Comedy Time With Teh Seel (Wartime Passtime Fun)




Thank you, thank you. So i'm guessing everyone heard about the password changing thing that's been going on? It's strange, last week i was hoping to change my password 'cause i lost the paper with my account details at work but the subpages didn't work. I guess that's what they mean when they say "Be careful what you wish for."

I'm thinking GOA are having a blast as well. Just think about it, wouldn't you want to be in a firm that's loosing roughly 10k/day because people can't resubscribe/activate accounts? Sure the guy responsible for internet security wishes he could take back the words "Oh we don't need another firewall" he said last week.

But enough of GOA. Such a lovely day to spoil it with such topics. Anyone seen the new Matrix Reloaded? So Neo's a god. Nice ain't it? I'm just wondering what a total bummer it's when he goes -out- of the matrix and can't bunnyhop over a box of matches. And what on earth was in that piece of chocklad cake, give me the recipe. My mom always told me that women like a man who can cook. But i really didn't like the new one as much as the old Matrix. Atleast there you had the suspension going on. You could actually see Neo get hurt. Well, atleast rip his clothes in a few scenes and ..such. Ahem. Well. What i didn't like was the red/blue pill overdrama though. Ok. So Morpheus offers him a red pill and a blue pill. Ofcourse we -ALL- hold our breath on which one he chooses. Take the blue pill, the movie ends. Some critics say that would've been an improvement i'm sure. But i have a theory, the only reason why there's the pause, is because Neo is waiting for the last corny words "I can only show you the door..blah blah.." by Morpheus. Who would want to steal another mans thunder.

But enough of Matrix. I do love the people who are afraid of spoilers though. Like Lord Of The Rings. Anyone afraid they might spoil the ending for that one? Well, if you haven't read the book, try reading the title of the movie. "Return of the king." that's an enigma. And surely Sauron will win in the end and the ring will be lost so we can get more money out of people with another three movies about some midget trying to find a melting pot for his grannies wedding ring. But yes, people who hate spoilers. Reminds me of a time when i was having a drink with a rather goodlooking chick and another guy. Well this guy was, one of these "oh don't tell me!" guys so i thought. Why the heck not, and started to talk "Hey, i heard this enat thing about the third Matrix!" and swoosh! The guy left for the bathroom, then whene he came back i said something random about The return of the king and shwiuum! he goes to get a beer. I swear to god that guy made a record in running back and forth from a table that night.

Well gotta have a smoke and watch some tube, might pop in later to give a few more comments on "oh so interesting" stuff for ya password waiting, suppage F5'ing people. :D


Thank you for that Tohtori, it really brightened up my day. :D

Roo Stercogburn

lol Toh, back on form after a bit of a dry spell :D


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
lol Toh, back on form after a bit of a dry spell :D

And he is probably the only one who gets away with pointless rambling.
Others would have been flamed to bits by now... :D

Oh, and please continue ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Cyradix
And he is probably the only one who gets away with pointless rambling.

Not true. Fedaykin call them guild meetings :D

And btw Cyr, you have a To Isharo thread to go answer, so get ye busy :D

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