Come And Join Dark Age Of Camelot Server Season 2 2024!

Solic Archers

Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2007

Hi all,
So I've played Eden S2 for 3-4 months now and it's the most active and populated server I've played on since Phoenix. Season 2 kicked off back in December but the server is still going strong even over the summer months. In both EU and US prime-time you'll have many PvE and RvR raids and events going and sometimes even in off-peak times you'll have people leading raids.

If you aren't someone who wants to stay on long because of real life stuff then you have Koth = King of the Hill. This is a world event where you gather 8 players and zone into either Alb / Hib or Mid maze and fight it out with other players in all realms (PvP - all vs all) like Mordred style. These events last for about 25 minutes and they start mainly during off-peak times. I think you'll find there will be 4-5 koth events a day depending your time zone of course.

If you aren't interested in RvR there is plenty to PvE on this game on safe side. You have plenty of quests you can do from level 1-50 in towns. You can also join in with PvE raids, most encounters are lvl 40+ which gives you a level when you finish quest and this is repeatable. You'll sometimes find raids scheduled on Raid channel in Eden discord.

Lastly, finding active guilds for those that are returning or new to the game. There are plenty of guilds on Eden discord that are recruiting such as on Albion: Federation of Albion, Knights of the Round table. Checkmate etc. I'm not totally sure about other realms as I don't really play on other realms but their are plenty of EU and US guilds that are active and recruiting. You can always say in advice in-game that you are looking for a guild and someone will pick you up.

Honestly if you are new or returning to the game. I would give this game a try and see how you get on and you wont be disappointed
To get a chance to play this game, check out the link below and the website will tell you how to download the client.
Good luck!

Eden discord: Join the Eden DAoC Discord Server!

Eden website:

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