Condition and durability



hmm, Damage-calculation:

dps *speed * % quality

I use my epic weapon with 100% quality. Would condition and/or durability also be part of the damagecalc?

I noticed that I did a bit less damage a few weeks ago (last time I played) and I'm kind of curious if it's because of the current Condition, 94%, or something else. For the record: Durability is still 100%.

Perhaps it's something like:

dps * spd * %qua * %con * %dur?

If so why do they use both con and dur? hmm, anyone got some answers or ideas? :)


you were right with the second equation
and in asnwer to the other question
condition is current condition so if you don`t fix it the damage you will do gets less and less
durability is the weapon wearing out. once that gets to 0% it can`t be fixed again and will be useless

so i`d guess the reason for using both is so if you use purple con weapons they will wear out faster and this can`t be offset by having shed loads of money to fix it


dps=damage per second.. so I don't think the spd thingy is supposed to be in the equation. Dunno for sure, tho.


ok but then, I really don't have any reason to fix the 94% con yet... (example from my situation below)

dps 15 * speed 5 * quality 1 * con 0.94 * dur 1

if I fixed it - doh, it just hit me dur won't be 94 if I fix it, but maybe 98-99 even. I wil lcontinue this anyway, just for the sake of things:

dps 15 * speed 5 * quality 1 * con 1 * dur 0.94 (see above for correction tho)

I s'pose I would gain 2-3 percent on having it fixed. Makes sense, thanks for the answer.

[note to self: stop that blabbering]

Orin Askhammare

afaik durability doesn't factor into the equations. It's an indication for how many times you've got left before the thing falls apart due to extensive repairing.

To make using purple stuff (even when in posession of lots of cash) unattractive there are caps in place. Damage caps, AF caps, xp caps etc. Soloing a purp (if you could do it) wouldn't help you one bit as the cap for xp when soloing lies somewhere in the orange range I think.

Likewise if you wield a red hammer with higher dps instead of an orange I would doubt that you'd do any more damage with it as you would have hit your damage cap with your orange anyways.

If I'm spouting bullshit here feel free to correct me but I think this is roughly how it works.


Originally posted by Sami
dps=damage per second.. so I don't think the spd thingy is supposed to be in the equation. Dunno for sure, tho.

I'm quite sure speed is part of the equation, like the examples above. This would give you (example numbers):

High damage polearm:

dps 15 * speed 6 * quality 100% = damage 90, unmodified. You only hit every 6th second tho!

Fast sword:

dps 15 * speed 2 * quality 100% = damage 30, unmodified. You hit every 2nd second tho.

Thing is, all lvl 50 weaps have a dps around 15, and if the above is not the right calc (and speed is left out) a sword would do as much damage as a polearm on every hit.

Orin Askhammare

If I was unclear. From the item's side dps/AF, qua, magical bonus (both % and stats) and condition all factor into the equations. Just not durability.

again, correct me if I'm wrong :)


Arlone has it right. And after quality, condition kicks in, lowering your damage even further. Durability on the other hand has no effect on your damage. It just means that the weapon will break once durability is 0%. I usually repair my weapons around 95 condition. Being a weaponcrafter I can do that myself for free, so you may wish to ask a player to repair your weapons/armor, thereby saving money. (Asking in a friendly way would be nice though, seems that people often forget to say simple words like "please")

Oh, and lvl 50-51 weapons have dps 16.5


Originally posted by Nucleus
If I was unclear. From the item's side dps/AF, qua, magical bonus (both % and stats) and condition all factor into the equations. Just not durability.

again, correct me if I'm wrong :)

yeh I think so. I only wrote dps, spd and quality in my above example to make it easier to understand. Anyways...

Don't know about the durability thingie, but either way I would gain damage on having it fixed so it's really not that important. Having your weapons at 100% is very important, more important than I thought :)


i havent read all the posts cos im lazy but i thought actuall dmg was -


at least thats how it seems to work for me.


Your max dps is 1.2+level*0.3
This is when a weapon first turns yellow to you (might be the level after ... not sure).
The clamp applies before the quality...

