Tafaya Anathas
Fledgling Freddie
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- Dec 24, 2003
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Nice teamwork at Dun Crauchon tower 3, some hibs and a mid took the tower in hand in hand in the ususal hibgard style. Nice work! 

Frozodo said:sounds like someone is grumpy....
Tafaya Anathas said:I just hate xrealming thats all.
Tafaya Anathas said:Nice teamwork at Dun Crauchon tower 3, some hibs and a mid took the tower in hand in hand in the ususal hibgard style. Nice work!![]()
Hestethun said:retard
Spetsnaz said:its not x-realming its common cence ...
3 realms 1 gets advantage over others via relics ... what u think the other 2 will do sit with crossed hands? or start attacking eachother? dont think so
for example if hibernia had 4 relics or 6 i bet mids and albz would be attacking hibernia 24/7 same goes for any other realm
...its so simple
Spetsnaz said:its not x-realming [...]
what u think the other 2 will do[...] start attacking eachother?[...]
...its so simple
Chimaira said:So x-realming is allowed cause albs has most relics?
lmao shitwankers
Belomar said:Oh, and if it is so important to you, do you really believe that this single lonely Mid tipped the scales sufficiently so that you lost the tower?
Chimaira said:Albs on pry have been facing relicgard and relicbernia for many times
we didnt have the excal alb zerg to forcewin the relics we just sucked xD so we always was down with the shit. most of the time atleast. and I cant remember we x-realmed due to that
Excal style I guess
and this aint about attacking alb or not. its attacking alb as a team.
I dont really give a fuck if you do but denying here and blaming albs relics are loller
Tafaya Anathas said:I just hate xrealming thats all.
Chimaira said:Savages is a good excuse
Pre nerf savage with Duelist reflexes 4-5 mm. good enough cause
Chimaira said:Anyway just fucking about. I havent even tried our relics on Pryd yet. and it was a pisstake to raid em on New years eve aswell. Guess roleplayers dont celebrate NY and drink a couple of cold unz
Tafaya Anathas said:Nice teamwork at Dun Crauchon tower 3, some hibs and a mid took the tower in hand in hand in the ususal hibgard style. Nice work!![]()
MaCaBr3 said:O M F G...Some idiots just can whine for about anything without even using their brain for only 1 second.
MaCaBr3 said:1) this is hardely a collaboration,"few hibs and 1 mid" for you is a "hibgardian" style. its fucking "a few hibs = 3 (I guess) and one mid = 1" and u scream bloody murder.
MaCaBr3 said:2)Ur an attentionwhore
MaCaBr3 said:3)Don't u ever think that u were raised a man, but ur actually a women, cuz only women can whine over some thing as stupid as this
MaCaBr3 said:4) I saw a mid waving to an alb and they decided to not kill each other: omgf! xrealm!!!!!!!!!!!!!...call zi police!
xxManiacxx said:It´s not x-realming because they didnt kill eachother. It´s not x-realming because they took the tower together. It´s x-realming when u use third party software or another acc logged in to another realm to gain information that u otherwise wouldnt get to gain an advantage for your realm.
I have helped hibs a couple of times to retake towers from albs without saying a word. A simple /hug and /point on the tower does the trick quite often. Nothing says that u HAVE to kill a person from another realm.
Tafaya Anathas said:Yeah it's whining, but I whine against a rule break.