Conquest, fins fiddlers and petty grudge holders

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So, let me set the scene... Balrog, my now level 45 Enchanter came fresh out of an organised exp group last Thursday. I knew that the only consistant, guarenteed way to level was to join in killing Fins(a high level mob similar to drakulvs in malmohus, for those of you who don't know)

Now, Balrog is a relatively happy fellow... as he enjoys the very much green and churpy atmosphere of Hibernia. I'll also be honest and say that I've met very FEW unreasonable people in Hibernia.

This isn't a flame, it's more of a sharing of a bad experience that involves more than just myself.

8,90,[Chat] Zorba: "Dork u have to pull now sry :D"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "thx"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "it looked full hehe"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "nolitio you're gonna have to go i'm afraid"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "phiora is up since i have no record of you being on the list"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "what?"

3,90,[Party] Zorba: "nope Nolitio stays"

3,90,[Party] Balrog: "excuse me"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "who has the list?"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "phiora was here at 7am"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "and asked for the list"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "so BS if noitio is staying and hasn't even asked to be on it"

3,90,[Party] Zorba: "oh sry, thought u meant to get back Yodame"

3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i don't care if you don't like phiora etc, i go by the list"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "and tbh she's waited patiently since 7am... "
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "plz keep pulling nomatter what"
2,90,You send, "kick nol please" to Zorba
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "who told you to come?"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "cypress"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i asked people earlier not to invite if they hadn't asked me"
2,90,Phiora sends, "im here"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "since i'm trying to keep it fair with the list n all"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "worst comes to the worst nol, ask dork if he'll disband his alt for you... otherwise you're going to have to leave"
2,90,Phiora sends, "arent u grp leader?"
2,90,You send, "nope" to Phiora
2,90,You send, "relogged" to Phiora

2,90,Zorba sends, "bah! gonna make me look like an a hole"

2,90,You send, "erm we go by the list mate, it's only fair" to Zorba
2,90,You send, "this dudes been waiting since 7am man" to Zorba
8,90,[Chat] Nolitio: "now u are saying that dork is the 1 to say if i shall leave or stay:p "
2,90,You send, "YOU know what that's like :)" to Zorba
2,90,Phiora sends, "Hmm"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "wake up ffs :/"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "thats a first, i always die"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "Dork plz look for if target is to far away when u cast dmg shield"
3,90,[Party] Underminds: ":("
3,90,[Party] Underminds: "did any resser make it"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "Cypress I hope"
8,90,[Chat] Dork: "ty"
1,90,Mortak says, "we wub Cypress :)"
3,80,[Party] Underminds: "my panel is bugged again :(( shows all alive"
1,63,Dork says, "she is a stunning star"
1,62,You say, "ta"
2,60,Phiora sends, "Hmm"
1,37,You say, "relogging"
8,34,[Chat] Cypress: "zorba ? "
1,30,You say, "pls leave nolotio"
3,30,[Party] Underminds: "gonna relog and train, take cyp until i get back"
8,24,[Chat] Zorba: "yes m8"
1,21,You say, "unless dork disbands greywolfe, as you've not been on the list whatsoever"
8,20,[Chat] Cypress: "where"
1,20,You say, "brb"
8,15,[Chat] Cypress: "lol"
3,11,[Party] Underminds: "since i had to escape halfway there"
8,8,[Chat] Zorba: "lol"

3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "the only reson (i think) dork is here is coz of greywolf. so dork dont disband! "
2,90,You send, "pls just kick nolitio" to Zorba
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "and i still think that some1 made a bad move about me, but do i have to pay the price?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "why isnt the grp leader kicking Nolitio?"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "yeah"
2,90,You send, "asking him to now" to Phiora
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "why?"
2,90,Phiora sends, ":eek:"
2,90,You send, "leader doesn't want to kick him because 'he'll look like an asshole'" to Phiora
2,90,Phiora sends, "lol"
2,90,Phiora sends, "who is the leader... Zorba?"
2,90,You send, "yep" to Phiora
2,90,Phiora sends, "Then he doesnt want to kick because I didn't see eye to eye with him the other day"
2,90,Phiora sends, "im 100% sure that's what it's about"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "what u mean?"
2,90,You send, "are you just ignoring me? kick him please so we can get going again" to Zorba
2,90,Zorba sends, "fyi dork is logging"
2,90,You send, "nice one" to Zorba
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "i still think u see it the wrong way:p "
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "no"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i see it that, phioras been on the list since 7"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "and you haven't"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "that's how i see it :)"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "tbh you're all just names to me"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "on a list"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "that's how i have to treat this when i'm list holder"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "if you don't understand or don't see that... then sorry.. but it's how it is"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "yea and a mistake was made and then i have to pay for it:( still dont see it. sorry jim"
2,90,Phiora sends, "lalala..."
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "i did send him saying that he should not leave but he said he had too"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba invite phiora"

