Its seems that wearing a swimming cap when not in a pool is becoming fashionable :p
E Embattle Guest Mar 25, 2001 #1 Its seems that wearing a swimming cap when not in a pool is becoming fashionable
O old.TUG Guest Mar 25, 2001 Thread starter #3 oooh ahh mmmm craig daaavid... lalalalala I am so sexy lalalalala my songs rock lalalala I shag my sister Jammy bastard
oooh ahh mmmm craig daaavid... lalalalala I am so sexy lalalalala my songs rock lalalala I shag my sister Jammy bastard
T Testin da Cable Guest Mar 25, 2001 Thread starter #4 There's a pic of him at my work that we throw darts at we also have a shock-proof radio that gets tossed about alot too we're a bit strange hehe
There's a pic of him at my work that we throw darts at we also have a shock-proof radio that gets tossed about alot too we're a bit strange hehe
O old.charliealpha Guest Mar 25, 2001 Thread starter #5 he's a cunt i hate him hope he dies in a horrible plane crash on the way to some obscure award gathering with hear-say cunts
he's a cunt i hate him hope he dies in a horrible plane crash on the way to some obscure award gathering with hear-say cunts
O old.richb Guest Mar 25, 2001 Thread starter #7 never heard of him! You lucky bastard craig david BITES!!!!!!!
X xenon2000 Guest Mar 25, 2001 Thread starter #8 xenon I xenon cant xenon go xenon one xenon sentence xenon without xenon saying xenon my xenon own xenon name xenon between xenon every xenon word Just like Craig, eh?
xenon I xenon cant xenon go xenon one xenon sentence xenon without xenon saying xenon my xenon own xenon name xenon between xenon every xenon word Just like Craig, eh?
B bodhi Guest Mar 25, 2001 Thread starter #10 Craig David all over your pussy. I hate Craig David. I laughed when he missed out on a brit.
O old.[CS]Sentinel Guest Mar 26, 2001 Thread starter #14 He was an MC at my college party about 2/3 years ago and he nicked my mates jacket He was also chubbeh!! Heheh Sent "Craig David all over your *BLAM!*"
He was an MC at my college party about 2/3 years ago and he nicked my mates jacket He was also chubbeh!! Heheh Sent "Craig David all over your *BLAM!*"