

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Even i would like to keep this Order only (yea get off my turf destro!) i would suggest, you as the experienced crowd here, help winning by using the /SC chat when you in there. Tell people that the frigging gate switch=win, tell em how to move. I noticed so many people aimlessly bashing a tank with a healer 5 feet behind.

But i also noticed, /sc Gate switch = win, we have to hold wonders.

So please, you experienced people, help out the gameplay wise poor and guide them. A suggestion, not an order is what people follow i noticed. Order them around=loose, but suggest a win situation? Better results.

So far i think in the 100 scenarious or so i was participating in (sp) we won those who had some kind of guidiance easy enough or at least had a equal score AND a big fine fight.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
You'll never be able to control the masses, you'll just get frustrated.

There are a number of players who seem to want to tell everyone what to do when most players in scenarios coudn't care less who won as long as they get to bash some tranny dark elves. It usually ends up in random yelling and QQing which achieves nothing.

The only way is to form a guild group and lead by example, when the lemmings see a group using tactics and winning, they will usually follow suit.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
You'll never be able to control the masses, you'll just get frustrated.

There are a number of players who seem to want to tell everyone what to do when most players in scenarios coudn't care less who won as long as they get to bash some tranny dark elves. It usually ends up in random yelling and QQing which achieves nothing.

The only way is to form a guild group and lead by example, when the lemmings see a group using tactics and winning, they will usually follow suit.

True a lot of the time. Occasionally I'll work up the will to at least nudge people along if I'm familiar with what needs doing in a place. For a short while I used macros for announcing which targets in Nordenwatch were under attack or we should attack.

My particular area of frustration is watching our side milling around at the start like muppets instead of running hell-for-leather for the target. One thing common to all scenarios which I've played so far is to get to the target areas / flags as fast as you can right at the start but this doesn't seem to have penetrated some brains yet.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Well i noticed when using normal letters people just dont see what your write in /1 /sc etc. but if you caps it some seems to see it.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 25, 2004
it is true that the masses just run around like chickens in a farm and get hammered and they are impossible to controll in instand rvr senario cos the game speed is so fast. so they have to know what to do before entring the figth.

commen and good tactik is .leave tank alone and go straigth for healer´s and thir shammy and when they out of the way the melee peoble are screwed and redy to pick easy.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Well during the past days i started scenarious with /sc namee main target because more points overall then side targets...and i dare to say...6/10 it worked and we won.
The times i didnt bother to use /sc at start for naming targets we allways lost heh. So yea, i will continue to suggest the main target, because i am willing to not just run for the RP but for the win :)
There is hope in Order we just have to inspire it^^



Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
It is frustrating when move from daoc which is a TEAMPLAY RVR game to WAR to see so many players ... who seem experienced in games but not on a teamplay basis.. games like wow.. conan lotro etc etc was normally just zerg everything. and it does get frustrating trying to get every1 to work together at times.

Temple orf mourkain prime example.. relic carrier of enemy has a HEAVY curse on him and only 1-2 defending him.. yet order stand back and used ranged on there tanks on frontline.. dmging them yes but not killin. and not rushing past there frontline to get to relic carrier to steal it :(

tis nice tho when obviously got ppl who listen or try take a lead and form some kinda tactics tho so win convincingly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
It is frustrating when move from daoc which is a TEAMPLAY RVR game to WAR to see so many players ... who seem experienced in games but not on a teamplay basis.. games like wow.. conan lotro etc etc was normally just zerg everything. and it does get frustrating trying to get every1 to work together at times.

Temple orf mourkain prime example.. relic carrier of enemy has a HEAVY curse on him and only 1-2 defending him.. yet order stand back and used ranged on there tanks on frontline.. dmging them yes but not killin. and not rushing past there frontline to get to relic carrier to steal it :(

tis nice tho when obviously got ppl who listen or try take a lead and form some kinda tactics tho so win convincingly.