3,90,[Party] Zorba: "I got 50 chanter inc with his ranger, that or we aint killing"

3,90,[Party] Balrog: "phiora told me you don't like him... but don't let it fuck the grp pls"

2,90,Phiora sends, "want me to log on my 50 Enchanter?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "can stay until u get a replacement"
2,90,You send, "ROFL at zorba" to Phiora
2,90,Phiora sends, "Hm?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "Remember... Ex-Middie..."
2,90,You send, "50 enchanter coming with his ranger, that or we ain't killing"" to Phiora
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: "are u allways this way?"
2,90,Phiora sends, "haha"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "nolitio"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "please don't be smallminded"
3,90,[Party] Zorba: "omg Balrog Im soo tired of u"
3,90,[Party] Nolitio: ":)"
2,90,Phiora sends, "over mirc later, gonna post it on a forum, what 4fin camping does to you.."
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "i'm gonna post this log on bw"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "just so ppl see"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "zorba, you have a thing against phiora"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "so 1) you're making this awkward"
3,90,[Party] Balrog: "2) nolitio.. you joined without asking me (i'm listholder)"

So basically, I was trying to go by the list being polite to people and queuing them accordingly. However, there's some shitty individuals that bypass original rules because "it might make them look like assholes", so basically Zorba destroyed the whole group and it got me the blame due to having the list.

The list holder is satan, always... remember that.


As you can see.. I was the one who the fuzz was all about...
I had been on the list since 7am CET....
Went up early to get a good place on the list....

I got 2nd. Good I thought...

Time went by.... At about noon, one of the 50 Enchanters left, and I was called to join by THAT Enchanter... But nope another 50 Enchanter + alt was before me Zorba said... I got a bit P.O'd cuz I had been dragged away from RvR to go exp... But after some moaning... I logged on my other alts.. Time goes by...

at 8:30PM CET, Balrog sends me saying...
"Enchanter leaving, your up :)"

I log on again.. Wait for a slot...

And this is where the fuzz begins....

When Nolitio got invited, I didnt care very much cuz a 50 Enchanter + alt left.... and I thought I could steal the alts slot and they would invite a 48+ Enchanter to pull...

But nope...

Zorba had decided to call his guilds 50 Enchanter, who left before, to come pull for them, with HIS alt....

It really pissed me off good and almost caused me to sell my account, which some off you might have seen on mIRC.

/whine off


am i getting this straight? 12h+ waiting times at fins?


Originally posted by klavrynd
am i getting this straight? 12h+ waiting times at fins?

yup, hibs are morons


rofl what an asshole. why do lvl 50s even get fins groups? they should all fo if u ask me.



1. Haven't we all tried waiting ages for fins spot? (as I did 14 hours this thursday without even getting a spot)

2. Balrog why don't you post your childish remark and name calling log?

3. Could it be that I asked you to call in a chanter coz we were gonna be 1 short at least 5 times? and that you might have been afk as you were pretty much during half the whole session?
Got no reply from you and Cypress arranged for replacement, after 15 mins with him in group you tell him to leave.

4. I'm no ex middie Phiora as you can tell by my sig, and if I were would that make me ewul?

5. Have nothing against Phiora and I thought we straightened this out but seems I'm still getting grief.

Posting bits of your chat log, to forward your point of view shows nothing. Only thing that brought my name up here was the fact that I was groupleader and refused to kick a member coz as I said it was gonna make me look like an a hole. You claim that youre the one who will be seen upon as the a hole, well apparently no and now you flame me to make me look like one. Pathetic, if you have a problem why dont you talk to me instead of posting on the forums? it's childish and 4fins whine post are getting boring.

