Computer freezes when playing...



ive had this problem a while, although not that bad. in the beginning it only happend about once a day, but latly its about once an hour, or half hour if im unlucky!

what happend first was that the screen turned off (just like i hit the on/off switch), but i could still hear the sound from the game.
now the screen just freezes etc, and i have to turn the computer off with the power supply switch.

now, i did search the rightnow faq about this and found some solution for win 9x (i run win 2000), that included lowering the virtual cache in system.ini if you had more than 512 mb RAM... i have 1gig of RAM, so that seems like the problem...

now do anyone know how to lower the virtual cache in win2k, or have any other idea that might solve the problem?
i did try and remove 512 mb of RAM, but that only caused the game to freeze even more i think.

PS: the computer works fine with other games etc. so its not an overheating problem... (well, GTA vice city works fine... thats the only other game ive tried ;))


AMD Athlon Palomino 2100+ XP
MICROSTAR MSI Geforce 4. TI4200. 64MB DDR Ram
DDRram PC2100. 2x512MB
CREATIVE LABS Sound Blaster Live! Player 5.1

Windows 2000 Pro, Build 2195, Sp2 (everything from windows update downloaded)
DirectX 9.0a
Detonator driver version 44.03

anything else?


Hmmm, first of all, You're missing 2 service packs, SP3 and SP4.
But that may not be it.

It looks like a videa card issue to me and probably a screen refresh rate problem.

Do you run DAoC in Windowed mode?


I found this on the US DAoC support page..

But update to Sp4 as well, as this is an older help text.
Please note that DAoC is NOT supported under any operating systems other than Windows 98/98SE/ME/XP.

DAoC MAY work under Windows 2000, but it is not supported.

Service Pack 3 from Microsoft has solved many issues for Windows 2000 users. If you are crashing to the desktop, download and install this service pack.

And an older message here, but try the "Turn your monitor off and on" trick.
In certain setups you may come across this issue. It has been most reported by users with a GeForce3 card while using the Detonator XP v12.41 Drivers. By simply updating to the new Detonator drivers v43.45 at you can avoid this problem. If you have a specific reason for not wanting to update then there is a way around this. Once the game has loaded turn your monitor off and then back on again. You should now be able to play DAoC correctly.


If you are running in windowed mode, make sure your desptop is at the same screen size as your game and try setting your refresh rate to 60htz, as I think that's the default teh game likes to run in with Nvidia cards..(You can override this in the driver settings to another speed)


thank you for all the replies.

stupid me, i downloaded sp4 now (seems i had sp3 after all...), and ill try the other things you said.

yes im running in windowed mode, and at the same resolution as my desktop, but no chance in hell ill run 60 hz ;)
that would cause me to grow a permanent headache in 30 mins...


Originally posted by old.arneduck
but no chance in hell ill run 60 hz ;)
that would cause me to grow a permanent headache in 30 mins...

Which is why I said you can override the default refresh rate from 60htz to whatever you like, for example to whatever refresh rate your screen is running at.


and if its not the SPs then its DX9/drivers needs reinstalling. happend to me aswell


reinstalled dx/detonator drivers, but still had one freeze...
only one freeze all day though, pretty good ;)

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