cover-disk giveaway



It seems that PcZone will have daoc and SI for free on their cover disks next month. Good timing for me as i lost my old game manuals (with the cd keys) and havnt played it for most of this year (kind of an unscheduled break from playing it). I was about to re-buy the game when i spotted the giveaway.


You can only play on a separate server called Lothian and that wil be wiped in a month I believe

So you better crack out your pennies and buy SI and Classic bundle if you wanna play on the official servers

As I am led to believe this is how it is I could be wrong if I am someone correct me


for use on 1 of the test servers not the mainstream servers :)


Does this mean you get the free month with this as well of is it just the game??

im expecting it to be just the game but if it is the month as well then im going to have and go and get the mag :)


Originally posted by pieeater
It seems that PcZone will have daoc and SI for free on their cover disks next month. Good timing for me as i lost my old game manuals (with the cd keys) and havnt played it for most of this year (kind of an unscheduled break from playing it). I was about to re-buy the game when i spotted the giveaway.

you don't need the CD keys if you've already registered an account....


i do as i had to wipe my hard drive and after that i couldn't re-install the game ...doh!


Originally posted by pieeater
i do as i had to wipe my hard drive and after that i couldn't re-install the game ...doh!

you dont need to enter cd keys when u install just click ok,

only bit you need to enter is username and password when u try and connect

edit. only time you ever need the cd-keys is when u 1st activate your account or when dealing with rightnow sometimes


Originally posted by pieeater
i do as i had to wipe my hard drive and after that i couldn't re-install the game ...doh!

you need to have the CD in the tray to run it the first time you run the game.... but the CD-Key isn't needed.


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
You can only play on a separate server called Lothian and that wil be wiped in a month I believe

So you better crack out your pennies and buy SI and Classic bundle if you wanna play on the official servers

As I am led to believe this is how it is I could be wrong if I am someone correct me

Someone from our guild phoned PCZone and checked - and you are correct the PC Zone version is gimped. Which is a shame, because I for one would probably have tried out a 2nd account just to see how workable it is on my PC.

Ho hum. Less money for GOA then. /shrug.

Does this mean you get the free month with this as well of is it just the game??

Neither - you get free time on Lothian *only*, then at the end of the trial your characters get wiped and the disc is instantly transformed into a drinks coaster.

The PCZone disc is not the full game like in previous EQ trials.

Personally I'd have a hard time even suggesting to a friend who wanted to try DAoC that they take up this promotion, as temporary play on Lothian != real daoc.


ok, i've learned a couple of things today

1. I killed a lot more brain cells during my college years than i realised.

2. If a game asks for a CD key, try and blag it.

Well i had a good break away from the game, its added a kind of freshness to the game for me again. I might even try and get my chars to 50 ..


Originally posted by old.Ramas
Someone from our guild phoned PCZone and checked - and you are correct the PC Zone version is gimped. Which is a shame, because I for one would probably have tried out a 2nd account just to see how workable it is on my PC.

Ho hum. Less money for GOA then. /shrug.

Neither - you get free time on Lothian *only*, then at the end of the trial your characters get wiped and the disc is instantly transformed into a drinks coaster.

The PCZone disc is not the full game like in previous EQ trials.

Personally I'd have a hard time even suggesting to a friend who wanted to try DAoC that they take up this promotion, as temporary play on Lothian != real daoc.
The idea of this is to introduce new blood to the game, the italians have used it for ages, they even have a cut down download (385Mb) on their web site ( for ppl to try on a test server.

As the first peice of decent advertising ive seen in the UK for the game, I think at least they are trying. As for recommending it to a m8, well im sure you can show him your copy, least then he gets to see what the goals are in the game, and not just the exp grind.

The game is so cheap now anyway, I cant see what the problem is, unless youre a sponging student ofc :p (no not you personally).

Why have you lot always gotta look at the bad side?


Hey, if it works then great - I just remain unconvinced.

However, for it to work they will need to arrange for DAoC to be on sale in the UK. Which at the moment it isn't.


Originally posted by old.Ramas
However, for it to work they will need to arrange for DAoC to be on sale in the UK. Which at the moment it isn't.

Very true, When I went looking for SI month or so ago I couldn't find it in any of my local retail shops. I had to buy it from in the end.


They stil have 1 copy of the bundled Classic and SI in Game, in The Oracle, Reading.

I think noone is buying it coz they know that they will get password trouble the moment they install it. ;)

old.Trine Aquavit

I think it's a pretty decent idea. One of the problems with joining an established game is the game environment is already set. If you start up on the existsing servers what do you get?:

1. /level 20's
2. People levelling to 24 for BGs and stopping
3. People only playing in the known XP spots and fighting for spawns.
4. People levelling with buff-bots
5. People with access to great equip for the level
6. People only grouping with certain classes and being less forgiving of mistakes/poor XP.

While this is all well and good for an established server with established players I think it's less fun for new players. It's certainly different from how the game was when I started out. The best way to get people into the game is to get a whole bunch of people starting at the same time, with less pressure to level, with more opportunities to explore, with room to make mistakes. This is what this promo is all about. The fact that it's not just an opportunity for established players to get a cheap buff-bot account is a plus-point.

I think the idea is a really good one, and I hope that GOA, PC Zone and the existing DAOC community give it their full backing. The only thing that is missing is the upgrade path. They need to make the transition from PC Zone promo to full account as easy as possible.


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
DAOC community give it their full backing.

Sorry, i'm honoured and all's just not my style. I'm not judging or anything, but not for me.

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