Crafting & alchemy reactive effects



I was just wondering about one thing here, and I havent checked up on the alchemy crafting that much...

Considering all armor pieces are 100% quality in the following questions...

My question is:
Since crafted armor can hold different imbue points depending on the material level, eg arcanium lvl 46 stuff holds same points as lvl51 stuff (af102), anyone considering using lower AF and maybe even not enchanting some parts ??

I know the reactive effects will proc randomly, but anyone know some percentage of high chance a lvl 50 weapon enchanted to 35% have of hitting an AF 102 enchanted to 35% vs. a AF 90 unenchanted ??



with the introduction of the new Ablative Procs (50% damage absorbed by the proc, for 15 seconds), i was considering shoving one on each armor piece. just for the fun of it :D

Concerning the lower AF values. well, the higher level the item, the more imbue points, and the higher quality, the more imbue points as well. or something :p


Originally posted by liste

Concerning the lower AF values. well, the higher level the item, the more imbue points, and the higher quality, the more imbue points as well. or something :p

Quite true.. Didn't fiddle with the item level dropdown list earlier.. just saw the text:
"Level 46-51 Arcanium, Arcanite, Tempered, Duskwood, Silksteel, Crystallized "



liste doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about


Originally posted by -c4-
liste doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about

Doesn't he? :rolleyes:

First, crafted lvl46 armor CAN NOT hold same points as lvl51. Even if that was true, wtf is the logic in using lower AF and not enchanting some parts? I mean, tf??

The second question is in nonsensical english (sorry - not flaming you, but it IS). But, i think you're asking if level of items is a factor in being hit... no, it's not. May work differently with shields (high lvl shields block more than low) but for armor, there are no differences due to the bonus. There MAY be differences due to the lower AF, though...


Originally posted by Krakatau

I know the reactive effects will proc randomly, but anyone know some percentage of high chance a lvl 50 weapon enchanted to 35% have of hitting an AF 102 enchanted to 35% vs. a AF 90 unenchanted ??


Not asking about the level of items at all, just plain AF and enchanted stuff...

Ok, I'll rewrite that one:D

Anyone know the difference in % of being hit wearing an unenchanted armor vs. an enchanted one ??

I suppose you know the 35% bonus on weapons/armor DO play a role here ?:p

Or maybe this makes it clearer for you :
Can anyone give me some hard numbers on the chance being hit using nonenchanted AF 90 vs. using AF 102 enchanted to 35% ??

I just want some numbers:p:confused:


The difference between AF 102 echanted vs. AF 90 unenchanted is probably around 40%. (35% comes from the bonus, rest from the AF difference). It's impossible to say what the difference caused by the AF is, but it's certain that the bonus makes 35% difference.

AF90 armour would have considerably less spellcraft imbue points on it than AF102. Also, enchanting or alchemy procs dont take any imbue points so there is absolutely no reason to not to put those on an item. Actually, not echanting your armour is a big big mistake.


Also reverse procs have a 10% chance to proc


35% bonus on, say, a weapon, is NOT a flat 35% increase to your chance to hit...
It boosts your existing chance to hit.
Example: i have 50% chance to hit Wuren. He is very silly and wearing un-enchanted armor. My weapon has 35% bonus and his armor has 0% bonus. My 50% chance to hit is boosted by 35%, and becomes a 67.5% chance to hit...

So saying that difference between enchanted armor and unenchanted is 40% isn't true - it'll be considerably less than 35%, even if the armor you're attacking has NO bonus. Compared to, say, a 25% or 30% bonus DROPPED piece - the difference would be even lower....


gotta love anonymous Penge Residents comming here and flaming people, without even reading what is said.

or something

Silly man :)


Archers are getting shot back at by reactive procs according to vn users :D

/em runs off to get chest piece imbued with reactive lightning bolt proc ;)

Brannor McThife

Ok...some feedback from Lothian.

I made someone a full set of AF102 99% Studded armour for his ranger.

I put Reactive DoTs on his boots/gloves.
Ablative on the torso.
Haste on the sleeves.
AF on the leggings.
And some other Reactive on the helmet.

Reactive DoTs are actually quite easy to make requiring one of the least amounts of ingredients for any effect.
Oh, and they do proc quite regularly.



You get hit a lot more than you hit, on average :p
Especially vs LA users. Tiny lefthand damage in exchange for double the chance of firing a reactive proc at them - whee =)

Tesla Monkor

Yes, the reactive proc is another archer (bow/crossbow user) nerf.

Reactive procs do not obey distance rules. Casters can nuke and bolt you to hell and back and get away with it, but if you so much as toss an arrow at someone, you get reactively-nuked. ;P


I read casters get procced on too, even from an absurd distance... hope it ain't true or people will really leave the game before you can say 'FIX THIS BUG PLZ!'.

Tesla Monkor

Nukes don't trigger armour. (They bypass them completely.), and I think bolts do as well. (But not sure about that. :)


I can't imagine how DDs would set off reactive armor procs. Bolts are affected by AF and absorb, so I can see that they would possibly set off reactive procs.

Brannor, only alchemy site I know of says that reactive DOT proc for arcanium requires a skill of 1079 to make - you call that low? :p
(Apologies if the site is incorrect, of course)

Myself, I'm planning on either reactive spirit DOTs or reactive ablative 100hp buffers. Probably the latter; three people hitting you, only going to kill one before you die... the ablative procs could help you survive long enough to kill one guy, whereas proccing DOT onto the 2 guys you aren't going to kill is hardly going to matter.
Fairly minor detail though :p

Shame the haste procs only last 15 sec.
Can well imagine that I'll carry around 17%haste potions (10 minute duration) provided the droprate for the dropped ingredient they require isn't TOO rare.
Shame the only lifedrain effect is a charge, and only 65 delve value.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Reactive procs do not obey distance rules.

WHAT!?! ofcourse reactive procs obay distance rules, by their nature they have no choice :)

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