Confirmation needed, no exp death?



as it just happened I was killed by a SB in DF while fighting a yellowcon mob (pussy SB´s always attack when you already in battle) .....

anyways ;) when I died and /release I noticed I hadn´t lost any exp even though mob had hit me while SB killed me, am I correct in assuming that because SB and not mob got final hit it means I don´t get an exp death? this has happened before but I just thought I was lucky and blocked the mob the whole time (was a greencon first time).



you only lose xp if the mob gets the final blow.


I was always convinced it was related to the amount of HP you had when killed.

I healed (on PvP) people to full and imidiatly killed them for an XP death, (yes, the mob was dead by this time. tho only a few seconds) yet I also gave people an RvR death while they where busy with a mob


The final blow doesn't matter, what matters is how much HP the mob has dmg'ed u for b4 u get jumped. Im not sure about this but i think if the mob has done over 50% dmg to u, u will suffer a xp death.


Yup, killed a blue con briton in DF today, he was sat out of combat, I killed him, he got xp death cos he hadn't healed enough. :(


Having that horrible hate against albs Danyan :D ?


Judging by what people have posted it might be a timer thing...

it'll count all the dmage you've taken from mobs for the past 5 minutes and all the damage you've taken from players... whichever is more wins?

At a guess...


sounds most likely
seeing as how I gave a fully healed up player an XP death.


I think it works almost like loot drops been distributed to ungrouped people. Whoever has most 'aggro' (damage in this case gets the loot (rp in this case). If the mob wins, you get an xp death. One thign to be wary of, is if a mob takes you to 5% health, and you then regen to 80%, if you are subsequently killed, the 95% damage the mob did still counts as you havn't fully regenned between fights, and you get an xp death, as it's more damage than the enemy did. Also, if you are fghting a mob, and an enemy attacks you, and you kill the enemy, before dying to the mob, the enemy isn't around to get the rp even if he did 90% damage. As a result, it defaults to the mob and you xp die. I've had this happen several times, where I've made a pvp kill, only to have my pet kill me just after. Even if it only does 50 hp damage, it's guaranteed xp death everytime I think.

If you don't want to xp death someone, make sure they are fully healed as it seems a bit random. I'm not sure how it works if multiple mobs are attacking someone, whether the mobs damage is totalled when compared with the attacking players damage. Frome xperience, it seems like the attacking player only needs to outdamage the mob which dealth most damage to prevent an xp death although it's happened on so few occasions where I've been attacked while fighting multiple mobs that I can't be sure of this.

I really wish mythic would clarify how this happens, as everytime I think I've worked out how it works, something proves my theory wrong. And at the moment, I just don't kill any lower cons who are xping for fear of giving them an xp death unless they are on full healt, and at times I've been stood for 5 minutes waiting for someone to stop pulling so I can attack them :)


Its kinda erratic if you get xp-death or not.

sometimes you havent been touched by a mob in several minutes when some dude offs you and you loose xp, sometimes you are fighting a mob and get killed by a player and dont loose.

Guess you were just lucky


I got killed by shadowblade poison, after i had killed one, lost exp/con and left grave in emain. I killed a nightshade with poison after I died, and he left a grave too. So careful of poison ladies! :(


Yup - DOT poisons/effects are a tricky area - if the caster/assasin is either dead or zoned when a DOT kills you it counts as neutral damage (like falling) so you lose xp.

Edit - Cant spell :)

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