For those who do not know, if you gonna do focus pull u need a high lvl chanter because of pet lvl. We had no pullers (because he logged due to all the fuzz) so I called in a guild m8 ONLY because there were noone else to be found.

Best regards



Originally posted by ZiroWiz

1. Haven't we all tried waiting ages for fins spot? (as I did 14 hours this thursday without even getting a spot)

Doesn't explain why you should act completely oblivious to the list and invite your friends and their stealther alts without my consent. Typical l33t level 50 syndrome, seen it many a time.

2. Balrog why don't you post your childish remark and name calling log?

The chunk of log I posted was stuff RELEVANT to this affair, nothing more.. nothing less.

3. Could it be that I asked you to call in a chanter coz we were gonna be 1 short at least 5 times? and that you might have been afk as you were pretty much during half the whole session?
Got no reply from you and Cypress arranged for replacement, after 15 mins with him in group you tell him to leave.

We had a 50 Enchanter, that left due to your unfair behaviour causing the group to stall for about an hour, and thus him getting tired/bored and leaving.

Cypress only made things worse, 1) being friends with you and thus backing up your decisions no matter how unfair or rash they were and 2) because the person he invited was a void eld and not lvl 50 (hence Phiora should have taken the spot.. but no, due to you letting petty grudges in the way)

5. Have nothing against Phiora and I thought we straightened this out but seems I'm still getting grief.

"Hi der, I like to talk bullshit to show the people in the forum I'm a fair guy"

Truth is Zorba, the logs show me asking you in different chat tabs COUNTLESS times. Did you? no.

Posting bits of your chat log, to forward your point of view shows nothing. Only thing that brought my name up here was the fact that I was groupleader and refused to kick a member coz as I said it was gonna make me look like an a hole. You claim that youre the one who will be seen upon as the a hole, well apparently no and now you flame me to make me look like one. Pathetic, if you have a problem why dont you talk to me instead of posting on the forums? it's childish and 4fins whine post are getting boring.

As I say again, the parts of the log I posted were concerning the group matter. Zorba, you pretty much fiddled the list all day as I saw Conquest members getting invited to the group with no record of them on list. Conquest members that are extremely low lvl accompanied by a lvl 50.

Though that's not what i'm annoyed at, i'm annoyed at some people having to wait fucking 12 hours for your supercillious and illogical behaviour.

And yes, you attempted to make me look an asshole by telling your GM that the list was made at 4am or something like that. Truth is I got ASKED to hold the list (mental note: never again).

Yes, I posted the matter here.. so what? After the "Oh but i'll look an asshole" comment, I pretty much knew all you were was a respect seeking individual that cares about himself and guild and fuck all else. Thus trying to speak to you on a one to one basis I predicted would be a mass waste of time.

For those who do not know, if you gonna do focus pull u need a high lvl chanter because of pet lvl. We had no pullers (because he logged due to all the fuzz) so I called in a guild m8 ONLY because there were noone else to be found.

We had no pullers because you wouldn't simply kick the person that YOU invited, due to being a friend of yours. So of course to rectify the situation you thought, "Yes, Now I can bring in yet ANOTHER Conquest lvl 50 and his low alt... this will stop Phiora getting into the group and I'll be uber respected and all the girls will love me, I'm a winner!"

Wrong way to go about the whole situation Zorba, I hope in future you think about others outside yourself and your guild.

I one day hope for a better Hibernia
/hangs his head


God I miss 4fins , pity there's nowhere else in hib to xp.....



B) Respect the list, even if your buddies want a group.

C) If you dont want to be an asshole, dont be group leader.

D) Go powerlevel you bloody alts someplace not so common, and that goes for every body.

E) A lower then level 40 in a fin group .... ever tried to find a realy good group around your alts level and stick to that ... oh wait you'll have to work then. Again this goes for all.


G) If you said bad words: shame on you for doing it, talk in a civil manner even if the person is an ass. Dont by pass the list just because your the group leader, try and be fair even if you dont like the people around

H) and yes x-middies are evul!

I) Klavrynd so what its only like 14 hours of your life gonne out the window, its not like you COULD HAVE SOLOED, or BEEN IN ANOTHER GROUP and gained a level in that time.

Khromnir out ... and yes yes you dont like me now, so what.


Originally posted by succi
God I miss 4fins , pity there's nowhere else in hib to xp.....

