Coming Back to the Bg's!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2005
Hi everyone, just reactivated my subs the other day and had a nice day of BG action yesterday with my skald Freddyshouse and savage Camelotherald look forward to seein u again! (Not u zerging albs who emote spam though, hi prity, romarinus, notorrius lol)


Jan 22, 2005
Haha go go Notorrious. I'm tempted to log on my bonedancer if there are many albs out again.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Irksole said:
Hi everyone, just reactivated my subs the other day and had a nice day of BG action yesterday with my skald Freddyshouse and savage Camelotherald look forward to seein u again! (Not u zerging albs who emote spam though, hi prity, romarinus, notorrius lol)

Such inventive names :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2006
Irksole said:
Hi everyone, just reactivated my subs the other day and had a nice day of BG action yesterday with my skald Freddyshouse and savage Camelotherald look forward to seein u again! (Not u zerging albs who emote spam though, hi prity, romarinus, notorrius lol)

welcome back!!! we had some nice fights on me NS looking forward to some more m8, i got emote spammed as well when they added on my fight ahh well


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Irksole said:
had a nice day of BG action yesterday with my skald Freddyshouse and savage Camelotherald look forward to seein u again!
Shenysh said:
Who are you?
Odd that they learn you to write before you've learned to read.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2005
(TD)Ruthless said:
welcome back!!! we had some nice fights on me NS looking forward to some more m8, i got emote spammed as well when they added on my fight ahh well
hehe cant remember ur NS's name whatis he?
Played yday and got done in a few times by a buffed inf (i play unbuffed) hes hard lol (name sweepthefloor)anyway gonna log in later probly.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2006
Irksole said:
hehe cant remember ur NS's name whatis he?
Played yday and got done in a few times by a buffed inf (i play unbuffed) hes hard lol (name sweepthefloor)anyway gonna log in later probly.

Pdq <nightshade>
pdqmezzin <bard>

watch out for pdqmezzin his a random mezzing machine :<



Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
hmm this skald does not impress me one bit only time hes ever beaton me was by adding or after ive had a fight have fun and welcome back maybe youve learnt new things on your break


Jan 22, 2005
Elkie said:
hmm this skald does not impress me one bit only time hes ever beaton me was by adding or after ive had a fight have fun and welcome back maybe youve learnt new things on your break

I'll get him on my cabalist, don't you worry elkieboi


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
I'll get him on my cabalist, don't you worry elkieboi

im not saying hes bad guy or player but in past times he hasnt shown that much respect:) i dont need anyones help to kill some1;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Drop the attitude, Dorimor. You're only making a fool out of yourself.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
noblok said:
Drop the attitude, Dorimor. You're only making a fool out of yourself.

Hmm dori i kind of have to agree sometimes you have turned into some kind of leetist?


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
says the french guy? All i know is that you are a nice guy and now you seem to have this attitude problem with evryone, you really have nothing to be leet about my friend


Jan 22, 2005
Elkie said:
says the french guy? All i know is that you are a nice guy and now you seem to have this attitude problem with evryone

I don't have a problem with anyone. And I am not french ffs, I'm greek. Blokkie, I don't see why you are attacking me all of a sudden considering how you've been having a go at Tunder blindlessly, and if you start trying to use that 'but you had a problem with them in the first place' it was just a big joke.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
1. I am not attacking you. I'm advising you as a friend. I have been greatly disappointed in your attitude on this forum for quite some time now and decided it was time to say something about it.

2. I was not blindly having a go at Tunder, as far as I can remember I've only had a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of vampiirs with him. A difference of opinion does not mean I dislike him.

3. What would I be bitter about?


Jan 22, 2005
noblok said:
1. I am not attacking you. I'm advising you as a friend. I have been greatly disappointed in your attitude on this forum for quite some time now and decided it was time to say something about it.

2. I was not blindly having a go at Tunder, as far as I can remember I've only had a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of vampiirs with him. A difference of opinion does not mean I dislike him.

3. What would I be bitter about?

Thanks for the 'advice' as you call it. I can hardly see what I have done wrong, yea I've made a few silly posts but afaik I've always been like that, if you can't take it why bother being my so called 'friend'? And afaik you where having a go at him, telling him he was a hyprocrite etc (or was that Pdq?), geeze.