Oh aint that the truth. It always annoyed me to see that nobody except me, and maybe 1 or 2 others, at most, tried to go behind the destruction defense and hit the flag carrier. Thankfully most of the time I was succesful and I got it but that would at times just mean that I was at 50-75% HP with nobody healing me and 10 destruction players quite interested in me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Isn't this why you play with friends/guildies on vent instead of pugging yourself? :)

Dont think I've ever had under a 60-70% winrate in scenarios with the exception of Tor Anroc before we got standard for runspeed buffs.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
It's generally hard for me to get an over all tactical view of what going on as a defensive tank, especially when the tank rage hits "Get da hell off ma Heala, waaaagh":twak:

But I try to add what I can, ect.

"bomb going west"

"Order inc on ........, caster heavy"

"They're weak on the left, flank if you can"

One or two people giving a few good points in /sc makes all the diffrence, nothing annoys me more than a empty chat window, it tends to show people as not giving a toss if they win or not.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The only way is to form a guild group and lead by example, when the lemmings see a group using tactics and winning, they will usually follow suit.

or they just automatically assume that "cool i can do what i want, those guys will win it for me". :)

and its REALLY not fun to be the group that carries an entire scenario raid to a victory while the "pugs" dont do crap to help.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Ctuchik is mainly correct - when we take a guild group to a scenario, we play 'for the team'. Generally, we get left to do the make-win stuff that others can't be bothered to.

However, I look at it like this: I'm watching the people that team-play and those that don't. The ones that do team-play I keep an eye out for as potential friends an allies. Already identified many people that are good to fight alongside.

The wankers are forgotten as soon as the scenario ends :D

I guess it just depends how long a game you are playing.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
In tier 4 we're basically getting serpents passage exclusively popping up, and I'm starting to see some for the same old mentalities I saw back in a certain wow bg.

The entire Destruction team zerg's forward and jumps on the nearest Ironbraker, conveniently ignoring the large group of Bright mages, and healers directly in front of them.

/sc Lads go for the healers.

The Ironbrakers has downed two melee dps and the rest of the team has more bright mages dots on them that I'd like to count.

/sc ok follow me up, going for the caster camp.

I pop Hold the line and head in, I look back and no one's followed.

...grumble, grumble....

Ok now I'm into the caster camp and being focus fired, up goes "Can't hit me!" suddenly a shaman heals me (I feel loved!). In rolls a guildie marauder who's flanked the Order team and the caster camp's dumped on their ass, before we get burnt to a crisp I pop "Defening Bellow" and silence the gits making the run away in a panic. We cc and snare a few and the marauder gets to eat a few of them live.

I turn around and the rest of the team's finally finished off the Ironbraker they zerg forward ignoreing the salvage.

/sc Anyone going to cap?

<random two hander Chosen> lolz

I grumble something on vent about birth control and if people used it we wouldn't have to play with these idiots.

I chain cap the salvage and promptly get half the renown/exp of the rest of the team for my troubles. :lol:


Loyal Freddie
May 27, 2008
I chain cap the salvage and promptly get half the renown/exp of the rest of the team for my troubles. :lol:
What is this capping salvage?

I play a lot of phoenix gate so far. There's not a lot to talk about TBH, but I find people generally jump in if you just say a few things in /sc, like flag incoming via west bridge", or "our flag going east".
I often find myself the only person even trying to cap their flag, but that can be easy when both sides decide to zerg at the centre bridge.

People shouting at healers "HEAL FFS" I find is the most effective way to not get any healing at all. Trying to force an overall strategy seems pretty pointless, so I just do what I seem to be good at, and if there's others doing the same job, we seem to naturally form a supporting group.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Been playing Phoenix Gate recently for a laff and it's amazing how many of your own realm completely ignore you while your carrying the flag with marauders, DoK's and WE's hanging off your ass :)

General standard of play in scenarios is very poor. You just have to accept that and get on with it. Every now-and-then you'll participate in a scenario with a good bunch of players who know what they are doing, but it's not that common tbh.

What cracks me up is when i get yelled at for not healing by a WL when he over-extends (not in my group either) who only comes out with 8k damage while im hitting 100k+ heals :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
What is this capping salvage?

I play a lot of phoenix gate so far. There's not a lot to talk about TBH, but I find people generally jump in if you just say a few things in /sc, like flag incoming via west bridge", or "our flag going east".
I often find myself the only person even trying to cap their flag, but that can be easy when both sides decide to zerg at the centre bridge.