Yeah its a shame that they closed all other exp spots ... its true they have there are no exps to be gained on other monsters.


Sheeesh, everyone knows F'ins is without doubt the best xp in Hib. Nowhere else comes even close. Nowhere in SI, BoC, SH can even compete with waiting 14 HOURS on a list for the uber xp that is TEH FINS.

Seriously, Fins is good, easy, xp but the most boring thing in the game (and I'm a crafter). So an xp spot which causes more Hibs to quit, causes more lvl 50 noobs and is about as much fun as being mezzed is everyone's favourite place.

Perhaps we are morons in Hib


The key to a well functional Finsgroup & it's list, is the groupleader/listkeeper


Tbh people who hold list should also be group leaders,then it wont turn to chaos


Longtime Hibs on this server arent as used to lists and template groups as a lot of the players that have joined from other servers recently which I think is where a lot of the friction comes from. The idea of a list with rules is honestly something that just isnt going to go down well all of the time, thats not my personal opinion on the matter but just how it seems to be.

Fins groups are always grumpy, thats why I hate them :p.



BOC Guardians/Banshees
BOC Guardians/Queen
CF Lusus/Far Darocha/Banshee rotating for camp bonus
CF Gleeners and stuff/grenchers
CF Gobo's, misc other mobs
Emain Lusus/Worms walk round the pond for constant camp
Crim Fins/Gleeners at Crim (looks like some mobs have disappeared in patches, like the field lichen/grand pooks)

Not bothered with SI.

Split into two groups of 4 and stuff in BOC and try exping between spots. 5 or 6 guys killing wraiths in BOC would get equivalent xp to fins, plus rotating bonus by moving to Guardians and stuff.

Hell there's more and if you kill an Alb or Mid there's xp to boot now in frontier and outpost bonuses.

Ah the good old days, no lists, BUT everyone took yonks to level.



Originally posted by eccho
Longtime Hibs on this server arent as used to lists and template groups as a lot of the players that have joined from other servers recently which I think is where a lot of the friction comes from.

i only see conquest/np PL:ing at fins. tbh, ive only been on at 3-4am-6am so its only good for the group since they bring something that the group is missing at that time.

but doing that at primetime with alot of people on list is kinda.. bad manners ;/


Whoever is sitting on their butt for hours waiting for a spot doesn't deserve any xp imo :p



Aggro and poor manners arent the reserve of certain guilds at 4fin, it goes with the territory and it was going on long before the ones you mention ever arrived or where formed here.

The price of the the uber fast xp you get at fin spots is being grouped with like minded players who want to get to 50 asap, which is why the list is a waste of time because its rarely enforced and always favours invites to individuals who help the group xp faster.

Something that wasnt considered in the original post was forming a second group to work with the existing one. This method pays well in xp too although its not as fast or perhaps (if it wasnt already camped) a second group could have been formed to camp slightly further south where you can pull 2-3 fins and BW's for decent XP as well.

As Anpu said whats the point waiting hours on a list when you could be xping elsewhere anyway, even in CF if you so desire wheres theres 4 different Fin spots I can think of :D.


yet again i see why i boycot fins, and also why i never get exp.......:mad:

i refuse to beleive all conquest people are evul, but i also will side with balrog, since as list keeper, his word should be law.

seems like the real curse of the forest is the tosser magnets hidden inside of the fins spots, that cause all the clueless arrogant tossers to arrive there and claim dominion over the entirity of the spot.


fins are great for practicing the Confuse ability on.

Really fun.

You get 5 points for a tank, 10 for a healer, 15 for a caster, and 30 if you can get the Enchanter before the pet.

Brilliant fun!


Originally posted by VidX
fins are great for practicing the Confuse ability on.

Really fun.

You get 5 points for a tank, 10 for a healer, 15 for a caster, and 30 if you can get the Enchanter before the pet.

Brilliant fun!

:clap: Now anyone want to borrow me a bard :)?


good 1 zorba... funny that this ppl dont get it...
we are and will always be ASSHOLES. :)


Seems like Zorba doesnt want to be an ASSHOLE.


I remember when I was trying to level my Valewalker at 4 finm there was someone who wouldn't even let me be in their group for seemingly no reason :mad: even when I was there and could've helped start groups and I never seemed to go up on the lists until they left the group and other people then invited me.

