Coudln't Goa ease some of the more dificult parts of ToA?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ok, I for one dont want a classic server, I'd prefare to just keep our servers as they are, however I also am not very keen on some parts of ToA, being in a smallish guild and not having a ToA buffbot, means I find it hard to get the scrolls I need for my artifacts. Well I have asked before but I'd never push the issue of asking guild members to help me farm scrolls, thats so monotanous, and can take ages compared to asking for help with an artifact encounter.

Ok, so some Artifact encounters are very hard for people to get done, but changing that could possibly muck up the game completely, so how about if GoA made a sort of "Event" where there was a large spawn of mobs in each, Typhons, Green Glades, Meso and Stygia that dropped all the scrolls for each area. These mobs would have a much higher chance of dropping the scrolls than current mobs do. A bit like the change that came with Patch 1.74/1.75 but much bigger increase on % chance to drop.

Now before people say, "ehh its Mythic that make the game not GoA" yeah I know or before you say "GoA aren't alowed to change the game code" yeah I also know this :p

What I know GoA can do is introduce events and drops from events. They did it before with those mobs in the BG remeber?

Whats wrong with this idea? :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
If scrolls are the problem, why not farm fuckloads of money and buy em in housing ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:
If scrolls are the problem, why not farm fuckloads of money and buy em in housing ?

How do you farm fuckloads of money can I ask? Apperntly everyone has fuckloads but I dont seem to be able to get any.

I havent got a ToA bot, have access to a standard bot tho, and I have a supp sm, and access to a Warrior.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I too think scroll rates are poor, even worse is the sheer greed of the system in the pricing of the more rare ones, shame people dont seem to think about helping their fellow realm as a whole instead of their own pockets, but thats the nature of the way the game has gone.

However, you can farm seals, top tier materials from salvage, crafting to LGM, in fact there are quite a few ways. The other thing you can do it attend ML raids, where ones like ML7 and ML4 can reap many decent scrolls, lotto for them and presto, you get lucky with a decent item and / or scroll to sell or use.

Or moderna groups do still run, salvage and drops can be good here.

With the event you mention, unless enough drops for all who take part, your back to the lotto thing, no guarentee that you come out with anything. I dont think its really feasable for GOA to just hand out items, thats against the principles of the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2005
fionnel said:
They should instance toa.

You my friend are a genius great idea, set up instances for scroll drops ... their is enough team work in ml's and artifacts ... i am a casual player and have only been playing since august of last year so almost my anniversary i supose and i struggle to find enough plats to be competitive as i have no time to LGM in crafting or sit 8 hours a day in mls or 8 hours a day trying to farm solo .... instance sounds great for casual players and also for small guilds .... again ... genius :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Or make getting scrolls into quests instead - complete a quest and you get to chose from a list of scrolls etc


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 2, 2005
fionnel said:
They should instance toa.

aye i agree there .. would make it alot easier for those who cant get the ani squad .. or just the casual gamers


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
artifact encounters should be instances to stop the camping however it's a monumental amount of work to do that - I think they might be planning things like that though given what they've said in the past.

Scrolls are being made easier, they're still a bit of a pain but personally I've never actually been scroll farming for longer than an hour or two (can't stand it ;)) - go on a ML7 group steps raid or two (who cares if you don't need credit) - loads of scrolls drop in there.

See if you can get a group with people on FH to kill things.

Take your summoning SM to darkness falls, get seals and salvage for cash (or sell them to people) then buy the scrolls.

Do instances in catacombs, sell the aurulite and collect cash as you go through the dungeon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2005
Fana said:
Or make getting scrolls into quests instead - complete a quest and you get to chose from a list of scrolls etc

This is also a nice idea ... wonder if these opinions are ever listend to :-/


Dec 22, 2003
Or just give everyone everything they want for free, instantly..what a great game where everyone can have the best stuff, without putting any effort in <o/

Ohh my sarcasam button got stuck :|


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
Sure, I`ll buy them in housing.


1) Mythic/Goa unfrak the market explorer
2) Cockbites stop charging stupid prices for them


Dec 22, 2003
Sarumancer said:
Sure, I`ll buy them in housing.


1) Mythic/Goa unfrak the market explorer
2) Cockbites stop charging stupid prices for them

1) Done
2) Never


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Just give a merchant that give out arifact activated just ready to equip and level 10 and give insta ml10 then you can sort out the rest of the fun rog gear for urself :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
and get rid of this xping nonsense, should just be level 50 when you login and ML10!!

this is dark age of quake isn't it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You three are destroying this thread, not that it was much anyway but still.

Oh and also, regarding your snotty comments about us seemingly wanting everything to be ultra easy shutup. Nobodys asking for everything on a plate, just requesting that its possible we can get it within a reasonable time frame.

I had no problems back in the day having to level to 50 the hard way while others could Powerlevel, I had no issue with this because it was tollarable, and fun often, but ToA is alltogether a difirent story.

And I could easily turn your insults around and say that the only reason you people love it being so dificult, is because its not dificult for you and your super farming chars, you love the ability to be ahead of the game.

