Could someone explain why...



... Albs, when camping for mids in emain, insist on camping on the TK side of the mmg, or even sometimes right outside the tk?

What possible benefit is there of ignoring the large defensive structure that is the mmg, and instead camping on the mid side of it?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Two encounters tonight...

1) About 30 albs held about 50 mids at the mmg for over half an hour, we farmed rps until eventually enough mids were dead to charge and wipe out the remainder, then quickly retreat back behind the wall.

The key to our success? Simple, we stayed on the correct side of the mmg and used to fortifications to our advantage. Being able to hold the mids behind the wall for so long even made deployment of a treb both practical and effective.

Then later...

2) About 40 albs vs 20 mids - but because albs insisted on pointlessly camping first on the mid side of the mmg and later around the tk itself - unfortunate pulls resulted in the albs being driven back and destroyed.

Am I missing something obvious here? Or is there in fact no reason under normal circumstances to advance any closer to the mid tk than the mmg?

Zag Barr

This is very easy to answer: People are selfish!

They want to get the kills and the RP, so they have to be up close to the front. Not way up front, because then you die first, but right behind the first line. So one idot moving forward and 30 more idiots move behind him.

Btw. It's the same reason, why 30 Palas and and 50 clerics ran past you before u get a ress - I mean if you get a ress at all ...

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