Conspiracy Theories....



Everyone’s got one… let’s hear ‘em. I think that now that MacDonald’s have admitted to having bse infected cows, it’s part of a world wide conspiracy to stop over-population.

In South Africa last year, to celebrate “Aids Day”, the government issued 500,000 condoms stapled onto pieces of paper to the poor communities… they had stapled right through the centre of the condom… trying to spread the disease ??


I posted this at a while back. I'm lucky, it's on the very last page of the Main Forum topic's page.

Fluoride is BAD for you.

You cannot find one toxicologist in the world that will tell you that we should fluoridate our water supplies.

Fluoride is a powerful neurotoxin with no benefit to human life. Sodium Fluoride, which is the most widely used in our water supply, is one of the most lethal forms of what are called halogen salts. Merck's Index, the standard reference book of the pharmaceutical profession, lists the industrial uses of fluoride compounds as "an insecticide, particularly for roaches and ants." Under the heading "Human Toxicity", the Index says "Severe symptoms result from ingestion of 0.25 to 0.45 grams, and death results from ingestion of 4 grams. Sub-lethal symptoms are nausea and vomiting, abdominal distress, diarrhea, stupor and weakness. Lethal symptoms consist of muscular weakness, tremors, convulsions, collapse, dyspnea, respiratory and cardiac failure and death. Chronic symptoms are mottling of tooth enamel and osteosclerosis."

The last part of that is particularly disturbing... It causes mottling of our tooth enamel. We're told that it helps it out, but this is, of course, a lie.

So, where does this stuff come from, and who's bright idea was it to put it in our water supply? Well... Lemme tell you a story about a little company named ALCOA. ALCOA, Aluminum Company Of America, had a waste disposal problem back in the day. It seemed that no matter where they stored the waste product from aluminum, it killed everything. Plants, grass, animals, you name it, all dead. The waste product? Fluoride.

A short chronology of fluoride in America (courtesy of Leading Edge Research -

1916 The first evidence of brown mottling of teeth is reported in the United States, and would be eventually found to be caused by fluorides in water.

1922 Aluminum production (along with production of toxic by-product sodium fluoride) increases. Aluminum cookware is mass introduced in the US, beginning the gradual accumulation of aluminum in the brains of Americans. Additional aluminum is injected into society in "antacids" and toothpaste tubes, which aggrevate the action of toxic fluorides.

1925 Kettering Laboratory is founded from gifts from Ethyl Corporation, General Electric and DuPont (all who have interlocking relationships with I.G. Farben in Germany) to "investigate chemical hazards in American industrial operations" under contract, with provision that research "shall not be released to the public without the consent of the contracting company", in order to prevent the lab finding itself on both sides of a controversy in a court of law. During the mid-20th century, Kettering dominated the medical literature on the toxicology of fluorides, but information was not released into the public domain. See 1931.

1928 The equivalent of the U.S. Public Health Service is under the jurisdiction of Treasury Secretary Andrew W. Mellon, a founder and major stockholder of ALCOA aluminum, a major producer of toxic fluoride wastes. Mellon would step down from control of the Public Health in 1931.

1928 Edward L.Bernays, nephew to Sigmund Freud, writes the book Propaganda, in which he explains the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and how it is manipulated by those who wish to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. Says Bernays, "those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, largely by men we have never heard of." Bernays represents another connection to Germany and would be essential in the fluoride campaign in the United States. Wrote Bernay's, "if you can influence group leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway." (See Bernay's, 1947, and the fluoride campaign).

1931 A considerable portion of Kettering Laboratory's facilities are dedicated to the study of fluorides, initially with investigations into Freon 12 gas. Again, under contract, the studies are not releasable to the public. (See also 1939, Mellon Institute)

1931 Three independent groups of scientists determine that fluoride in the water is the cause of dental mottling. Research teams from ALCOA Aluminum (who have fluorides as a hazardous by-product of aluminum manufacture) and the University of Arizona. Also shown by North African investigators and others. Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute, owners of ALCOA, would later solve the expensive disposal problem with toxic fluorides by convincing others that it could be dumped in the public water supply as a "preventative" for tooth decay.

1931 Under an agreement with I.G. Farben, ALCOA accepts a restriction on the production of magnesium in the U.S, hampering the war effort, while Germany itself stepped up production. Most of the U.S. production was shipped out of the country to Germany.

