So, let me set the scene... Balrog, my now level 45 Enchanter came fresh out of an organised exp group last Thursday. I knew that the only consistant, guarenteed way to level was to join in killing Fins(a high level mob similar to drakulvs in malmohus, for those of you who don't know)
Now, Balrog is a relatively happy fellow... as he enjoys the very much green and churpy atmosphere of Hibernia. I'll also be honest and say that I've met very FEW unreasonable people in Hibernia.
This isn't a flame, it's more of a sharing of a bad experience that involves more than just myself.
So basically, I was trying to go by the list being polite to people and queuing them accordingly. However, there's some shitty individuals that bypass original rules because "it might make them look like assholes", so basically Zorba destroyed the whole group and it got me the blame due to having the list.
The list holder is satan, always... remember that.
Now, Balrog is a relatively happy fellow... as he enjoys the very much green and churpy atmosphere of Hibernia. I'll also be honest and say that I've met very FEW unreasonable people in Hibernia.
This isn't a flame, it's more of a sharing of a bad experience that involves more than just myself.
8,90,[Chat] Zorba: "Dork u have to pull now sry"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "thx"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "it looked full hehe"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "nolitio you're gonna have to go i'm afraid"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "phiora is up since i have no record of you being on the list"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "what?"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "nope Nolitio stays"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "excuse me"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "who has the list?"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "phiora was here at 7am"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "and asked for the list"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "so BS if noitio is staying and hasn't even asked to be on it"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "oh sry, thought u meant to get back Yodame"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i don't care if you don't like phiora etc, i go by the list"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "and tbh she's waited patiently since 7am... "
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "plz keep pulling nomatter what"
2,90,You send, "kick nol please" to Zorba
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "who told you to come?"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "cypress"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i asked people earlier not to invite if they hadn't asked me"
2,90,Phiora sends, "im here"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "since i'm trying to keep it fair with the list n all"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "worst comes to the worst nol, ask dork if he'll disband his alt for you... otherwise you're going to have to leave"
2,90,Phiora sends, "arent u grp leader?"
2,90,You send, "nope" to Phiora
2,90,You send, "relogged" to Phiora
2,90,Zorba sends, "bah! gonna make me look like an a hole"
2,90,You send, "erm we go by the list mate, it's only fair" to Zorba
2,90,You send, "this dudes been waiting since 7am man" to Zorba
8,90,[Chat] Nolitio: "now u are saying that dork is the 1 to say if i shall leave or stay"
2,90,You send, "YOU know what that's like" to Zorba
2,90,Phiora sends, "Hmm"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "wake up ffs :/"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "thats a first, i always die"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "Dork plz look for if target is to far away when u cast dmg shield"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: ""
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "did any resser make it"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "Cypress I hope"
8,90,[Chat] Dork: "ty"
1,90,Mortak says, "we wub Cypress"
3,80,[Party] Underminds: "my panel is bugged again( shows all alive"
1,63,Dork says, "she is a stunning star"
1,62,You say, "ta"
2,60,Phiora sends, "Hmm"
1,37,You say, "relogging"
8,34,[Chat] Cypress: "zorba ? "
1,30,You say, "pls leave nolotio"
3,30,[Party] Underminds: "gonna relog and train, take cyp until i get back"
8,24,[Chat] Zorba: "yes m8"
1,21,You say, "unless dork disbands greywolfe, as you've not been on the list whatsoever"
8,20,[Chat] Cypress: "where"
1,20,You say, "brb"
8,15,[Chat] Cypress: "lol"
3,11,[Party] Underminds: "since i had to escape halfway there"
8,8,[Chat] Zorba: "lol"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "the only reson (i think) dork is here is coz of greywolf. so dork dont disband! "
2,90,You send, "pls just kick nolitio" to Zorba
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "and i still think that some1 made a bad move about me, but do i have to pay the price?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "why isnt the grp leader kicking Nolitio?"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "yeah"
2,90,You send, "asking him to now" to Phiora
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "why?"
2,90,Phiora sends, ""
2,90,You send, "leader doesn't want to kick him because 'he'll look like an asshole'" to Phiora
2,90,Phiora sends, "lol"
2,90,Phiora sends, "who is the leader... Zorba?"
2,90,You send, "yep" to Phiora
2,90,Phiora sends, "Then he doesnt want to kick because I didn't see eye to eye with him the other day"
2,90,Phiora sends, "im 100% sure that's what it's about"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "what u mean?"
2,90,You send, "are you just ignoring me? kick him please so we can get going again" to Zorba
2,90,Zorba sends, "fyi dork is logging"
2,90,You send, "nice one" to Zorba
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "i still think u see it the wrong way"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "no"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i see it that, phioras been on the list since 7"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "and you haven't"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "that's how i see it"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "tbh you're all just names to me"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "on a list"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "that's how i have to treat this when i'm list holder"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "if you don't understand or don't see that... then sorry.. but it's how it is"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "yea and a mistake was made and then i have to pay for itstill dont see it. sorry jim"
2,90,Phiora sends, "lalala..."
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "i did send him saying that he should not leave but he said he had too"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "I got 50 chanter inc with his ranger, that or we aint killing"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "phiora told me you don't like him... but don't let it fuck the grp pls"
2,90,Phiora sends, "want me to log on my 50 Enchanter?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "can stay until u get a replacement"
2,90,You send, "ROFL at zorba" to Phiora
2,90,Phiora sends, "Hm?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "Remember... Ex-Middie..."
2,90,You send, "50 enchanter coming with his ranger, that or we ain't killing"" to Phiora
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "are u allways this way?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "haha"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "nolitio"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "please don't be smallminded"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "omg Balrog Im soo tired of u"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: ""
2,90,Phiora sends, "over mirc later, gonna post it on a forum, what 4fin camping does to you.."
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i'm gonna post this log on bw"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "just so ppl see"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba, you have a thing against phiora"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "so 1) you're making this awkward"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "2) nolitio.. you joined without asking me (i'm listholder)"
So basically, I was trying to go by the list being polite to people and queuing them accordingly. However, there's some shitty individuals that bypass original rules because "it might make them look like assholes", so basically Zorba destroyed the whole group and it got me the blame due to having the list.
The list holder is satan, always... remember that.