Couple of noobish questions



I'm moving from mid/pryd to here, grown tired of the realm basicallly. Anyway i have never played hib so i have a couple of questions if anyone is up for it.

* Which class is the best melee one, if i want to be wep+shield specced, is it Hero?

* Which class is Hibs nuker?

* Midgard has Shaman and Healers, which would be Hibs classes that are like these two classes?

Secondly, I'd love to join some guild aswell, I dont care about the size or anything, just looking to have as much fun in /gu as possible.

Thanks in advance.


Hibs best tank = Hero
Hibs common nuker = manachanter(we have enough of them really!)

Hibs healers and buffers are Druid and Bard


druid/bard/warden :> with those classes you got like every support you need, god bless hibs classes >_>


Thanks alot for the response.

I will most definately go Hero then, and fully shield specced. Which weapon spec would be the best to choose? Or is it really a matter of personal taste?


I think the common Hero specc is 50Spear/Large Weapon 42 Shield 6Blades/Pierce/Blunt rest parry


I would'nt roll a hero, rather roll a support class like bard/warden as they're a lot more needed.


50 CS
39 Parry
42 Shield
6 Piercing



Also, is there some sort of class guide for Heroes that any of you know of? Would be nice to read up on it some.



Originally posted by Tyka
I would'nt roll a hero, rather roll a support class like bard/warden as they're a lot more needed.

need to agree with tyk on this one m8

roll a warden/druid there seems to be a bit of a shortage of them out in the realm

loadsa tanks/NS and mana chantie cookies about

do a who chanter at peak time lol its like 40% of the server on one char


well, roll whatever class you WANT to play. If you roll a warden/druid because you think that's what ppl want you to play you'll be disapointed. Most ppl who roll classes cuz other want them too end up rolling an alt and never playing the support class. If you LIKE to play support calsses, I'd say warden if you want a bit more action fighting wise, druid if you enjoy standing back and keeping other alive. Both fun classes to play.

If you want to roll a tank and you WANT to go s/s, I'd say Hero.
if you are going s/s don't go 50 cs 42 shield, that's not an s/s spec, it's s pearo spec.

Try asking Icebreaker his spec, he's a great s/s tank.


m8 there is a shortage of healer classes but if u want to play a tank, dont take a Hero from what many have told me they are boreing, a champ or BM is a far more interesting tank class, best nuker imho is a light menta, pbaoe is nukeage its pbaoe different discriptions... nuke is a DD, pbaoe is well pbaoe.. imho

If u wanna go a tank/healer hybrid go a warden they gave pbt but some peeps dont enjoy them as they have pretty crap dmg output, in the end its up to u, dont let anyone push u in a direction cos they need that class.. take the class u wanna play and think u will have most fun with.


I have to disagree with vantros, the strongest DD nuker atm is the mana-chanter, due to his heatdebuff+baseline nuke combo.
playing a light-mentalist (or a light eld for that matter) is a lesson in frustration as long as u don't have someone with u that can debuff for u.


Thanks for the replies everyone, what appeals to me is to play a tank however so i will go with the Hero. As been said before, if you play a character only because it's needed and not for the personal pleasure i think you will get extremely bored in the long run.

Looking forward to when i get home and create my first hib char ever. Catch you ingame folks and we'll be side by side in RvR in about .. 3 years? :lol:



btw bedrocs hero guide is probably a good resource to look at m8

cant remember where it is but search google :)


Originally posted by Vantros
m8 there is a shortage of healer classes but if u want to play a tank, dont take a Hero from what many have told me they are boreing.
Couldnt agree more hit this hit that etc zzzz champ with debuffs, DD's and root spells are much more fun


Originally posted by Nemue
I have to disagree with vantros, the strongest DD nuker atm is the mana-chanter, due to his heatdebuff+baseline nuke combo.
playing a light-mentalist (or a light eld for that matter) is a lesson in frustration as long as u don't have someone with u that can debuff for u.

i dont know i have no prblems with my mentalist... and base nukes are crap even with debuffs the dmg is too erratic to be of any use, just cos u can debuff doesnt make u a good nuker. A light menti or light elds DD is not eratic and hits for more... and if the target is debuffed then it hits far more than any none speced DD could hope to. i dont find it frustrating at all being a light mentalist.... i dont use up as much mana as a non-speced DD either so more kills to 1 mana pool. When it comes down to it its still your choice ofc.. but enchanters are used mostly for farming and power lvling for a reason, not just cos they effective at it but cos they dont excel in RvR. Personally i think Celt Mentis are the best cos they are never the first target.. the elph next to u will always die before u.


Well a fully buffed bm can kill people very very fast :)


make a warden we are always needed especially for rvr

also looking for a guild come to fantasy we don't take things too seriously we have both RvR section and RvE best of all its a laugh first with us its only a game and we never forget that


I enjoyed playing hero... especially in PvE groups... always action for you especially if you do the pulling as well... nuking was kinda :sleeping: and as a bard i didnt have any mezzing to do since every1 uses pbaoe anyway... warden could be fun... most champs spec LW and are not that wanted in PvE groups since they seem to drop quite fast...


Originally posted by greenfingers
50 CS
39 Parry
42 Shield
6 Piercing


Why use Celtic Spears AND shields? There aren't any 1 Handed spears are there? Afaik all spears are 2 Handed and then i can't use the shield which i've specced in.

Or does 1 Handed spears exist? Please reply asap :)


sheild lvl 42 is for rvr. u will get a style called slam wich has a 9 sec stun too it (around 7 sec if u count in melee resists). so hit once with onehander take away bladeturn, then slam = stun. then get old spear or lw and spank target until it's dead. u should be able too do it before stun wears out if not on another tank.

im no tank buts why sheild 42 :)


A hero is the obviuous answer i suppose, althogh from what i have seen from BM's.. they are actually better. (btw.. Elf BM anyone? hmmm.)

I still cant get my head around all these guys who insist that LW is the ONLY way to go as a champ.. if u do different u are "gimped".. Champions require more thought than just being another tank... they are best when they break off from the main group when enemy is sighted.. and with their many debuffs they can cause havoc amogst enemy support classes.

I will admit that my spec is somewhat "unique", but that's the way i have always played and i wont change it now.. i know how to play my char to the best of my ability and how to get the most from her. (now i know some of u guys who have seen me in action when farming have been more than slightly impressed)

IF u want the bog standard tank.. hero
something different? BM or champ

Nuker is usuallly mana chanter.. but for a challenge, try a mana ment. (easlily the hardest char i have ever had to play but well worth it)

All up to what u want from the game i suppose.. be the same or challenge yourself?.. I know what i wanted :)

Ilaya Dasquirrelslayer - 50 Lurichamp - Raven Ardent - GM Hearts Of Fire - 1132 Armourer

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