1931 Public Health Service dentist H. Trendley Dean is dispatched by ALCOA founder Andrew Mellon to certain remote towns in the Western U.S. where water wells have a naturally high concentration of calcium fluorides. Dean's mission would be to find out how much fluoride people could physically tolerate before obvious visible damage to their teeth. Dean publishes a purposely skewed and deceptive study which purports to show that at 1ppm, flourides result in the "reduction of tooth decay". (See Gerald Cox, 1939)

1931 From 1931 to 1939, the U.S. Public Health Service seeks to remove fluorides from water supplies because of endemic mottled teeth. ALCOA's fluoride proposals have not been bought into by the public or government yet.

1937 U.S. Public Health Service publishes material indicating that fluoride concentrations in many U.S. cities varied between 0.6 ppm to 8.0 ppm. A concentration of 0.9 ppm means that over 10% of children have mottled teeth and tooth deformities.

1939 On September 29, 1939, Mellon Institute scientist Gerald J. Cox plays a major role in the promotion of fluoridation by saying "the present trend toward removal of fluorides from food and water may need reversal. Water engineers had been recommending a maximum allowable fluoride contaminant level of 0.1 part per million (ppm), maintaining a tenfold margin of safety. (When fluorides were eventually added to water through corporate pressure, that safety factor would be thrown out and the level raised tenfold beyond the engineering recommendations in 1939, when fluoride was properly recognized as a toxic contaminant. Note: Mellon Institute was founded by Andrew and Richard Mellon, former owners of ALCOA Aluminum, plagued by disposal problems of toxic fluoride by products. ALCOA also had a relationship with I.G. Farben in Germany)


Fluoride chemicals are by-products of the aluminum and chemical fertilizer industries that are considered to be hazardous wastes by the EPA. Robert J. Carton, an environmental scientist at the EPA, says the scientific assessment of the health risks of fluorides in 1985 "omits 90% of the literature which suggests fluoride is a mutagen - causes cellular and genetic mutation." Several scientists in the United States and other countries who have done research or written reports questioning the benefits of water fluoridation, or suggesting health risks, were discouraged by their employers from actually publishing their findings.

A few points to consider:

- It is a little known fact that fluoride compounds were added to the drinking water of prisoners to keep them docile and inhibit questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison camps in World War II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia.

- In 1989 a study by Hildebolt, et al. on 6,000 school children contradicted any alleged benefit from the use of sodium fluorides. A 1990 study by Dr. John Yiamouyiannis on 39,000 school children contradicted any alleged benefits from the use of sodium fluorides. In 1992 Michael Perrone, a legislative assistant in New Jersey, contacted the FDA requesting all information regarding the safety and effectiveness of fluoride tablets and drops. After 6 months of stalling, the FDA admitted they had no data to show that fluoride tablets or drops were either safe or effective. They informed Perrone that they will "probably have to pull the tablets and drops off the market."

- In 1976, Dr. D. Allman and coworkers from Indiana University School of Medicine fed animals 1 part-per-million (ppm) fluoride and found that in the presence of aluminum, in a concentration as small as 20 parts per billion, fluoride is able to cause an even larger increase in cyclic AMP levels. Cyclic AMP inhibits the migration rate of white blood cells, as well as the ability of the white blood cell to destroy pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms. Reference: Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 55, Sup B, p. 523, 1976, "Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Tissue Cyclic AMP Concentration in Vivo". (Note: It is no small accident that toothpaste tubes containing fluoride are often made of aluminum)

So, If this stuff is bad for you, what do you do about your teeth? Good question. There's plenty of toothpaste on the market that's made from natural substances and contain no fluoride. Of course, as with anything that good for you, you can find it in a health food store and it costs a bit more than regular toothpaste.

If you still think that fluoride is good for you, think about this: When was the last time you saw an African with bad teeth? They use something called a "chew stick" to keep their teeth clean. Personally, I've seen some African students in my town break off a branch from a tree on the way to the bus stop to clean their teeth.


they're out to kill us all! It's a conspiracy I tell you!


Yup, I agree. Every traffic warden in England is out to get me.

And I don't even have a car.



one wanted to put a fine on me moped

ffs, takes about 20 cm of the road

tossers. i just 'butted her in the face

then rode over her.



Originally posted by stazbumpa
Yup, I agree. Every traffic warden in England is out to get me.

And I don't even have a car.
Why are they out to get you staz?

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