People shouting at healers "HEAL FFS" I find is the most effective way to not get any healing at all. Trying to force an overall strategy seems pretty pointless, so I just do what I seem to be good at, and if there's others doing the same job, we seem to naturally form a supporting group.

The salvage is just like a flag.. in a tier4 scenario.


Loyal Freddie
May 27, 2008
Been playing Phoenix Gate recently for a laff and it's amazing how many of your own realm completely ignore you while your carrying the flag with marauders, DoK's and WE's hanging off your ass :)
What I find quite funny, is that I can reliably be following our flag carrier amongst a bunch of order, pop stealth and start wailing on their healer, and I'll have 5 or 6 order players beating me into the ground. Meanwhile our flag carrier has trundled off. I've had a caster laugh at my corpse afterwards, obviously not aware that we capped while they were busy with me.
Today, I carried the order flag all the way back to our base, saw an order player take our flag, followed him and harrased him all the way back down the east side, announcing it in /sc and picking up 2 other destruction along the way. Ended up as a fight at their base, losing to the odds. No idea where the rest of the destruction players were, as most of order was at their flag fighting us.

General standard of play in scenarios is very poor. You just have to accept that and get on with it. Every now-and-then you'll participate in a scenario with a good bunch of players who know what they are doing, but it's not that common tbh.
So long as the same standard mostly appiles to both side it doesn't actually make much difference. Work with the situation, as with limited numbers on both sides, you can adjust to it. An example is the bridge zerg, as nearly all of both sides are busy there killing each other, the whole scenario comes down to a series of 1v1 or 2v2 or 1v2 fights at the flags. Everyone else is just noise. One of my most fun screnarios came down to basically 3v3, and it was a couple of points each way right down to the end.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
What is this capping salvage?

The tier 4 scenario Serpents Passage centres around the premise that a destruction and order ship have both come aground on an island near the isle of the dead, in the centrer of this island is a pile of salvage that you must capture to repair your ship.

The problem is that capping the salvage gives no renown or exp so while your away from the zerg you get no renown or exp from any kills your team makes, this leads to only the team focused players amongst us even trying to cap it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I actually read some of the mentality here i like..but other that i dont see any difference to the average joe. i cap 100k health..
no reknown so i dont bother... to do anything out of the way...
form a guild group...

As much as most of this is personal preferences, it doesnt help much with the effort needed to actually win a scenario, in my opinion.
I repeatly get yelled on to do this and that while i either , for PG, defend our flag and not move from it or go and capture the flag whilest the rest of my group defends. I give a flying horse shit to my RP/XP, because in the end i will get them anyways, it just takes longer.
I laugh at the people who after 15-21 levels still got no clue about agro control or stuff like that, running aorund liike chickens..but instead of moving on i try to TELL them what they CAN do...some listen and some dont.

In the end i guess we all play like we feel, some to win for the realm, some to win for there personal gain.
At least 1 thing i noticed is the NEED rolls gone way down now, that is a good sign.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
unfortunately that problem aint destro only :twak:

thought that most people would know how scenarios work by now, but no.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I love it when a couple of players make a massive attempt to get the bauble back from the opposing team only to look around after we have died and see the rest of the team standing as far away as you can from the enemies.

They also seem to think that just because you have the bauble you should win the scenario, trying to make them understand that they still have to kill the enemy seems impossible.

That said I feel like a prick typing a "ok guys lets...." message every bloody scenario.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Today, I carried the order flag all the way back to our base, saw an order player take our flag, followed him and harrased him all the way back down the east side, announcing it in /sc and picking up 2 other destruction along the way. Ended up as a fight at their base, losing to the odds. No idea where the rest of the destruction players were, as most of order was at their flag fighting us.

they were probably camping the bridge patting themself on the back thinking that they chased off the order players.

every time i get the missfortune of getting in to phoenics gate or that relic shit map i always end up seriously thinking about rerolling order.

they may be stupid at times but dest seems to be stupid MOST of the times in those scenarios.

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