Took from 8am till 1am on the list one time and then I only xp'd for about 2 hours as was too tired afer being up all day soloing and jumping between makeshift groups.:rolleyes:

Nemesis Warlock

FYI noobs!

When i form a group at a spot ... its my group and we devide who to invite...

fins is NO official spot and NO one has a right on it ... NO one has a abo on it. I cant help ppl that complain about long waiting times at fins if they are too dumb to find another place to lvl their chars.

If i go to corus and do a group at wees no one comes and forces me out or wants to dictate me who to invite. The group that comes first has the spot. ....and decides who joins.... who rulez over me to tell me when i got a spot i have to invite who comes first ? i still can invite whom i want. And its not my fault there is only one fin4 in Hib. But if im lvling there i cant stand it anymore ppl stand at my back and wait... no force u to leave.. cuz 30 ppl are on a "list". That doesnt happen in Corus too... why ? cuz its no uber exp...its ormal exp but u WANT WANT WANT WANT fin4 too... so u blame me ?

The man that has soloed his ranger in 15 days NOT at fin4.

I get a fin4 spot everyday and i have NO 50 chanter... i just stand up early and dont just come and WANT a spot if group is full.. yeye i know what u might say ... but if u not willing to stand up early dont complain about getting no spot... u think its stupid to stand up early ? dont do it and let me do what i want .... U stand up early ? ok u got spot whats ur prob then ?


And i was at the spot and balrog was so annoying to the ppl he drove a druid and another enchanter away cuz he spammed groupchat and didnt let ppl do their things...he didnt pbaoe and spammend /g.. till ppl got fed up and left... thanks ;P at last group broke up and reformed cuz no one wanted to group with balrog anymore ... NO ONE of the 7 ppl .. not just one arse.... cuz we didnt invite who HE wanted.....if u join a group u accept their rules if not then dont join.. next time such a thing happens ill kick everybody out to save the group ... not my problem.. ive been rejected many times to .. but im mature enuff to let it be a game...


nother piece of info -important- the log is cheated and edited.... Balrog let out the pieces which make him a muppet. Im a witness cuz i was in this group.

2nd info: He had the list and went LD for over 10 mins.... we didnt know whom to invite and he wouldnt come back and invited someone who asked... then balrog came back after nother 5 mins and INSISTED to kick this one again...


He was group leader and went LD! HE held the list of who was next to join ffs. If u dont want to invite ppl then tell them that u want them to FO not that they can wait for 6 hours then let someone that just arrived get the spot.... n00b.

Teh Krypt

Spice, 50 Ranger Hib/Prydwen
Lathis, 50 Druid Hib/Prydwen
Lhasar, 50 Champion Hib/Prydwen
Cypress, 50 Bard Hib/Prydwen
Sylvie, 45 Enchanter Hib/Prydwen
Silveroak, 18 Animist Hib/Prydwen
Slice, 12 Nightshade Hib/Prydwen
Psykeen, 20 Mentalist Hib/Prydwen
Cyni, 12 Hero Hib/Prydwen
Silvertree, 12 Valewalker Hib/Pryd
Lhyria, 39 Warden Hib/Prydwen
Doccus, 30 Druid Hib/Prydwen
Lhasarine, 12 Blademaster Hib/Pryd
Aillanna, 10 Eldritch Hib/Prydwen

Lathis, 25 Warden Hib/Avalon
Lathander, 16 Druid Hib/Avalon
Lathandrus, 12 Mentalist Hib/Avalon

Lathis, 39 Theurg Alb/Exc
Amhan, 11 Armsman Alb/Exc
Soolar, 11 Wizard Alb/Exc
Chron, 5 Cleric Alb/Exc

Ughdaz, 16 Thane Mid/Stonehenge
Klumbi, 15 Healer Mid/Stonehenge
Hrung, 7 Warrior, Mid/Stoneh
Vein, 6 Shadowblade, Mid/Stoneh

Sinistress, 18 Infiltrator, Camlann
Cyni, 13 Bard, Camlann
Sincess, 5 Eldritch, Camlann
Grumbi, 12 Healer, Camlann

Jan, 150 Fool, Heidelberg/Germany


God spice :p

You were one of the first people I knew in daoc when I played Zeon/Krypton ect :p, nerf all your chars now :)



threads like these makes me remember why I left Hibernia :)

Hibbies are nutters
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