


Someone pm's you with an MP comission. U agree to try and state a price u normally sell MP items from stock for.

Stupid random number generator hates u and u fail to make it within the price, wot do you do?

a: Carry on trying until u get one regardless of cost and then sell it for the original price?

b: Tell the guy that u will continue trying but he will have to pay for retries?

c: Give up, but still ask for the money that you have spent trying be reimbursed?

A serious question so please a serious answer.


a: Carry on trying until u get one regardless of cost and then sell it for the original price?

sicne thats what u promised the guy.

i would never agree to make an mp by fixed price, unless its like 10p :D
i go for a base price + pr. retry


Originally posted by Bellona
a: Carry on trying until u get one regardless of cost and then sell it for the original price?

sicne thats what u promised the guy.

i would never agree to make an mp by fixed price, unless its like 10p :D
i go for a base price + pr. retry

the way it should be and the way most people expect it to be, sometimes you get lucky sometimes not


If you agreed to sell them the MP for a SET price you therefore have taken it upon yourself to shield him from the risk of it taking more than 50 retries in return for the opportunity for profit by making it for less than 50 retrys.

If this is the case you grit your teeth and keep going (a) or take the loss as it seems you didn't take any money upfront

(b) wasn't part of the original arrangement I'm guessing, if the situations were reversed and you made the MP 1st try odds on you would still have charged your set price and this topic would have never reached the boards

(c) combines with (b) -if you had arranged a cost per retry with the customer then it's all fine and dandy-if not your back luck, your cost; there is no case for you asking for or getting any money off the customer as this was not agreed

Elric IA


Is this somehow related?

Always make it clear that is is per retry basis for MPs.

If you have offered fixed price then you might be shafted but if it is per retry then the customer has to decide whether to pay you for the retries undertaken so far (or not in my case) or to carry on.

Bear in mind people get confused with average cost and thinki it is a fixed cost. I laways stress that it might cost them a lot more.

Also, always take a deposit (I will be doing this now in future).


Sux Elric, but no wasn't anything like that really, I just wanted to know if crafters think they should get paid when they fail.

It happened to me and I paid up when a wc'er failed to make an mp weapon for me, just seems others dont have similar thoughts.

Elric IA

With fletching it is one press per bow and thus might be a little easier to guarantee an MP but with weaponcrafting before patch 1.63 is is a three button operation and thus quite difficult indeed to guarantee when that MP will turn out.

However the rng is quite random so I would always accept MP orders on a per retry basis. If the customer does not like it then he wont ask you to start.


I did say at first contact i dont take MP orders but he was kinda insistent so i relented, won't be doing any more unless its on a per retry basis

Cap'n Sissyfoo

The only time a set price for a MP is viable is when the set price is mucho high and you get the MP in 1-3 tries.

Other than that it should always be per retry. :)

...or tell 'em to bugger off and find a crafter with lots of money and limitless patience.

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