Just remember to Spread for Perly!Jollz said:Gratz little lady always nice to have your hot body pressed against mine when that BG pm spam goes off ... Keep it up mate :worthy:
Just got AoM3. Oh, and 5.5 million HPs! :]Arumos said:gratz! bloody hard warrior to kill :> i'm thinking aom5? :>
I'm big where it matters, and you know it!SkarIronfist said:Well done you stumpy little dwarf.
I'm getting tanking advice from a skald and a thane?!ElemenT said:Still can't block orangecon mobs though.
Caeli said:I'm getting tanking advice from a skald and a thane?!
I used to outtank the purple Thane in Dodens Gruva, so I don't trust the tanking capabilities of Thanes one bit!ElemenT said:My Thane can actually block 3 orange and 1 yellow without getting hit fyi!
And update that sig.
PL me more! Epix done up to 35 step or something, can't do higher at my level. Champ weap sorted. Temp needed. Loads of itamz and scrolls. And MLs. And CLs. And now I wanna /cryepoxy said:grats wery late mate :>
now exp youre bard !