Confused about Clerics future ...



I have a cleric, Arau, who is now lvl 34.

I have raised his enhancements so I get the wizzy buff, and reju so I get the instants.

However, the rest is in ... yes ... smite.

I did this so I can solo, being a healer can be boring as hell at times, and when someone dies it's always our fault, regardless of whether we are being hit to hell and cannot cast.

So read however that smite will be no-more. So while I don't mind healing, I also like to throw in the odd smite to keep the fun factor up.

When will this nerf be, and will I be able to make a true healer/enhancement guy with re-spec at the same time the nerf happens?

I chose two great classes here didn't I, and Armsman and a Cleric! :(

Some advise and comments please.




Smite gets a nerf, but is still very viable. The total dmg reduction is something like 10%-20%. That still makes you a chain wearing, insta healing, self buffing, insta mezzing smiting machine.

I think those that specced 50 (or very high 40s) into Smite are the ones who have the right to moan lots. Just don't make that mistake and you will still be a fearsome presence in the battlegrounds and a great PvE char....

Clerics rule...


Alot of BS has been written about this nerf. It is not that bad if you are a smiter or just polarises your spec further. The clerics that are shafted by it are those that opted for a balanced template.

For smiters 43 smite with the right RA's and extra dex buff is even more damaging than the old 48 without RA's.


plus insta mezz getting nerfed :( its being put on a 5 min timer insteadof 30 second :( . the amount of times the 30 second insta heal has saved my ass in Pve and rvr is unbelieaviable . now they gone n screwed that also.:m00: :m00:


Sure the insta mezz on 30s timer has saved you life loads. If my Middy Healer had his insta on 30s timers, he would have survived loads more too. The fact is my insta mezz (I have 2) are on 10 MINUTE timers, and always have been. ANd I dont get smite.

I think this is the reason Mythic made this nerf, as they gave Bards insta ranged mezz on 10min timer in 1.50 (I think). As your insta is PB, I think its a fair trade to half the timer. A 30s recast on insta mezz = overpowered, imho.


OK, but what stats?

So, putting all the hullabaloo to one side, what should I raise my Rejuvenation, Enhancements and Smite too?

The mezzes are great, but we have other classes who can mezz/root etc, but the smite was good for those days you have to solo.


Please offer advise as to what my three stats should be at 40, 45 and 50 say. I am sure there will be many more wanting this kind of advise.

Oh all this complexity, That’s why my main is an armsman, nice and simple, slash, slash, slash … :)




I think Congo said it in another thread, at 50, either 44,23,21 or 42,25,22... But dont go 50 in smite... Imho, its not worth losing your insta group heal (at 23 in rejuv) for more 'smiting powa'...

I'd probably choose a different template myself (pump up my enhance more)...

And yes, have to agree, I'm playing a wizzie now... But if I want 'dumb simple action' I'll switch to my armsman...

No buffs, no shields, no nothing... Just running towards an enemy and thrust thrust thrust :p (thursting polearm here, not slash ;))


I think one thing people miss is the reason(s) smite was nerfed in the first place. It had nothing to do with RvR as we (1.48) know it.
Mythic always knew that in the smiter they had created a PvP monster, but then this game was never about PvP it was about RvR and in RvR the smiter is balanced.

Less damage than a caster and longer cast times, poor range but excellent survivability. To get this the smiter had to virtually neglect enhance and have average healing.

Two things changed.

Firstly the PvP server was introduced. Mythic didn't want a server of smiters so they made the cleric less appealing 1 vs 1. (Lookout enchanters and Skalds)

More importantly they introduced Realm Abilities and with the right mix of RA's the smiter would become truly uber in RvR.

I have had the oppurtunity to play a post-nerf smiter (complete with wasted spec points) and it ain't as bad as the whiners on the VN boards would have us think.

43 smite with the extra buffs and Aug Dex + Mastery of the Art can achieve a 2s cast. Pre-nerf Greater Holy Fury with the new resists was hitting yellow con for 330-350 every nerf, with RA's, hitting for 250 every 2s therefore far more damage.

Add up to 12% damage increase from Master of Magery and up to 12% resist decrease from Majestic Will and damage is awesome. If smite hadn't been nerfed the damage output would have been far to severe.

The key is Realm Abilities and all these + niceties such as Purge and Bunker of Faith (50% group damage absorb) are gonna cost a lot of points so get out there and earn those rp's :)

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