


I've only recently started reading BW, a shame as it's about to close down, but all I see is a lot of 'whines' as you lot put it. To be honest I play DAoC because I enjoy it. I don't care what each new patch brings as long as it brings something different, even if it is 'nerfing' - it has changed the way the game plays. I've had a lot of games for over two years where the content does not change very much at all from patches. All these people who moan about changes DO NOT have to pay each month to play. A new player reading these forums would probably be put off from playing as all the 'old' players are whining that too many things have changed. If I had read these boards before I had subscribed ages ago I would have thought the whole community was disgruntled and it wasn't worth my money each month. However, I log on each time and there is my guild happy to further my character and reach that golden 51st season, yet BW would have you believe that the only people who play are there exploiting each new patch to their benefit or are being exploited themselves, either that or they have lost their skill at making their character 'uber'. What is the point? BW seems to be populated by people who are only interested in selling plat/accounts on eBay and don't really care about enjoying the game. If I moaned as much as most people do about patches and the upcoming expansions then I WOULD STOP PAYING TO PLAY. People who still post on here that have stopped their accounts need to go out and do more. If you have no account how can you moan about something that you no longer take part which updates with each patch.

At the end of my rant I must admit there are a few people on here that are for the good of DAoC and I thank them for their insight and useful advice instead of 'make a fotm <insert class here>'. Now flame away.

One more thing, I have been 'wtfpwned' many times and still I carry on. Especially by you Iniquity.

P.S Flesh has never done anything to me and I will treat him with the respect I give all new people that I speak to.


Also, Happy New year. I live in Norway at the moment and we are one hour ahead of the UK.

In case you're wondering I'm at home baysitting my 20 month old daughter and would rather be out getting drunk with my friends.


yarrick, most people want to play the easiest class available, with which some severe damage is done (creating the so called "fotm") because these people lack skill.

Now many a people will say: Skill is non-excistant in DAoC, you are right, it is when your in your everyday /assist, F6, re-stick train.

However, common knowledge/sense is required when playing a char that has more than 3 buttons. Such as a mage/healer for that fact, which in most cases will get players familiarized with their primary characters, thus developping more reaction speed, aka skill in certain situations :)

The majority that comes to BW, (mind you, I doubt that this is not even 25% of the total EU DAoC Population, so you can't make a generalization of the EU DAoC playerbase, but can from BW DAoC visitors) is more interessed in playing: wtfpwn/fotm/1-button-win, etc, characters. Atleast so it seems due to the endless discussions where Fun gets neglected over being "Über".

Ofcourse people will have their own reasons to play, whether they wish to feel über and try to achieve something probably stressing themselves and their friends in the process, or have fun.

The worst part about this is all the whines that pop up in the process, for everything people need an excuse, or to gloat, or to cry, they will whine here and make it sound 10x more bad, or un-true in some cases.

I can't really be arsed to add more at the moment, as I should be drunk, but I'm working on it.

Happy new year :)


Thank you for an intelligent reply, I can see that you agree with me in some cases and are one of the people who I mentioned about advice and such.

By the way, I hope Assassins of Albion makes a good comeback, I remember grouping with Ryath when he was in the guild.

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