Crafting School + personal things



Well before i start i should say this isnt *just* about an idea i had but also a little extra info on my part, which i will get over to start with.

If you wanna skip this part then ill tell you when im coming to the idea...

Most ppl will know me from alb/excal as my 50 cleric or from mid/pryd with my skald. to these ppl im sorry to say im leaving, if u hadnt already guessed, i took a month or so break to decide whether i really wanted to play and decided that because of the "Uber 1337" kids, backstabbing friends,GOA and their nerf stick, "UBER 1337" Guilds and their leaders and so had enough

for those of you with any type of brain id just ask u to read through this...
In my views this game, for me atleast, has been spoiled by the people playing, whether its been people i thought i knew really well, or the middie spamming nerf on the boards, its just been ruined for me.
I started up my first character knowing nothing about the game, i took cleric so i could buff cos i thought that was cool, then learned about smite and ended up mostly smite but able as healer/buffer.
the first thing i will mention is how annoyed i am at people in all 3 realms for shouting nerf, i have and never will have any judgement on different classes, some i can kill and some i cant, but isnt that part of the game?? it sickens me to see everyone jump on the nerf bandwagon simply because they cannot beat that character. The game is just to have fun and if you learn how to play your character then you should have fun.
people have ruined my class so all i can do is heal badly, when they never really knew anything about clerics, for those of you that care i can do a max of 400 damage on a slow cast for a lot of power, this nowhere compares to any pure casting type, im not going into the whole thing but people - please dont just shout nerf. its childish and ruins the game for people like me.
The second thing is the general attitude of people in game, considering my class is put here to help people, and be religious, i have had everyone and their dog shout obscenities at me for not healing when i was mezzed or out of power or simply not quick enough. i (used to) pay for this "game" and while i think people should take it seriously to an extent, its gone way to far.
im going to stop because i doubt many will read this, and of those who do 90% will flame cos thats the mentality of people but i just wish some people would stop this whole camelot uber 1337 attitude...

anyways in short i *may* try out pvp, but im gone from normal game, so thanks for driving me out guys.


ok so before i go i thought id let you know an idea i had when i was bored.

i know how boring a crafters life can be, and also how its not very true to real life, so i was thinking why not make a room with npc for crafting class.
crafters up to 1000 skill could attend (this could be because the teacher was only 1000 skill and could not teach further)
there would be one room in each capital city of the realm with NPC
the would be one class every 2 hours (real time) and you could only attend a max of 3 times in a day (real time)

Ill give 2 examples of how this would work...

im a crafter with 0 skill, i go into the room, talk to npc, he asks me what i would like to learn today, i can choose from anything (armourcrafting,woodworking etc.)
i choose armourcrafting. and wait for class to begin, the class lasts 10 minutes, with some random text inserted for teacher to say. i have to click a dialogue to register i am at keyboard once a minute (so people cant go afk for 10 mins)
after 10 minutes i go from 0 skill up to 50. (i choose 50 because its is just above what i could make if i was crafting all that time from 0)

example 2

im a crafter with 700 skill, i go into the room, talk to npc, he asks me what i would like to learn today, i can choose from anything (armourcrafting,woodworking etc.)
i choose armourcrafting. and wait for class to begin, the class lasts 10 minutes, with some random text inserted for teacher to say. i have to click a dialogue to register i am at keyboard once a minute (so people cant go afk for 10 mins)
after 10 minutes i go from 700 skill up to 710. (i choose 710 because its is just above what i could make if i was crafting all that time from 700)

ps. i like copy+paste

anyway sorry if this is hard to understand, but basically you get a guarenteed number of points and you can only attend 3 times a day. the amount of points would have to be slight above an average of what you can normally make in 10 minutes

for flamers: why bother??? i hear you scream
well - it would add a bit more realism to crafting, aswell as some variety of what you do everyday. also this would help with the new batch of spellcrafters that are coming, altho obviously this coukd not be in before one of those is 1000+

oh well, hope u enjoyed the post, constructive criticism and that...

retired Cerin


Well as far as your comments on the cleric "nerf" are concerned - something had to be changed. Many other classes in the realm rely heavily upon clerics within their groups to be able to show their true strengths. An armsman without buffs and heals is a waste of space.

Some people will choose to play rejuv based clerics, and others will play smite based clerics - I have no problem with this at all. However the vast majority of clerics were virtually ignoring their enhance line, and spec'ing as low in rejuv as they thought they could get away with - they were hurting their realm.

Smite was overpowered, something had to be changed. The only other choice Mythic had was to make rejuv and enhance more attractive to spec in. Making what was possibly the realms best class more powerful was not realistic - so the power of smite had to be reduced. Sadly it took Mythic far too long to realise this change was required, many clerics will retire as a result and the realm as a whole will suffer.

(Ive no idea what the hell Mythic were playing at destroying a clerics PBAoE mez. This one is pure stupidity - but thats really a different subject)

Next - If idiots shout and swear about a lack of healing the answer is very simple: disband, leave the idiots to die and find a group of sensible people who realise that there is only so much you can do.

