tonight emain was rockin!
i loged on and heared about hibs attackin crim, so i decided to head there right away. when i finally arrived all hibs were wiped(whats new...
so we had a pretty nice force gathered at crim and wanted to take a keep as revenge, so we did and eurhh i think it was da behn fell in hand of albion.
all this time i was walkin over to dc to get a freakin ram caus i just knew hibs were gonna go for dun scathaig, and so they did... bout 30+ hibs hittin the doors at scathaig when i arrived with the catapult team, damn how the hell get a full cata team inside a keep without one death, we just ran for it, and yes with some luck i guess we all made it inside.
we defended it well with the 5 pll that we were(was good for 1000+ rp) but had to give in on the larger hib force stormin trough the gates and gankin me with my treb
after that the hibs went for dun nged i think, and they failed there so we felt we should really freak u guys out by takin scathaig back, and so we did, then it became pretty tempty!
one keep left,if that one went down, no uber guards, hmmz, like everyone would of gone for the last keep and so did we!(what lvl were the doors at ailinne btw?) felt like hittin rock!
we got passed the first door and suddenly someone yelled hibs inc!!!
like 3sec later a aoe mezz takes everyone between the doors, at last when pll could run we all ran out and started a very nice battle! you hibs really had luck with the guardspawn tough, not sure how it would of ended otherwise, think we albs would of died anyway tough but u never know.(nother question, howmany u had left standing at ailinne after the fight?).
then well 3/4 of the amry left alltough i still felt like going for the relic(seemed fair as u guys got the defenders right there
) but no, not enough players anymore.
so i gather whats left at crim and went for dc wich failed caus of 10-15 albs against a defended keep will never work(without rams)!
anyaways i wanne thank any hib mid alb for being there, was a great night of rvr wich i didn't see in a long while. these things keep players lovin the game!
if i said anythin not correct in this threat could be, its 7 am and i havn't got any sleep.
oh yes one last request don't turn this into flame threat... (caus this threat isn't basicly ment as a flame more as a gratz on the nice rvr)
Fireblade Noname lvl 47 gimp with the treb
i loged on and heared about hibs attackin crim, so i decided to head there right away. when i finally arrived all hibs were wiped(whats new...
so we had a pretty nice force gathered at crim and wanted to take a keep as revenge, so we did and eurhh i think it was da behn fell in hand of albion.
all this time i was walkin over to dc to get a freakin ram caus i just knew hibs were gonna go for dun scathaig, and so they did... bout 30+ hibs hittin the doors at scathaig when i arrived with the catapult team, damn how the hell get a full cata team inside a keep without one death, we just ran for it, and yes with some luck i guess we all made it inside.
we defended it well with the 5 pll that we were(was good for 1000+ rp) but had to give in on the larger hib force stormin trough the gates and gankin me with my treb
after that the hibs went for dun nged i think, and they failed there so we felt we should really freak u guys out by takin scathaig back, and so we did, then it became pretty tempty!
one keep left,if that one went down, no uber guards, hmmz, like everyone would of gone for the last keep and so did we!(what lvl were the doors at ailinne btw?) felt like hittin rock!
we got passed the first door and suddenly someone yelled hibs inc!!!
like 3sec later a aoe mezz takes everyone between the doors, at last when pll could run we all ran out and started a very nice battle! you hibs really had luck with the guardspawn tough, not sure how it would of ended otherwise, think we albs would of died anyway tough but u never know.(nother question, howmany u had left standing at ailinne after the fight?).
then well 3/4 of the amry left alltough i still felt like going for the relic(seemed fair as u guys got the defenders right there
so i gather whats left at crim and went for dc wich failed caus of 10-15 albs against a defended keep will never work(without rams)!
anyaways i wanne thank any hib mid alb for being there, was a great night of rvr wich i didn't see in a long while. these things keep players lovin the game!
if i said anythin not correct in this threat could be, its 7 am and i havn't got any sleep.
oh yes one last request don't turn this into flame threat... (caus this threat isn't basicly ment as a flame more as a gratz on the nice rvr)
Fireblade Noname lvl 47 gimp with the treb