Congratz to hibs and a lonely mid for taking DC3

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Nice teamwork at Dun Crauchon tower 3, some hibs and a mid took the tower in hand in hand in the ususal hibgard style. Nice work! :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
Tafaya Anathas said:
I just hate xrealming thats all.

well i woulda kinda excepted mids to come out and play due to let u guys have 20 melee / spell dmg .. maybe they even try get their own relics back :D.. and i fink all hate xrealming


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Tafaya Anathas said:
Nice teamwork at Dun Crauchon tower 3, some hibs and a mid took the tower in hand in hand in the ususal hibgard style. Nice work! :clap:



Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Well albs are steamrolling hibs now, so albs can expect some grief from mids and hibs......

And frankly mids+hibs=albs with numbers out there, and albs have 4 relics, no doubt soon 6, so expect albs to be public enemy number 1.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
So x-realming is allowed cause albs has most relics?

lmao shitwankers


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
its not x-realming its common cence ...

3 realms 1 gets advantage over others via relics ... what u think the other 2 will do sit with crossed hands? or start attacking eachother? dont think so

for example if hibernia had 4 relics or 6 i bet mids and albz would be attacking hibernia 24/7 same goes for any other realm

...its so simple


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Spetsnaz said:
its not x-realming its common cence ...

3 realms 1 gets advantage over others via relics ... what u think the other 2 will do sit with crossed hands? or start attacking eachother? dont think so

for example if hibernia had 4 relics or 6 i bet mids and albz would be attacking hibernia 24/7 same goes for any other realm

...its so simple

Albs on pry have been facing relicgard and relicbernia for many times
we didnt have the excal alb zerg to forcewin the relics we just sucked xD so we always was down with the shit. most of the time atleast. and I cant remember we x-realmed due to that

Excal style I guess :m00:

and this aint about attacking alb or not. its attacking alb as a team.
I dont really give a fuck if you do but denying here and blaming albs relics are loller


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2006
Spetsnaz said:
its not x-realming [...]

what u think the other 2 will do[...] start attacking eachother?[...]

...its so simple

Since Mythic calls it PVP/RVR (for you --> REALM vs REALM) I FUCKING think so.



Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
in one word...No...but what has that got to do with anything said here ?

Chimaira said:
So x-realming is allowed cause albs has most relics?

lmao shitwankers

In one word...NO...but what has that got to do with anything said in this thread ?

X-realming is sharing priviledged information outside the game paremeters to be used by the other side inside the game.

For a mid and a hib to join forces to beat of the larger numbers has nothing to do with that. Its just common understanding not to attack eachother (even though it might be abit hard at times with pbae/etc not having enough AI to kill what the players want only:)

Its not xrealming for players from different realms too not attack eachother and turn against the third long as they are not sharing specific information outside the game about their own realms actions/movments that can be used to get an unfair advantage against that own realm.


ps. In this case Id say its only to be expected that hibs and mids choose to take out albs before starting in on eachother...(once mid relics are back safe in mid and all are equalized and the rvr population goes back too beeing only a slight advantage in number for albs, the hibard alliance will break and mids and hibs will be at eachothers throughts again!:) ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
i wouldnt call that x-realm and i played on pryd long long time ago so dont know the situation there but anyway...

if thats x-realm than some1 plz tell mids to stop killing me im their friend in this case (last night i died to both mids and albz) :twak:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Look, it's simple: It's only crossrealming if the two parties contacted each other and arranged the tower take using an out-of-band channel (such as IRC, MSN, phone etc) or an alt char logged onto another realm. There are no rules that state that you have to kill all enemies you encounter; in fact, much of the "honor" (make of that what you wish) in today's RvR is hinged upon not "adding" or zerging soloers, and many of the (albeit few) positive threads in this forum arise when someone spares someone else (as for a fair duel, fair 1 vs 1 fight, or FG vs FG).

In this light, I don't see it as impossible that the Hibs and Mid just decided to not try to kill each other and instead briefly combined their forces against a common enemy. Coming here to whine about the loss of a tower (get a grip!) is useless and does not constitute crossrealming unless you can actually show that OOB communication has taken place.

Oh, and if it is so important to you, do you really believe that this single lonely Mid tipped the scales sufficiently so that you lost the tower?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Belomar said:
Oh, and if it is so important to you, do you really believe that this single lonely Mid tipped the scales sufficiently so that you lost the tower?

he was probably a whorelok... so yes hehe


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Mythic said kill enemy on sight or die trying :D

old djungle saying xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Well the same goes for mids and hibs doesnt it...?

Chimaira said:
Albs on pry have been facing relicgard and relicbernia for many times
we didnt have the excal alb zerg to forcewin the relics we just sucked xD so we always was down with the shit. most of the time atleast. and I cant remember we x-realmed due to that

Excal style I guess :m00:

and this aint about attacking alb or not. its attacking alb as a team.
I dont really give a fuck if you do but denying here and blaming albs relics are loller

Well the exact same goes for mids and hibs on prydwen.

