yeah i cant actually log out without getting an error. All smooth otherwise, and i just skip the verification thing.
Hard to ignore when you have 4 RS skulls on your screen because of the in-game ones
Haven't had a single proper crash from game yet.
Same, not had a crash in game yet not even an LD
Crashes every time i quit though but just ignoring it.
Still using the early access client though, i wouldn't have thought that would make a difference though. Will reinstall when my new graphics card comes and i do my planned format.
Nor have I on home comp, but laptop is another question. Stupid thing is that laptop has more Ram.
What OS you running?
Vista ultimate 64 at home. laptop is Premium Home 32 update disks on the way from MS \o/
Is anyone else having this issue, where the client doesn't shut down properly ?
Also, once it stayed running in the background (was using 1 CPU at 100%).
It the runs 'verifying resources on re-start'
yeah think everyone is getting that. wish funcom actually fixed that shit already. i'm sending in error reports about 10 times a day just from that error alone, so they cant have to little info about it.