Hi all !
Just wanna try get me an opinion..
Ive been playing daoc since the dark (good) old age way before Toa Si Sc and buffbots, back when spindelhalla was a wounderfull nightmare of endless but sometimes very very fun grouping and mobkilling and a dream of once reach L 50 and get that oh so beutiful Epic armor, for me as a warr troll those day's by the name of Chruxh, dont think many of you will remember me cuz i never made much fuzz about my self in game. Anyway this seeems to get abit to nostalgic...
I quite game around vinter 03-04 and sad to say I also got rid off my chars, so what you say guys, is it worth a comeback as I have to start from scratch.. ?
And is there still goodworking guilds that might adopt me ?
I'll prolly roll a Healer or Zerk or why not a Thane as i havent really played any of those classes.
Plz keep this thread clean, i dont wanna see any remarks from some underage ebay'ers trying to make smart remarks..
Just wanna try get me an opinion..
Ive been playing daoc since the dark (good) old age way before Toa Si Sc and buffbots, back when spindelhalla was a wounderfull nightmare of endless but sometimes very very fun grouping and mobkilling and a dream of once reach L 50 and get that oh so beutiful Epic armor, for me as a warr troll those day's by the name of Chruxh, dont think many of you will remember me cuz i never made much fuzz about my self in game. Anyway this seeems to get abit to nostalgic...
I quite game around vinter 03-04 and sad to say I also got rid off my chars, so what you say guys, is it worth a comeback as I have to start from scratch.. ?
And is there still goodworking guilds that might adopt me ?
I'll prolly roll a Healer or Zerk or why not a Thane as i havent really played any of those classes.
Plz keep this thread clean, i dont wanna see any remarks from some underage ebay'ers trying to make smart remarks..