Selling a complete set of armour and wpns for hammerspecced warrior, pieces are as follow:
Vest: Hammer/Shield 3 Str 13 Hits 36 99% qua
Sleeves: Con 16 Dex 7 Slash/Crush 5% 98% qua
Leggings: Dex 13 Con 16 Hits 36 Thrust 2% 98% qua
Helm: Parry 2 Hammer/Shield 1 Str 7 94% qua
Gloves: Hammer/Shield/Parry 3 Dex 13 99% qua
Boots: Dex 13 Hits 36 Thrust 3% Crush 2% 96% qua
Spiked Hammer 15.0 dps 4.1 spd 99% qua
Hammer/Parry 3 Str 10 Thrust 7%
lvl 40 DD dmg: Spirit
Reinforced Tower Shield 99% qua
Shield/Parry 3 Crush/Slash 7%
lvl 40 DD dmg: Heat
2 x Malign Scarab Ring
2 x Malign Scarab Bracer
Malign Scarab Cloak
Malign Scarab Necklace
Shadowsteel Belt
Ghastly Gem
(Durability kinda crappy on jewelry but i throw em in so u dont have to go farm boring emeralds, after all u need 188 emeralds to buy those stuffs : )
It's good from mid 30 (lvl depending on if u bother how fast it wears down) and will keep effective armour, dps, stats and skills capped til lvl 45. Its used (ofc : ) but con/dur is still 100.
I payed:
440g for armour
180g for enamel
172g for hammer
100g for shield
150g for sc
80g for procs
Give me a good offer on this nice set and u dont have to run all over mid looking for ac, wc, sc etc
Vest: Hammer/Shield 3 Str 13 Hits 36 99% qua
Sleeves: Con 16 Dex 7 Slash/Crush 5% 98% qua
Leggings: Dex 13 Con 16 Hits 36 Thrust 2% 98% qua
Helm: Parry 2 Hammer/Shield 1 Str 7 94% qua
Gloves: Hammer/Shield/Parry 3 Dex 13 99% qua
Boots: Dex 13 Hits 36 Thrust 3% Crush 2% 96% qua
Spiked Hammer 15.0 dps 4.1 spd 99% qua
Hammer/Parry 3 Str 10 Thrust 7%
lvl 40 DD dmg: Spirit
Reinforced Tower Shield 99% qua
Shield/Parry 3 Crush/Slash 7%
lvl 40 DD dmg: Heat
2 x Malign Scarab Ring
2 x Malign Scarab Bracer
Malign Scarab Cloak
Malign Scarab Necklace
Shadowsteel Belt
Ghastly Gem
(Durability kinda crappy on jewelry but i throw em in so u dont have to go farm boring emeralds, after all u need 188 emeralds to buy those stuffs : )
It's good from mid 30 (lvl depending on if u bother how fast it wears down) and will keep effective armour, dps, stats and skills capped til lvl 45. Its used (ofc : ) but con/dur is still 100.
I payed:
440g for armour
180g for enamel
172g for hammer
100g for shield
150g for sc
80g for procs
Give me a good offer on this nice set and u dont have to run all over mid looking for ac, wc, sc etc