Crafting Prices - where do I get a list of cost prices from for weapons?



Here you go :

Weapon Cost
Arcanium Dagger 47g 38s 50c
Arcanium Short Sword 57g 59s 10c
Arcanium Hand Axe 75g 81s 60c
Arcanium Broadsword 106g 43s 40c
Arcanium Scimitar 116g 64s 00c
Arcanium Long Sword 144g 34s 20c
Arcanium Bastard Sword 172g 77s 30c
Arcanium Jambiya 208g 49s 40c
Arcanium Sabre 208g 49s 40c
Arcanium Hammer 57g 59s 10c
Arcanium Mace 88g 20s 90c
Arcanium Flanged Mace 105g 70s 50c
Arcanium Spiked Mace 126g 11s 70c
Arcanium War Hammer 164g 02s 50c
Arcanium War Mace 196g 83s 00c
Arcanium War Mattock 86g 02s 20c
Arcanium Two Handed Sword 106g 43s 40c
Arcanium War Axe 126g 84s 60c
Arcanium Great Hammer 134g 86s 50c
Arcanium Battle Axe 165g 48s 30c
Arcanium Great Sword 185g 16s 60c
Arcanium Great Axe 201g 20s 40c
Arcanium Great Scimitar 243g 48s 60c
Arcanium War Pick 243g 48s 60c
Arcanium Archmace 242g 75s 70c
Arcanium Dirk 47g 38s 50c
Arcanium Stilletto 67g 79s 70c
Arcanium Main Gauche 106g 43s 40c
Arcanium Rapier 126g 84s 60c
Arcanium Gladius 162g 56s 70c
Arcanium Guarded Rapier 198g 28s 80c
Arcanium Pike 76g 54s 50c
Arcanium Lochaber Axe 97g 68s 60c
Arcanium Bill 115g 18s 20c
Arcanium Lucerne Hammer 174g 23s 10c
Arcanium Halberd 194g 64s 30c
Arcanium Spiked Hammer 232g 55s 10c
Arcanium Bardiche 232g 55s 10c
Arcanium Poleaxe 232g 55s 10c
Arcanium Partisan 232g 55s 10c
Duskwood Kite Shield 24g 05s 70c
Duskwood Tower Shield 29g 16s 00c
Duskwood Round Shield 19g 68s 30c
Duskwood Heater Shield 34g 26s 30c



Crafting spreadsheet for weapons/armor/fletch/tailor for all 3 realms.

Recently on BW all you see is people complaining about crafters prices, if you dont like what crafters charge, then shop elsewhere.

Also when looking at prices, you cant just think in material cost, you are paying for the crafters TIME to make this item. Its not just a case of click a button, out pops 99% item 2 seconds later.

A single craft for arcanium stuff can take up to 5minutes per attempt, and then it can come out 94% - you can end up doing 12 retries just for a 99% item (As Shady found out ;-) - now, 12 x 5 = 60minutes real time, so in this case to make the 99% item the crafter has had to sit watching a green bar scroll across the screen for an hour - now this is not my idea of fun, and i dont know any crafter that enjoys watching the green bar.

Belive me, we crafters get just as frustrated when 99% takes ages to come out.

Crafting is a gamble - if you want high quality items, then you have to pay for them.


And you pay for the crafter's knowledge. The trip to legendary is looooong and a terrible money sink


Thanks a million guys thats great:)

Is cost +25% acceptable for non guaranteed quality?

Im new to this crafting for money lark, but damn its getting a little pricey now and I feel Im starting to take the piss outta my guild with the number of "donations" im taking


Oh! and for those that complain about prices.

I am a crafter 665 ok not legendary yet, but I spent well over 5P on it and tooo much time.

Im still using 14.4 dps weapons and those mids must be thinking im a bit of a gimp cos of it. AND I CRAFT! cos I craft i cant afford shit! I go without constitution sometimes its that damn bad.

So stop whinging if u think u paying more than it costs to make it

"Time is Money"

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I still think you are overcharging! =P

<Disclaimer> The above statement was not intended to be taken seriously. It was a JOKE. Har de har har! Some people on this forum have had a sensahumor bypass it seems...</Disclaimer>


Hey great info on the weapons ther ....... I would love to place an order but Mishy you dont seem to log on much or else I am very unlucky maybe Josh_DK can craft these weapons also ?

