Connection problems lately [Tracert needed] Updated
Now, i need traceroutes from players who do NOT have problems while their friends are dropping like flies all around the realms.
Same procedure, with just a different subject : [CLEAN TRACERT]
Now, i need traceroutes from players who do NOT have problems while their friends are dropping like flies all around the realms.
Same procedure, with just a different subject : [CLEAN TRACERT]
Some things i wanted to clear about the connection problems lately:
1) This is not server related at all. Since patch, we noticed only 2 server crashes, Avalon (rebooted automatically around 11pm CET on Sunday) and Ys (crashed due a problem in the translation files on Sunday morning around 9am CET).
2) After contacting Opentransit (our ISP), we got the confirmation that there was nothing wrong on their side lately. However, many ISPs companies, big and small, are closing their doors all over Europe lately and this is causing some chaos in the European Internet platform overall.
That said, we want to push the investigation even further, but for that, we need you.
I’m sure someone will explain how and where to get a “tracert” to our servers, so I’ll skip that part. What I need for now is a “tracert” to the server you play on, during a period of trouble (disconnection, packet loss, etc).
Save it in an easy format (text file or screenshot) and send it to kemor@goa.com with [TRACERT] as header.
You will NOT get an answer from me; I’ll just grab all those tracerts and will give them to the admin guys.
Ps: Thank you to the one of you who will post how to do tracert and how to use them, I’m sure lots of you got way more technical skills than I to do this