles are the same.
get in PA a caster and run for it....if you escape stealth heal up stalk same group and do it again.

It takes alot of patience to play a Critblade imho, you can't just go in and PA someone or your gonna get stunned mezzed and ganked...waiting for the right moment is the key to success...
if i can do that without a buffbot and get out alive. why do i need a buffbot???

Im not a SZ going around fighting tanks....tanks are a no no :p


Endgame RvR is NOTHING like Thid.

Playing a Shadowblade in Thid is like being a little 'mini-god'.

Very rarely will you ever oneshot Casters in endgame and very rarely will you ever be able to run into a group, PA and make it out alive.


Critblade rules =)

I have so much fun trying to oneshot casters. But as always i seem to die before i can do my PA, ns and infils are nasty =)

I have
50 crit
50 axe
34 stealth
14 venom

And i would never want anything else
Good luck


Almost like my spec :) only better :p

Wish i had auto-trained stealth and not specced it all the way up too gimped 37 :)


Swords as Dook says, end game is NOTHING like thid, people react faster, better, and do the right thing purely out of experience.

One-shotting casters in a fg and getting away, has just a slip chance of succseding (yeah yeah, my spelling i know:p), i know this from experience.

I walsed into emain thinking id own just like in thid, boy was i ever wrong.

But, one learns:) 4 realm ranks later, ive gotten IMO very good at what i do and can solo mostly anything, havent tried myself against the new classes yet though, and as you said, tanks are almost always a no no.

You CAN manage without a buffbot, i did for 3 realm ranks, but at one point you get so sick of getting killed by uber buffed infs/ns/tanks/vein spiderlings that you just snap.

There was a period i died over and over again to buffed characters, and it really brought me down to the point where i wanted to quit everything.

But thanks to people ingame that got me in a better mood, and told me all about this buffbot thingy, i didnt. :p

Thanks Svartalf, Adrira and Azal for that btw:)

Then i rolled a buffbot and was equal with the rest again.

Edit: i can ofcourse not solo friars either :p and a bunch of other thing that travels in groups and block alot.

Brelakor lvl 50 Critblade
Breladur lvl 33 SZ


Originally posted by Arnor2

I call bullshit on that one.

The reason NP is sucessfull is that they know how to play, and they have the essential in a group. Ofc, if they had one skald and rest stealthers they wouldnt own so bad, but seriously. There is some variables in a "perfect" group.

LA is doing fine with Ozrique, like NP are with Fonss, yes there is room for stealthers, but the key to success is everyone knowing what to do and when.

I was in a group once with 7tanks and one healer, we wiped 20albs(low rr ofc), we didnt have uber-buffs, we didnt have good cc(was a mend/aug healer) we didnt have pbt or resist-buffs, but we took em due to protecting the healer and taking out the important chars first.

Indeed they are skillfull, I should have written "one of the things that makes them so succesfull". They know how to play, indeed they do.
I am talking from my pryd/hib experience, what theydo on PvP/Excal I have no clue about

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