Finally - I dont like the specifics of your crafting proposal, but the general idea of giving people an incentive to craft regularly for short amounts of time is a good one. Anything that changes the tedious nature of spending many hours at a time crafting can only be good :)


GOA and their nerf stick
GOA don't make the game or change the code, Mythic does. Get your facts right before complaining ;)


I like your crafting idea! I think what you are saying might make it a little too easy to get to the higher reaches of your craft though. The class thing sounds fun and might be a good way to get to know your fellow crafters.

A slight change to your idea - every 2 RL hours there is a class lasting for a set time (maybe half an hour) and during that time only your chance of getting a skill point increases by 20% and the time it usually takes to craft that item drops by 10%. I think the classes should only be avaidable to those with 700+ skill because that is when crafting really becomes tedious.

Not that big of a difference to the current crafting system but I think it would significantly reduce the boredom factor and encourage people to get over 700 skill to attend these classes :D


Draylor: to be honest i didnt really sit and work out all the numbers and specifics, its was just more about the idea than the numbers

erl: lol....well shall i add you and your forum chums to my list of why i left?

theorin: a positive response....what is this..? but, yeh it can be changed round and messed with..good idea btw. although i still think it should be open to everyone, just cos you dont start going to school when you have a diploma...if you see my meaning.


Was just trying to correct a fact you got wrong, add me to your feared list if you want :)


Although I can't say from personal experience, a fair few of the players I know on alb/excal complain about it. Maybe instead of leaving you should switch to mid/excal and say, hib/pryd (nice, friendly realm)?


Originally posted by erl
Was just trying to correct a fact you got wrong, add me to your feared list if you want :)

yeh...thats like hitting some1 in the head with a baseball bat and saying..."what, i was just trying to swot the fly"

by the way whats this "feared" list, i dont remember mentioning that..
anyway oh mighty erl of perfectopia, ive had enough of u so dont expect any more replies to you.

and nightchill...i would except starting from lvl 1... :(
i dont think so, easier to start a new game where i wont find any erl's


It will be people like me everywhere, but worse... It'll be people like you everywhere too, that just gets angry with someone who is trying to correct a fact you got wrong :eek:


for those of you that care i can do a max of 400 damage on a slow cast for a lot of power, this nowhere compares to any pure casting type

With a friends runie, I hit for about 300dmg every 2secs with dd's, with your cleric you hit for 350-400dmg every 3secs(?).

And NOW we add this to the formula: Chain, Group-Insta, Targetted Insta, Buffs, Heals, ability to melee(not very good, but not directly bad either), get outta jail free card (pbaoe-mezz) and last but not least: STUN!

If Clerics hadnt been nerfed, why would ppl want to make wizzards?

But I agree that the new timer on pbaoe-mezz was just silly

Now, I dont know you and I havent played on albion, but here in midgard im having GREAT fun. The ppl are great, we have cooperation( /stick a nolby :D ) in rvr, and I have never heard a single complaint about the thane and rvr (what ppl consider to be the crappiest rvr-class). Not much other complaints either.

The hardest time I had in relations to ppl/morons was when lvling from 1-20 and from 43-47 (n00bs and xp-whores)

Try midgard, you just might like it ^^

edit: and if u need some power-lovvin, gimme a yell. My guild might not be the biggest, but we find time for powerlvling alts/new players/friends and so :) (Infact, we have all started alts now, around lvl 14 including a darkness runie so we got dmg-adds for you :cool: )


Uh-huh, and you'd going to quit before the nerf even comes?
Trust to the words of the whinging crybaby americans?
Come on people, do zerkers still hurt? According to the americans, zerkers are gimped weaklings now since doublefrost got nerfed...
and archers! Oh, i bet no-one ever dies to minstrels or archers any more, do they? Hmm?
At least let the nerf arrive before you start complaining.
Hell, we get a respec at the same time, you can at least drop smite, up enhance, and get yourself a shitload more hps...


Originally posted by erl

GOA don't make the game or change the code, Mythic does. Get your facts right before complaining ;)

Why is it always one that want to be a besserwisser ??? if someone say GOA... SO WHAT... since u could correct them u know what they did mean....


Originally posted by Slipurson

Why is it always one that want to be a besserwisser ??? if someone say GOA... SO WHAT... since u could correct them u know what they did mean....

So it's ok if I blame my Sony television because Channel 4 doesn't show enough of "Friends" any more?


oh my god...people just dont read...

im quitting because of PEOPLE, not because of the nerf, i didnt start a big thread ranting about the crap nerfing to clerics, i think it sucks, but it doesnt bother me that much.
the only thing i mentioned about nerf was the mentality of people that just shout it when they dont know anything about the class.
im sorry to everyone for saying GOA instead of mythic, what a hug mistake, im sure one day ill get my punishment.

to arnor: fair enough, mines 400 damage every 4 secs, and for a runie thats pretty low damage....i been hit for atleast 700, thats highest i can remember but probably more....anyways thanx for the invite but i dont wanna level to 50 again, even being leveled, its just too much like work, which i do all day.

anyway for any1 else to reply, im not saying cleric is bad, i think cleric is one of best classes in the game, and if you know how to play it you can do a lot, its just the people that made me leave

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