CPM13 - Jerking graphics and broken sound



I have tried this map on a PIII 700 Geforce2 MX 256 ram,
on a T-Bird 1.4Ghz geforce 3 with 512 ram ,why the hell does it not play smooth ,it starts off okay then gets worse-sound breaks-graphics are jerky ....... this is a new league map

anyone else got same probs or know a fix for it




this map is huuuuge and perhaps it is fine for cpm but it take ages to cross it in vQ3, and I really dislike it.

is there no vQ3-designed map around, shall we always take CPM dedicated maps ? Sounds incredible. :(


It really isn't that big, take some time to learn it. The 2 points on the map furthest from each other *i think* are the RA room and the rl room - it doesn't take that long to move between them (maybe 10 secs) There are tele's that take u back n forth between the area's aswell


I think were drifting off the subject abit here ,im not talking about the size of the map i dont think that its big compared to some of the CTF maps that are available either.

What someone else has said in another forum was that it may not have been vizzed properly ?????? ,any other thoughts how to get this map to run without the added judders and sound breaks.

I have now tried this with a Radeon ,Geforce3 ,Geforce ultra and MX2 all on a PIII 1Ghz 512mg ram and also 1.4Ghz T-Bird with 512mg ram 60GB IBM Fresh O/S DX7-8-8a-8.1 on a fresh install of quake3 with point release 1.27 Latest OSP and it still jerks.

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