Please, wink all you like, but the stuff I tried to get done for TN went all of bloody nowhere. From what I can remember of the list I send off, none of the following have been done
Crunchys e-mail is still the news e-mail
common news account was never provided
bugger all happened about trying to take some of the improved code on QN & move it across to the other sites
LPN & TecN have the "updated" look, while the other 4 sites don't breaking the consistancy
small redesign suggestion tweaks went all of nowhere, even though example code was provided
I've never minded trying to help out with the nation sites, however I'm not going to waste my efforts trying to force peeps I need help from at BW to get stuff done, if the nation sites have been prioritised lowley, then thats their call.
I had a conversation in #bw the other day about the #tn channel because I thought it would work better if I moved the users over to #bwtl so there was more of a community channel, however the responses I got showed about as much interest as you'd expect if you asked somebody to sit down & watch university challange repeats.
Again, good idea, doubt anything will happen, it took ages for a consoles forum to appear, rakes of people asking including me asking SAS (well more like boring him to death), but for another nation site that will most likley die, I don't see it being worth the hastle to end up with another dead site.
Well I'd suggest the what is a drive towards getting the place renovated & ready for P2P, however at the moment seeing as not much attention is going their way, I couldn't say that preping the nation sites seems to be a part of those plans.
Well that's what I thought MG but it's taking sooooooooooo long. I believe the nation sites could be made to be some of the best resources for gamers, like how some of the planet sites are.
Like I say m8, i'm not pushing for it, if BW want something from the nation sites they need to work it out, we shouldn't have to tell them what that is.
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