Connection problems, help needed :)



I've got this really annoying connection problem...

Recently I had ADSL installed, which is great. I get really nice and consitantly low pings on joining servers.

The problem is that after about 10 mins the game develops a kinda stutter, every few second or so the screen updates seems to stop for 1/4 second.

This get really enoying as you can imaging. If i quit quake or rejoin the server, its okay again for another 10 mins.

Can enyone help me? im pulling my hair out over this one, ive been through most of the setting tweaks, but ive never seen any mention of this problem....


Ive now noticed that the top bar of the lagometer is spiking downwards at the same time i get the screen lock.

[Edited by snorkle on 23-04-01 at 19:26]


Top bar I think is the data outgoing from your system to the network. If you're getting spikes then it sounds as if your computer might be doing something else on the line - like trying your mail server to see if you have any more Emails perhaps, or perhaps doing a virus scan ?

Try playing with no other applications of any kind running and see if it has the same effect. You might also want to try dial up and see if the same problem recurrs - if it doesn't then its probably a DSL issue. If it does, then your system is surrepticiously trying to do summat


ICQ net detect
Find Fast
Task Scheduler
Symantec net detect

I've had problems with the above attempting to gain access to my interconnection / attempting to run, during a game. Make sure they're turned off.


Virus checker

I doint think its your adsl connection. I ususally start playing on a Friday night and everything starts going jerky at 8 O'Clock----yep good old Norton kickin in. I concurr with the other guys, get rid of those system tray items if you want hassle free gaming.


old.GWF Max Damage

Yeah, i'm on BT ADSL,
it's sweet, and I get great FPS and a pretty consistent ping of 50 on my regular favourite server.

But for the past two weeks it seems to randomly just stop, say 'connection interrupted' and I can sit there and watch people run up to me and get an easy lag-frag.

I have made sure it isn't a setting caused by screwing with \snaps, \cl_maxpackets etc..
I get the prob on every server I play.

I have also shut down EVERY back-ground/system-tray program which might cause interference.

Being on a shared LAN ADSL connect, both machines are getting it -
An extensive virus scan has been run on the networked machines, and everythings clear.

All started when I put OSP pk3 in baseq3, but the other networked machine hasn't got it in so that's discounted.

Probably just best to blame BT methinks.
8:00pm is a connection heavy time of the day for gamers.


Your problem, Max sounds a lot like a nightmare a m8 of mine is having. The bad news is he's been on the blower to BT pretty much every day for the last 6 weeks trying to get them to sort out the problem.
He has even got trace routes of his connection to show BT that it is a problem with them, and nothing to do with his machine or software. Despite all this, and 'technicians' coming round to his house to test it themselves, he still has a shitty connection.
Look at if you want to see the trace routes - theres also a lagometer screenshot from Quake 2 to give you an idea of his gaming on ADSL.
My understanding is, that BT's ADSL is fantastic when it works ok. But if you run into problems you'll find BT have as much knowledge of troubleshooting their own ADSL technology as a PG Tips chimp.
I for one am very hesitant about upgrading from ISDN.
If anyone could recommend a good ADSL supplier, from whom theyve had good troubleshooting experience, please post it here.
BT should forget about providing ADSL - 'It's the taste'.

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