CoC ? What a croc



Why do mythic try to hide their lousy coding behind a CoC ?

Oh, a Middie managed to find a way into Albion, lets suspend his account.
This is a total croc of shite. The bottom line is if there are bugs in the game players should not be penalised for using them, the programmers should be penalised for letting them get there in the first place.

All a CoC does is attempt to cover the asses of the sloppy programers. All's fair in love and war, if a bug is found then by all means correct it in a patch, but don't penalise the players.

You don't want dummies playing this game, right ? Intelligent players will find bugs / exploits and use them, but fer crissakes don't hide behind a lousy "legal" document.

If you want us to have faith in your game and your abilities then code it, if you can't get it right don't go running home to momma. "Oh the nasty players have found a hole in my code."

Get real, treat us as responsible people and we'll return the favour.


I think your ideology is a joke.
You are saying that if a bank has a flaw in its construction and someone breaks in using that flaw to his advantage in order to steal money he is smart and not a criminal? Of course he is smart for finding it out and figuring how to take advantage of it but he is still a freaking person who broke the law.
Get real, treat us as responsible people and we'll return the favour.
Hmm, very confusing to say this at the end. I doubt a player who exploits a flaw in programming (no-one is perfect, go program a game such as this yourself) is very responsible...

I think this is a load of bullshit to be honest.


What the crazy finn with loadsa posts said...

YOU get real Dial. :puke:


One thing is to find a bug and report it, and find a bug and exploit it. What if all players abused bugs how fun would the game be then???

I guess when you get a virus on your computer, you just think the guy who wrote the code, using flaws in microsofts code. Is intelligent for screwing with a bug.


Good example Fafnir, no-one could be a stupid enough motherfucker to defend a virus creator just because he is intelligent for finding the flaw in a OS's code.


Originally posted by old.Biffsmash
Somebody got 0wned by GOA :p

Lets hope so :D - so reporting cheaters and bugabusers might have an effect afterall :clap:


Hm. The majority of people who end up in other realms, do so by running along zone boundries in frontiers and falling through. This can hardly be called a premeditated cheat.
Secondly no-one has had their account suspended for accidentally making a single trip to another realm.
Thirdly GOA wrote the code of conduct, not Mythic.
Fourthly, consider how much of the code DOES work in DAoC, hmm? Have you any experience of writing a 3D engine and a network engine and making the two fit together?
Fifthly... well, everyone else has already said it; if you have a tank, right, and use it to blow your way into a bank, are you thus not a criminal but a clever exploiter of non tank-proof banks? D:

edit: Sixthly :p how much of the CoC is absolutely nothing to do with anything like this? Non-abusive names or agreeing not to harass people in-game, are these perhaps to cover sloppy coding?
God, just shut up and find a less moronic way to attract attention...

Sigurd Volsung

Listen to these people... all kissing GOA's ass, when I'm sure they actually agree with half of this. How can going into an enemy realm not be fun? You think this game would have lost so many players if people could actually invade enemy realms? I think not. So, you get a wandering invader, he stumbles on a hole, sneaks into another realm, and starts killing people. He will die in the end, I remember the manhunt for that sorceress I spotted in midgard a while back. The guy may have killed a few people, he got killed himself, where is the harm? He now is feared, however, and revered (like sinister) so, power to the player? GOA fears this perhaps? At the least, he should not be banned for using a bug, that they failed to spot, instead he should be rewarded. This game is run like a dictatorship, barely anyone is afraid to speak their mind and when they do they get shouted down by morons like sfxman.

You can only change the way GOA run things if you speak up, so stop kissing ass and exercise your right to complain.


If you find a bug and report it, you have my respect.

If you find a bug (By accident or not) and abuse it, you're a lamer.

Where's the harm in entering other realms and kill people there? Well the harm is done to the players you kill. This may be a "carebear" point of view, nevertheless it is correct. They run around killing mobs, doing quests or whatever, and don't expect it to get ruined by some bugexploiter who made his way inside a realm where he doesn't belong.

If you want to enter the other realms, and kill people randomly, wait for the PvP server.


You can only change the way GOA run things if you speak up, so stop kissing ass and exercise your right to complain.

I think you're (yet again) missing the point. It's not a case of seeing what one can get away with, it's a case of playing the game in the manner it was intended to be played. It's inevitable that bugs will exist in this or any other game, but that doesn't give players the right to abuse them.

It's Mythic's and GOA's game, and we agreed to play by their rules when we signed up. The fact you don't want to do this is more your problem than theirs. That isn't 'ass kissing', it's the only way that a game with so many participants can be played. If you and your like had their way there would be chaos (quickly followed by empty servers).

It would also be nice to see one sensible, rational, post from you, but you seem unable to formulate any opinions without resorting to bad mouthing and/or threats.

Sigurd Volsung

What a realistic game. You are completly safe from invaders inside your own realm. Oh, how fun. People leave because of nothing new, PvP will be good if it ever arrives, but think how much better it would be to keep the game as it is, and make it possible to legally invade the realms. Come on, you know you people are too scared to speak your mind about GOA, it really is quite, quite pathetic.

I'm going to have to add this to my signiture I think: I will see you all in PvP....


"--????--??? ???, ?? (hidden for sake of reputation)"

I guess you behave as much like an ass IG as you do on the boards then?


Originally posted by old.LandShark
if you have a tank, right, and use it to blow your way into a bank, are you thus not a criminal but a clever exploiter of non tank-proof banks? D:

Best. Example. Ever.


Sigurd Volsung

Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
"--????--??? ???, ?? (hidden for sake of reputation)"

I guess you behave as much like an ass IG as you do on the boards then?

Actually I think you'd be suprised if you knew who my main was.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung

Actually I think you'd be suprised if you knew who my main was.


Sigurd Volsung

No, I remember him though, I told him to start buying back his constitution, poor bloke. Main is not in that realm.


by morons like sfxman
Hmm, interesting. You based this on this one single post... damn man. I'd say that a poll about who is the bigger "moron" around here out of the two of us... well, you know the outcome.
Omfg Sigurd, exactly why we are getting the PvP server, uh... you... moron?
Stumbles upon a hole and decides to exploit it? *tsk tsk* I'd say.
I mean how many people glue themselves to a border of a zone as they are travelling, I wouldn't call it stumbling on a hole.
Killed a few people? I wouldn't call Sinister's number of people killed a few? You try justify it by the fact that he dies... think about the ratio you... moron?
he should not be banned for using a bug, that they failed to spot, instead he should be rewarded
This is by far the most stupid thing I have heard. Sure a player could be rewarded for SPOTTING a bug, but EXPLOITING it? Are you insane or are you a... umm... moron? THat is the idea, GOA/Mythic like it when someone SPOTS and REPORTS a bug, they don't appreciate you taking advantage of it because that is wrong.
Just like in my example in my previous post a person who reports the flaw of the construction of the bank would perhaps receive a reward from the owner, however the person who used the flaw to commit a crime would be punished. Makes sense doesn't it?
Stop and think.

Sigurd Volsung

I have "stopped and thought", and it would make the game a hell of a lot more fun, moron.

But I won't post again in this thread, it seems they have a tendancy to get closed when I post in them.


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
I have, and it would make the game a hell of a lot more fun, moron.

But I won't post again in this thread, it seems they have a tendancy to get closed when I post in them.
You have what? Stumbled across a bug and exploited it? Interesting.

old.Gombur Glodson

I think we should have a Karam vs Sigurd.

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