In the end of OF Mid where in advantage, and Alb were the contenders with Hib beeing the smaller force. Albs and Hibs were hunting mids alot together, and it wasnt seldome you saw whole groups just bowing and moving away from eachtoher after mids were dead. (Ohhh the time of the Savage:)

During start of NF the vision of Mids as the strong part lived on and both Albs and Hibs were hitting mid frontier 24/7. (Albs even opened str relic gate for hibs to just sneak in with 2 fgs and take while they were serging power relic) (about 2 weeks into NF. And damn it took us long to wear the Hibs down and get that relic back...:)

After the loss of mids 2 relics in NF we fought Albs on equal terms and got our power relic back. Hibs then got classified as the stronger part (felt like they had 20 shrooming animists logged in every keep ready to go at a moments notice 24/7). So Albs and Mids hit hibs in mutual understanding.

Eventually the power defenders of Hib got bored of it and the playing ground was even again...(Albs at a slight disadvantage (maybe ?) due to loss of alot of roaming groups ? So alot of Instant RvR in Albland. But the second hibs took advantage of it and snatched a relic both Mids and Albs hit Hib hard)

Then came cluster...and now we are at a position when Albs are in high advantage now Mids and Hibs will hit Albs hard till it evens out again...thats why its good with 3 realms and not 2 or 4...when someone gets an upper hand the other 2 joins forces to even the playing ground out!



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Savages is a good excuse

Pre nerf savage with Duelist reflexes 4-5 mm. good enough cause :m00:

Anyway just fucking about. I havent even tried our relics on Pryd yet. and it was a pisstake to raid em on New years eve aswell. Guess roleplayers dont celebrate NY and drink a couple of cold unz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Tafaya Anathas said:
I just hate xrealming thats all.

what would you choose (seen from mid eyes), hibs loosing relic and albs does +20% instead of +10% melee/magic damage or hibs keep the relics and situation stays as it is?
And if people got alt chars on hib server i wouldnt call that xrealming neither if mids/hibs defend together cuz it benefits 'em both.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Hehe...couldnt have said it better myself!:)

Chimaira said:
Savages is a good excuse
Pre nerf savage with Duelist reflexes 4-5 mm. good enough cause

Your so right mate!:)

Chimaira said:
Anyway just fucking about. I havent even tried our relics on Pryd yet. and it was a pisstake to raid em on New years eve aswell. Guess roleplayers dont celebrate NY and drink a couple of cold unz

Couldnt have said it better myself...:cheers:

And the day after is for:
Hehe and lord knows I wasnt at my prime then!:)


Oct 26, 2004
Tafaya Anathas said:
Nice teamwork at Dun Crauchon tower 3, some hibs and a mid took the tower in hand in hand in the ususal hibgard style. Nice work! :clap:

O M F G...Some idiots just can whine for about anything without even using their brain for only 1 second.

1) this is hardely a collaboration,"few hibs and 1 mid" for you is a "hibgardian" style. its fucking "a few hibs = 3 (I guess) and one mid = 1" and u scream bloody murder.
2)Ur an attentionwhore
3)Don't u ever think that u were raised a man, but ur actually a women, cuz only women can whine over some thing as stupid as this
4) I saw a mid waving to an alb and they decided to not kill each other: omgf! xrealm!!!!!!!!!!!!! zi police!

PS: sorry for the sex joke, was the only way to explain another pointless whine thread.

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
MaCaBr3 said:
O M F G...Some idiots just can whine for about anything without even using their brain for only 1 second.

Yeah it's whining, but I whine against a rule break.

MaCaBr3 said:
1) this is hardely a collaboration,"few hibs and 1 mid" for you is a "hibgardian" style. its fucking "a few hibs = 3 (I guess) and one mid = 1" and u scream bloody murder.

Yeah, and the /hugfest after taking the tower was because of a bad choose of quickbars. And the weight of a rule break doesn't depend on how many break it imo.

MaCaBr3 said:
2)Ur an attentionwhore

Yeah, sure, If you said so...

MaCaBr3 said:
3)Don't u ever think that u were raised a man, but ur actually a women, cuz only women can whine over some thing as stupid as this

Okay, I'll whine about wls etc. rule breaking is good, mmkay

MaCaBr3 said:
4) I saw a mid waving to an alb and they decided to not kill each other: omgf! xrealm!!!!!!!!!!!!! zi police!

Somebody will maybe enlighten you about what xrealm means.

Ps.: My english is bad so don't be Gamah


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
It´s not x-realming because they didnt kill eachother. It´s not x-realming because they took the tower together. It´s x-realming when u use third party software or another acc logged in to another realm to gain information that u otherwise wouldnt get to gain an advantage for your realm.

I have helped hibs a couple of times to retake towers from albs without saying a word. A simple /hug and /point on the tower does the trick quite often. Nothing says that u HAVE to kill a person from another realm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
It´s not x-realming because they didnt kill eachother. It´s not x-realming because they took the tower together. It´s x-realming when u use third party software or another acc logged in to another realm to gain information that u otherwise wouldnt get to gain an advantage for your realm.

I have helped hibs a couple of times to retake towers from albs without saying a word. A simple /hug and /point on the tower does the trick quite often. Nothing says that u HAVE to kill a person from another realm.

Perfectly said :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
Tafaya Anathas said:
Yeah it's whining, but I whine against a rule break.

As long as they don't make agreements outside daoc, like voice com, chat's and forums they broke no rule..

And while albs are steamrolling hibs, mids are taking towers in alb.. and a fg og hibs are killing the mids.. so don't worry.. hibs will defend you while you take their relics =)

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