If so I am after a Arcanium Bardiche < this is 5.5 spd ? > any response would be greatly apperciated and yes I would like a 99% quality weapon :) ...... I will try to msg in game but I have had no luck for 4 days now


Originally posted by Mishy

Also when looking at prices, you cant just think in material cost, you are paying for the crafters TIME to make this item. Its not just a case of click a button, out pops 99% item 2 seconds later.

A single craft for arcanium stuff can take up to 5minutes per attempt, and then it can come out 94% - you can end up doing 12 retries just for a 99% item (As Shady found out ;-) - now, 12 x 5 = 60minutes real time, so in this case to make the 99% item the crafter has had to sit watching a green bar scroll across the screen for an hour - now this is not my idea of fun, and i dont know any crafter that enjoys watching the green bar.

Belive me, we crafters get just as frustrated when 99% takes ages to come out.

Crafting is a gamble - if you want high quality items, then you have to pay for them.

Mishy, I have said this time and time again, these folks perhaps might believe it now, that we have both said it. They have no idea on what it takes to make a 99% weapon and until they do it themselves they never will understand. Dont let any of them get to you, they are simply not worth the stress.

6 levels to go for me and Ill be helping again. Oh and please folks, stop spamming me. I wont be crafting till I hit 50th

Mishy - Keep up the good work! :)


Originally posted by cplcarrot
Im new to this crafting for money lark, but damn its getting a little pricey now and I feel Im starting to take the piss outta my guild with the number of "donations" im taking

Heh, I know what that feels like.

Im amazed any of my guild have any gold left at all given the rate Im stealing it at.


Originally posted by cplcarrot
I am a crafter 665 ok not legendary yet, but I spent well over 5P on it and tooo much time.

Well, you'll need about 15plat more to get to 1000 skill (and that's if you are reasonably lucky).

Originally posted by cplcarrot
Is cost +25% acceptable for non guaranteed quality?

I'd say that was too cheap for Arcanium weapons (would take you a long time to make back your 20plat outlay - about 4-500 16.5dps weapons, and I don't think you'd have the time or the customers for that), but might be reasonable for lower level orders that you get while skilling up.


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Hey great info on the weapons ther ....... I would love to place an order but Mishy you dont seem to log on much or else I am very unlucky maybe Josh_DK can craft these weapons also ?

If so I am after a Arcanium Bardiche < this is 5.5 spd ? > any response would be greatly apperciated and yes I would like a 99% quality weapon :) ...... I will try to msg in game but I have had no luck for 4 days now

Sorry, but I can't :)

You need a weaponcrafter with 1000+ skill for an arcanium Bardiche, and my weaponcrafter is still only 500+

Not sure if I will ever make the 1000 with weapons too, as I am getting a bit busy with the tailoring and armorcrafting.

But with a bit of luck that might give me some more funds for my craftomania and speed my secret dream of being the first "Real" legendary crafter (i.e legendary crafter in all crafts)

C. U. By the forge :)


Originally posted by old.Kiarra

6 levels to go for me and Ill be helping again. Oh and please folks, stop spamming me. I wont be crafting till I hit 50th

Mishy - Keep up the good work! :)

Good luck with leveling then - GOGO Kiarra :)

But do let us know when u get there, we miss bantering with u by the forge


"Hey great info on the weapons ther ....... I would love to place an order but Mishy you dont seem to log on much or else I am very unlucky maybe Josh_DK can craft these weapons also ?"

I havent been on much recently ... i have been playing alts, who shall remain nameless :)

I should be on most of tonight crafting though:)


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Hey great info on the weapons ther ....... I would love to place an order but Mishy you dont seem to log on much or else I am very unlucky maybe Josh_DK can craft these weapons also ?

If so I am after a Arcanium Bardiche < this is 5.5 spd ? > any response would be greatly apperciated and yes I would like a 99% quality weapon :) ...... I will try to msg in game but I have had no luck for 4 days now

Hey. Be patient Vindi, give me a couple of weeks and I'll make you one ;)

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