Could someone help with SC


Madonion Slicer

Hi guys dont really have a scooby about all the SC stuff so wondered if someone would be able demonstrate their uberness and tell me what is possible, i have a full suit of 99% Craftered af51 Cloth from Badjelly (minus the cap at the mo, but it is on its way), i would like to if possible cap or come close to on these stats


as the others dont have much effect, also i would like to cap Fire and Earth, which i believe is +11? and as far as resist go, will up them as much as possible with what is left.

Thanks anyone that can help i be very gratful, i tried using the Calc but seem to get confused when it comes to gem quality and types and what best placed where.

Also if a Spell crafted see's this and is not swamped by orders and would like to do it, i would be very happy.

Thanks for the help guys


In the case of spellcrafting it doesn't matter one jot which item you put a bonus on, it still translates to the same bonus stat on the item. *However* you do want to put gems of aproximately equal power on every item, as this uses imbue points most effectively. Also, remember you cannot put 2 gems which boost the same stat/skill/resist/etc on the same item (eg. maximum of one +INT item on one piece of armour).

As for gem quality, the only effect this has in on your chance to overcharge (imbue more points than an item's capacity) without blowing up both the item and the spellcrafter.

Maximum benefit from Spellcrafted items is...

+(level *1.5) rounded down, to each attribute (STR, CON etc)

+((level / 5) +1) rounded down, to each skill (Fire, Earth etc)

+((level / 2) +1) rounded down, to each resist

+ 50 focus levels *on your staff only*

You will want to max all your relevant attributes, skills (where you get benefit from doing so), resists, and install maximum focus on the spell lines you actually use before moving on to...

+(level *4) rounded down hit points.

and finally, if you really must...

+(level/2 + 1) rounded down power

So, to start planning your SC suit, first calculate the caps for your bonuses at your level, then subtract the bonuses you get from your current jewelry (which you cannot yet replace with player crafted stuff). This gives you your target stats for spellcrafting.

Now get hold of the player crafted armour / weapon you want to spell craft, and check the quality on every item.

The quality and level of each item determines the number of imbue points each item has. (points chart showing the effect of item lvl and qua% can be found here: )

Put all the information you've collected into a configurator like this one...

...and then work out what gems you need to imbue to make your equipment.

After you've done all that you can start thinking about what procs/charges/reverse-procs you want on every piece, and track down an alchemist to put them there :) .

For a fairly straightforward SC overview go here :


+75 to your stats at lvl 50
and i think 25% base resist is max. but can have more with RAs.


With a 99% quality suit you can easily cap those stats and you skills with plenty left over to pump up your resists.

All I'd need to know is what bonuses you get from your jewellry and what resists you want and I'll work it all out for you. PM in game or msg me here and I'd be happy to take your order.

Madonion Slicer

Thanks for the help guys it has explained it alot better to me know.

Simius i will work out what my items come to and pm you, thx

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