Congratulations Albion



Well Thidranki fell to Albion five minutes ago after a long brutal fight. Our enemies used no rams to bash down both doors, simply the sheer number of swords to smash through into the keep.

I want to salute my comrades in the defence we were few but brave as we tried desperately to hold back the alb onslaught.
It was to little avail though.

Congratz to albion for the moment then on a stunningly succesful raid. But remember....Midgard will be back:uhoh:


yeah seru was a long fight enjoyed taking the SB's who were killing our casters :D , and dam that spear are effect is annoying , pitty assasin classes suck on keep attack in thidranki cos number of times i saw you on the battlements casts like mad if i could climb i would nailed you :D think it was 2 hours of whacking the doors we did very boring too but we did it :clap: :clap: :clap:


Damnit, yet another keep raid in Thid I've missed due to work :(

Grats anyway Albs, you Mids know that keep is meant to be ours, so keep your dirty hands off ;) :p

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