Congratulations Prodigy

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For ruining the sidi raid by failing to stick to the rules and being too stubborn to follow them.

Well done for ruining what could've been a very good raid.

Good work Tidey, I speak on behalf of the rest of LoD when I say we back you 100%.

Honesty > Nihilism


pretty crap that TP didnt follow the rules, aye ;|


The Prodigy = Mainly The Dragon-Fighters breakaways and Keepers of The Light guilds.

These are both sound guilds with nice players and great attitudes. Unfortuanately you have a few people in the guild that came from nowhere. If anyone is to blame from The Prodigy I am almost certain it will be from one of these.


I admit leaving raid after Tidey and lod decided to make a big deal outta us having 3 lvl 44 ppl on the raid. Guess the 21 others at 45+ didnt matter, nor the fact that is was gonna be guild lotto´s and that the ones below 45 wouldnt get any drops.

But rules are rules = dictators4tehlose.


you mean the 5 and probably more people that were 44 and below?

And if you actually read the raid rules, it said 45+ were allowed.


Jeez way to throw a fit Trin... In the end they WERE NOT getting items... they were just there to help.

Jeez. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Trinilim
you mean the 5 and probably more people that were 44 and below?

And if you actually read the raid rules, it said 45+ were allowed.

well the rule was bolox, and personally i had heard nothing about it. and anyway what difference does it make other than having more attackers and therefore makes the raid easier.

for christ sake we were actually inside sidi ready to start.

what tham said facistrules4tehlose or words to that effect cant be arsed hitting back.

i speak for myself, not TP as a whole on this one obviously


how exactly does it matter that there were level44 people on the raid?


since when does a support class have to be 45+?
WTF difference does it make if ppl are below it in a guild lotto?
imo the more ppl u have from a guild the better chance u have of getting as far as possible and cancelling the raid and demanding ppl be thrown out of the raid in the middle of sidi because u figures that 3 ppl from a TP group were 44 WTFFFFFFFF.
get a fuckin life its a game fs.
if u wanna criticise someone, i suggest u look at the shower of shit, or rules as u called it.



i cant see whats wrong with 44's been on raid if they ARE NOT GETTING ITEMS ANYWAY!. if anything they were helping. so ur argument is totally flawed. aslong as they dont body pull everything i cant see whats wrong with it tbh :)


lets not argue :( we all on the same side after all ,


Except Trinillim who keeps running off to Midgard and Hibernia... :rolleyes:


was a quick raid inside and started ended. lets do more of those :p


they look WAY to much like us stron and a prod theurg stood next to each other facing me and i couldn't tell them apart w/o clicking



I dont get it, a 44 is +1 to the attackers count... Thus mobs get easier to kill... The problem would be?


Sweet ok, me and the rest of LoD will bring our lvl 20/30 clerics and theurgs next time.

That's ok with you guys though, right? :D

There has to be a set limit, otherwise lower and lower levels can join.

limit is 45, so a 44 joins.

a 43 wants to join, cause he's only 1 level off from the 44.

a 42 wants to join, cause he's only 1 level off from the 43.

So on and so forth, with your kind of reasoning, any level could come.

The limit was 45, plain and simple, if you're 44 and wanna come, sorry, not with this raid.


Originally posted by Trinilim
Sweet ok, me and the rest of LoD will bring our lvl 20/30 clerics and theurgs next time.

That's ok with you guys though, right? :D

There has to be a set limit, otherwise lower and lower levels can join.

limit is 45, so a 44 joins.

a 43 wants to join, cause he's only 1 level off from the 44.

a 42 wants to join, cause he's only 1 level off from the 43.

So on and so forth, with your kind of reasoning, any level could come.

The limit was 45, plain and simple, if you're 44 and wanna come, sorry, not with this raid.

lol grow up pedantic childish fool,
your group need pbt n pbters who are 45+ but there is one whos 44 what do you do not let them come and lose a group who could come, as its pointless not going as a balenced group ? stop being such a cry baby and understand a little ..........
man wasnt it lod who made this a big isue lasttime ffs its a guideline eg cetain classes that are vital to a group cleric (like lod whined about lastime) was not able to a group so they grabbed a level 44 , he said he did not want drops would not lotto (as lotto is 48+) only and was just comming along for the ride, if the cleric did not come that would be 7 less people on the raid.
And everone knows more ppl = easier to hit the big dude as the to hit ratio goes up


You bring your 44 because it's your HIGHEST character. Some people just wanted to be part of the Sidi event. Give it a rest your personal opinions on the matter are flawed.


what a hideous thread. being a level nazi for rvr grps is fair enough if a little nasty, but for giant raids like sidi its just ott.