Flim, your now another reason I have 0 respect for Freddyshouse DAoC Moderators.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I don't have any super-farm characters, well, maybe my minstrel, but a friend of mine and me together can do a lot of nice things. I'm not rich either, but I get around, and I just as happily RvR in RoGs with no utility nor resists as in the uber-twinked armor of dewm.

Personally, I don't think ToA is hard. It's just slightly time consuming. Although, right now, the only time consuming part on my latest chars gear is the AC and SC as I seem to be lacking funds to buy those. Bought a SoM 3/3 at the low :)p) price of 7.5p, so now I'm pretty much skint again. However, if I'm ever dying for cash I'll just sell something, I have plenty of things I managed to acquire over the 2 years of playing that I can sell.

Also, MLs only take 2, maybe 3 hours. It used to be worse back in the first days of ToA where bugs weren't uncommon and lots of people go LD. But nowadays, most bugs are fixed and with grantcredit the LD issue has been slightly eased too. The last ML3 raid I was on only took 2 hours and that included lotto.

That event of yours, although a nice idea, kinda screws up the ingame economy. Now, I agree some stuff is way overpriced, but technically, it's the demand that sets the price. If sellers find people willing to pay 30 plat for a GoV, then it makes perfect sense to sell them at 30 plat. So don't blame the farmers, they usually push the prices down by 1, 2 plat, or something even more.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Melachi is actually right.

Put artifact mobs on 20 minute respawn, increase certain scroll drop rates by 500-1000%, nerf some of the incredibly stupid ML abilities, make nearly every ML encounter doable with 2 groups and make ranged buffs, and noone will bother playing on any of the "new" classic servers ;)

It's exactly what I see missing in DAOC and is present in WoW, when I want to go do something/get something (a drop) with my friends we make a group and go get it. Impossible in ToA. Make that possible and everyone will play ToA.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Deepflame said:
I don't have any super-farm characters, well, maybe my minstrel

That event of yours, although a nice idea, kinda screws up the ingame economy. Now, I agree some stuff is way overpriced, but technically, it's the demand that sets the price. If sellers find people willing to pay 30 plat for a GoV, then it makes perfect sense to sell them at 30 plat. So don't blame the farmers, they usually push the prices down by 1, 2 plat, or something even more.

Minstrel aint a super-farm character?! :p
You can buff up a Salamder or a Centaur Taur or somethin and let loose on scroll mobs :)

Yeah I know the problem with my idea is it kinda screws up the economy a bit, but only for the better imo. It wouldnt change artifact prices just scroll prices. The people with loads of time and all the correct farm chars would still have the massive advantage they love to have of being able to get any arti they wish, but they wouldnt also control the scrolls. Would mean those of us who are pressed for time or money for 2nd PC's/Accounts would atleast be half way closer to getting what we want.

I hate arti leveling, but I put up with it, its just the fact that I also need to get scrolls and the artifact. If I could rely on my guild to help get the artis I want im fine with that, just roam around hope to find one up, gather up a guild group and get it, level the artifacts myself solo if needs be im fine with that. But I cant farm red/purple con mobs for the scrolls I need, and I also cant expect guildies to throwaway hours of their gaming time to help me farm for a paticular elusive scroll.

Ive decided to take my old 700AC'er gonna level him up to tier 10 salvage skill, and start farming emeralds/saphs/diamonds, its slow but atleast its a possible method of getting the scrolls I need, cause as it is, I cant farm the ones I need.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
you can make 1000 arulite from doing an instance - will take you a couple of hours with BB and your SM / warrior - then sell these for 1 plat :)

easy peasy - u just want easy mode on TOA .....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
rampant said:
you can make 1000 arulite from doing an instance - will take you a couple of hours with BB and your SM / warrior - then sell these for 1 plat :)

easy peasy - u just want easy mode on TOA .....

neither of the warrior(rl friends acc), bot(rl friends bb acc) or SM(brothers acc) accounts have catacombs.

Only my account has catacombs, and ive only got a 50SB, and 40Savage

[Edit]And whats auralite supposed to do anyway? Sorry if that sounds condescending, its not its and honest question.

Wouldnt farming seals be just as effiecient?


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
in that case seal farming for u :) - on alb u get 1g per emerald / 3g per sapphire / 10g per diamond


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
summoning sm with a bot can do some farming, even if it's not ml9. Maybe if you can get jugger 2 or 3 as well...

You'd be surprised how silly much stuff thats killable with summ SM still if you just learn not to overheal and maybe have some RAs that help out.

Loads about summoning on vnboards -> mystic


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
As all scrolls now drop off reds in Volcanus and Aerus, many pairs of characters can handle them. I'd suggest getting a group of veterans wanting scrolls, and level 40+ other characters, and levelling in a group at the same time as scroll farming. Much more sociable (which is important - in a fun group you don't notice the time pass, and the xp and scrolls are a nice bonus), and achieving multiple things at the same time.



Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
/agree Darzil.

We now make 40+ guild groups to XP on and farm scrolls from those mobs. Then take same group, once all have the scrolls they need, to PoC and XP the artis. Works great.

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