Sword 1 with dps 16.5 quality 89%
Sword 2 with dps 13.2 quality 100%
at lvl 40 (max dps 13.2)

sword 1 is clamped to 13.2
and does 13.2*0.89= 11.7 dps

sword 2 does 13.2*1=13.2 dps

DPS stands for 'damage per second' Which is why a polearm that hits once every 6 seconds does much bigger numbers than a dagger that hits every 2.

Over time they balance out... but the high dps weapons have an advantage to start with... (because delay is after hitting not before)

lets say they have 1 dps, polearm is 6.0 speed and dagger is 2.0 speed

Damage done at time point
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pole 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12
Dagg 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12

As you see the dagger takes its time to catch up...

were it not for the fact that bladeturn makes the slow weapons less good (6s pulsing bladeturn would negate that polearm entirely)
and that faster weapons means more likely to get your reactive styles in/interrupt casters, then higher dps would be better

(this is often termed front loading damage)


PS. Durability has no effect on damage... it's like hit points of your weapon.. how many more times can it be repaired.

Condition is used as a multiplier much like quality. I assumed 100% condition for the two weapons above...

if it was 90% condition (for example)
then the sword 2 damage would be

dps * qual * cond
13.2*1*0.9 = 11.9

Basically higher quality items are better for you :) and keeping them repaired is a good idea.
(unless you have a good low quality one and you can't afford a high quality more than 5 levels below you)

Buy crafted weapons! :)

In 1.48 we get the 9th and 10th tier materials... roll on crafted arcanium :)


All from

- On your character sheet, there are two values: WeapDam and ArmorFact. WeapDam is representative of your weapon's damage per second. ArmorFact is the aggregate armor factor of each piece of armor weighted by the percent chance to hit the area where the armor is worn. Previously, ArmorFact took the quality of the piece into account - unfortunately WeapDam did not. It's now fixed such that the WeapDam printed on the character sheet takes the quality of the weapon and multiplies it into the DPS to get the effective dps of the weapon. Note that for most players, this factor will be reduced when they log into this new version (since it now multiplies by quality). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF YOUR WEAPONS HAS NOT BEEN REDUCED JUST BECAUSE THIS NUMBER IS LOWER. You can get information (shift-I) on the weapon to see that the base numbers have not changed - just the WeapDam value (which is a conglomeration of all the numbers) has.

so does not work like that yet....


Q: You posted some information a few weeks back on how Quality and Condition affect the AF and DPS of items. But months ago you posted something on Quality somehow "double dipping" when dealing with AF and it was a different equation. Which is correct?

A: For a quick rule of thumb, to find the effective AF or effective
DPS of an item it is simply AF/DPS*Quality*Condition. Side note: If you are using something that is above your level, any level caps that come into play are applied first, then quality and condition kick in.

The "double dipping" we talked about before was misinterpreted when we were first discussing it. Quality and Condition come into play a 2nd time during combat. When you hit a location on a defender, the magic bonus, quality, condition, and damage modifiers (if that armor is strong/weak versus that armor type), absorption, and AF come into play.

So if you are attacking someone that has armor that is weak to your weapon type, and the quality, magic bonus, and condition of your weapon is higher then their armor, you will do a significant amount more damage then you would if everything was even.

Put another way – if you have a weapon that is 100% quality, and you hit someone wearing 85% quality armor, first the game checks for plus or minuses to that armor type, and armor level (displayed AF). But after that addition or subtraction, you as the wielder of the weapon will get a 15% bonus. The bonus is then modified slightly depending on the state of repair (condition) of the weapon and the armor.

The short version is get yourself that high quality gear.


Of course it works like that, it's just shown wrong on your character-sheet (which is the screen that shows your stats like strength etc. and your realm rank). It is only calculated wrong, otherwise they would not say that thw wffwctiveness of your weapon does not change. If it had not been in before, then the effectiveness would suddenly be lower and you would do less damagge than before. It is not so, only a display problem on the character sheet.



Typing without looking rocks :p


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