I've just started to say my real opinion and what I have always wanted to tell people, I don't have a reputation to loose anymore, I'm on the us servers. Even if I did want to return to the eu I don't need people stabbing me in the back all the time. I honestly don't see why you and Elkie think I am some sort of eliteist as my highest rr char on the eu is rr3. I don't put others down so I dont' see where your acusations are coming from.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Thanks for the 'advice' as you call it. I can hardly see what I have done wrong, yea I've made a few silly posts but afaik I've always been like that, if you can't take it why bother being my so called 'friend'? And afaik you where having a go at him, telling him he was a hyprocrite etc (or was that Pdq?), geeze.

I've just started to say my real opinion and what I have always wanted to tell people, I don't have a reputation to loose anymore, I'm on the us servers. Even if I did want to return to the eu I don't need people stabbing me in the back all the time. I honestly don't see why you and Elkie think I am some sort of eliteist as my highest rr char on the eu is rr3. I don't put others down so I dont' see where your acusations are coming from.

I never accused you of actually being a leetist but you have been acting like it recently i like you as a person im not being a prick to you but im expressing my opinion which i always do.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2005
Elkie said:
hmm this skald does not impress me one bit only time hes ever beaton me was by adding or after ive had a fight have fun and welcome back maybe youve learnt new things on your break

I'd gladly arrange a fight with u sometime 1 on 1 (no buffs)

Did have respect for you (didnt kill u when u revealed urself on mb a few times) but then u went and added on the healer i was duoing with when we were fighting about 4 albs i sort of lost it.

Look forward 2 seeing u again. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Thanks for the 'advice' as you call it. I can hardly see what I have done wrong, yea I've made a few silly posts but afaik I've always been like that, if you can't take it why bother being my so called 'friend'? And afaik you where having a go at him, telling him he was a hyprocrite etc (or was that Pdq?), geeze.

I've just started to say my real opinion and what I have always wanted to tell people, I don't have a reputation to loose anymore, I'm on the us servers. Even if I did want to return to the eu I don't need people stabbing me in the back all the time. I honestly don't see why you and Elkie think I am some sort of eliteist as my highest rr char on the eu is rr3. I don't put others down so I dont' see where your acusations are coming from.

Elitist attitude has nothing to do with realm rank. It's a person who believes themself to be better than another person, often they believe themselves superior to everyone else. They believe their opinion is the correct one and any other opinion is wrong. Also they are people who belittle others in public to fulfil their need for affirmatrion and make themselves feel superior.

Elitists are steriotypically incredibly insecure and unbalanced, they require constant ego massaging and affirmations that they are as good as they believe themselves to be which is why they troll forums looking for crumbs of praise.

I don't think you are an elitist, but you do have a bit of an attitude that winds people up.


Jan 22, 2005
Tallen said:
I don't think you are an elitist, but you do have a bit of an attitude that winds people up.

Thats fine, just don't call me an eliteist. What annoys me though is people randomly having a go at me because they feel I've done something wrong, its just who I am. I get people being soo bitter, because they're jelous, I don't know (although I do have a Bane of Hib and Master Soldier in thid its actually not that hard). Just don't forget I'm just being myself and its the bitter people around me that are doing wrong.

Elitestoner said:
bg elitists !

I find it hard to believe someone like you is calling me eliteist. Someone who licks the arses of (the most retarded people perhaps in the world) Gamah and Jjuraa all day and can't live without them and just like a 13 year old thinking smoking illegal drugs is some sort of an achievement. I mean lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
I find it hard to believe someone like you is calling me eliteist. Someone who licks the arses of (the most retarded people perhaps in the world) Gamah and Jjuraa all day and can't live without them and just like a 13 year old thinking smoking illegal drugs is some sort of an achievement. I mean lol

lol? i abuse gamah on a daily basis, seriously try to find one post where i have been truly nice to gamah. as for jjura, havnt talked to him in months, and even then rarely talked to him? dont think i have even directly posted to him on FH before.

and OH NOES THE WEED TOPIC thats original, im 20 irl, im a stoner and thats who i am. if u really want to get deep we can bring up the whole weed is no worse than alcohol and nobody really gives a fuck if u smoke it or not topic, but considering my post was actually a sarcastic remark because of the irony of a elitest actually existing in the bgs (as its more of ''the kiddies pool'') and not a direct insult just at the general idea.

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