Too many ppl with loads of lvl50 alts these days who think everyone should be the same and if they are not as 3l33t and skillzfull and them they aint even worth talking to, these ppl tend to get a warped view of the game too


Originally posted by Vireb
lol grow up pedantic childish fool,
your group need pbt n pbters who are 45+ but there is one whos 44 what do you do not let them come and lose a group who could come, as its pointless not going as a balenced group ? stop being such a cry baby and understand a little ..........
man wasnt it lod who made this a big isue lasttime ffs its a guideline eg cetain classes that are vital to a group cleric (like lod whined about lastime) was not able to a group so they grabbed a level 44 , he said he did not want drops would not lotto (as lotto is 48+) only and was just comming along for the ride, if the cleric did not come that would be 7 less people on the raid.
And everone knows more ppl = easier to hit the big dude as the to hit ratio goes up

why have lvl limits if they are not stuck to ? pointless having them if lower lvls come, YES everybody see's your point about support classes .. people wanting to turn up with there highest char to take part ,,,, more people = easier mob ,,,, but it still doesnt take away that if there is a lvl limit and no pre-dettermined lvl limit for support classes etc then thats the way it is ,, although i do think its silly arguing about it cos there will ALWAYS be low lvls on raids lvl limit or not ,, its when those lower lvls ont listen and cause wipeouts etc that fingers shoulbe pointed IMO

as in the case for most raids , if u dont like the rules/loto system dont turn up plain and simple,,

p.s thats my opinion i aint speakingon behalf of anybodybut myself: )


ok ok... you´re all kinda right and stuff... but

Why on earth is this enough justification to start bashing an entire guild? I remember endless threads about people deliberately stealing items from a Sidi raid and how long it took the guild to sort this out. Still, everybody kept saying that one should never judge an entire guild by the actions of some of its members and how important it is to separate character from guild and that a guilds reputation should never been damaged by one of it´s members and whatever other permutations of this idea.



Please close this threat ... it serves no purpose to the community.

Please grow up children, this is just a game ... :rolleyes:


Seemed a shame to walk that far for nothing, but, They made the rules, So up to them....

On the other hand, KoP and Caballeros Pikones stayed behind and killed the first keylord, Takes some time clearing them mobs with just short of 2fgs :), Then a nastly baf at 2nd keylord wiped us out... Ohh well, We had fun anyway :)


I agree on the prodigy colors making them look jsut like fc. Froma distance i cant tell who is who.

Not the worst case i have seen tho a new guild called knights of gondor had exactly the same guild emblem as our guild primevil except the white section was an off white on their emblem :/

Think they changed it now tho.


1) Bloody hell Trin, get of those forums and do some constructive instead - creating flames on BW will get you nothing.

2) I for one do not support LoDs decision (as a LoD officer btw) and apologize for pushing the matter so hard and pulling us out of the raid.

And lastly Trin : MOST Albion raids with lvl restrictions have a few ppl below em, that's simply a matter of reality, whatever the theory is. It has never caused troubles in the past if this was kept within limits, and never will cause any in the future except certain whiners decide to fall over it and ruin the raid because of it.

You gonna quit EVERY raid now you spot a few ppl below limit now ?


Grow up LoD, go take ur childish pre-pubesent attitude to another forum and stfu. u llamas think flaming guilds is a good way of getting ur point across? well tbh looks like u got pwned in this thread.
better luck next time.


Originally posted by Greezy
Grow up LoD, go take ur childish pre-pubesent attitude to another forum and stfu. u llamas think flaming guilds is a good way of getting ur point across? well tbh looks like u got pwned in this thread.
better luck next time.

:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

pot kettle black ?

if u read the thread properly dumb ass only one person is directing any comments directly at your guild (i presume your tp) , and even then he had a point ( rules are rules) ,, grow up and pre-pubesent how ufigure that out ? for stating our point of view ?
llamas? you a big fan of em then huh ?
we got pwnd ? semas as though everybody did cos everybodys arguement in this thread is flawed , rules are rules , and they are there to be broken ,

i wasnt there when ever this occurance hapened my post above was just MY personal view on lvl limits and raid rules ,,, if my point of view makes u think like the way u do and that my guild are like that also then u sir are an asshole plain and simple :) try take your blinkers off and see the bigger picture , some folks stick to rules some dont , shit happens... quit whining and live with it ,.
and dont judge others by actions of a minority :)
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