[Co-op Sever] Send a message


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
why have a pve server when you can perfectly well pve on your current one?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
DocWolfe said:
why have a pve server when you can perfectly well pve on your current one?

because it's fun to group with different realms and classes ? or visit mid with hib chars, alb with mids etc etc ? Plus the content is tripple ? because you get more ml raids and can kill all realms dragon or get a relaxter atmosphere with less I R teh l337 people ? PVE can be fun, but honestly I don't think there will be a pve server in europe.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Yup id like a co-op server, but this question was asked before, and comments made last year, there just isnt enough demand for one.

So rather than wasting the time of those going through Rightnow, ill just sit here and browse the forums some more


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
wanted a co-op for ages, but the rightnow reply is with the current player amount it wont happen


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
NeonBlue said:
that would be you and Svar then :p
Think you will find its more popular than you realise.

Spamming RN is not the way to go though, this has been discussed before, and its down to both costs and licencing it from Mythic (more cost) plus the hardware (more cost) etc. I expect the "old sk00l" server will suffer the same fate here too.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Tiawhyn said:
because it's fun to group with different realms and classes ? or visit mid with hib chars, alb with mids etc etc ? Plus the content is tripple ? because you get more ml raids and can kill all realms dragon or get a relaxter atmosphere with less I R teh l337 people ? PVE can be fun, but honestly I don't think there will be a pve server in europe.
There is just as much "I R teh l337" people on Gaheris as there is on normal servers, go figure :cool: Oh, on coop server you can get RAs by PvEing which is one of the reasons Svartmetall & co wants it. Funnily enough they find coop ruleset good while they find Classic ruleset crap - the first one is pure PvE to be competitive and the another one can be pure PvP to be competitive. Personally I dont see much future for either of them on UK and would be very surprised if GOA opens one.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Not on about a co-op server again?

I wouldn't have minded one at day 1 of DAOC but it's a bit late now. Idea of starting over again just to pve only gives me the beebie jeebies


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2005
I like Gaheris, and have no complaints...
But I do see that it's not to everyones taste, If you are a dedicated RvR, and PvP player you are probably just not going to like it.

If you like to play the game to meet others and just generally have a laugh I find it's a great place. Someone always willing to group, and if you find a great guild too, like PvE yourself then you'll possibly have a whole heap of fun.

Yes as with every public forum you meet some rude and obnoxious people but on the whole they tend to be friendly, helpful, and a laugh. And since we started characters there we have made lots of new friends both in England and U.S.A

So yeah Co-op has lots of good points, if you like that area of the game. However like the other post on the PvP server, if it's not you're thing, it's not you're thing and Gaheris in the U.S.A although an adequate enough population isn't as busy as some other servers.

I wish you luck though :), I'm all for people gettinga s much enjoyment out of their game as possible.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
While i wont begrudge anyone a coop server i would much much rather see one of the new Classic Ruleset servers from US implemented here :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
For god sake, couldn't this have been done via an online petition?

You guys (those RightNowing') are cluttering RightNow and delaying issues that *do* need attention.


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
goa have left it far too late for one thing to be able to run one. if they opened one now, there'd be nobody on it really. a lot of the people who first wanted it gave up and rolled on usa servers i think.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
A lot of people have friends on EU who want it, and even better, I see the question from another angle: The classic ruleset wouldn't help to advertise the game and gain new players, the cooperative would directly compete with more PVE based games, and would open up the game for many new player, and might as well *save* the game from losing players.

Some says classic is pure PVP: To be uber you need a template, that is hardly PVP even with SI template, but a lot of raids, crafting, etc. and TOA made many many stuff easier, far easier. Classic ruleset isn't for pure PVP fans, it isn't for causal players (who need money for some easy and cheap SC, and TOA gives more money), etc. It is for people who feel for some reason, that they were uber for many years on many characters and they are too lazy to get anything done with TOA and instead of it whine and bitch about TOA. Now they can stay away from majority of players who is willing to get TOA stuff, and doesn't moan over the fact, they have to work for it, and can't relly on 2 years old loot for ages. It wasn't TOA that made problems in game, but this attitude, the bitching, the greed and some people ruining the community did. Classic servers are here to let most people learn about it, and isolate the problem. A Cooperative server would help a lot to get new players, and mostly nice ones who are willing to help each other :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
If you want a PvE server go play Gaheris! Like most servers stateside the low pop. there means that in all likelyhood you'll never get a co-op server here. If the US can't get a decent population on the server what chance does the Euro server have? I realise that a co-op server means three times the people to group with however this doesn't justify a new server in any way at all. It's a laudable ideal to attract more players to the game but setting up a new server without the player base, and thus the financial viability, will only hasten the end of a game you're trying to save! There's no point in catering to a small minority (which co-op players in all honesty are) when financially a server that attracts folks back to the game (read non-ToA server) who have previously played appears to make more sense in terms of subs. I'm sorry but a co-op server is financial suicide imo and tbh either stop whining that you want one since, if you do get what you want, you'll jepordise the future of the other players! If you want co-op sooooo bad why aren't you on Gaheris already? And don't give me the "Why should I pay 2 subs?" crap! Surely most people can afford 2 subs for their precious BB/FoP accounts already so I really don't see the issue?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
i have played Gaheris and enjoy playing there. but based of CoC i not allowed to while staying in the uk. unless its been changed. also as a euro player i cannot get support from mythic they allways reply talk to goa. not much use when i'm 2 patches ahead.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Astar said:
i have played Gaheris and enjoy playing there. but based of CoC i not allowed to while staying in the uk. unless its been changed. also as a euro player i cannot get support from mythic they allways reply talk to goa. not much use when i'm 2 patches ahead.


If you play on US servers why the heck should you have to contact GOA for support? The csr you talked to must have been on drugs. The 2 companies have nothing to do with each other etc, and when you play and pay Mythic you are entitled to the exact same support as anyone else, no matter where you live.

And no there is no rule saying you cant play US servers based on where you live in the world. Where did you get that from?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
due to playing here i never bother with csr's and never even worked out how to find them ... the support from the web form was my recourse and that allways ended up with we can not support peeps from the eu ...

u are legally not allowed to buy us DAoC CD's inside the eu (due to agreement with GOA for euro liecence) and the EUALA states that you need a cd to play the game (i know this isnt physically true but legally it is) there for all euro players that have swaped to us servers could have there accounts deleted at any time.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
while i think it would be fun as a diversion, its a bit late, if you want a pve game go and play eq2 or WoW the only real reason daoc is still around is the pvp imo, its the only thing its got going for it as the pve side is utter bobbins for the most part.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I'm playing Gaheris since I needed a 50 quickly I made a Necro. I figured if all the known Alb spots for Necros were camped heavily there's spots in Mib/Hib to go instead. Sounded like a plan to me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Astar said:
due to playing here i never bother with csr's and never even worked out how to find them ... the support from the web form was my recourse and that allways ended up with we can not support peeps from the eu ...

u are legally not allowed to buy us DAoC CD's inside the eu (due to agreement with GOA for euro liecence) and the EUALA states that you need a cd to play the game (i know this isnt physically true but legally it is) there for all euro players that have swaped to us servers could have there accounts deleted at any time.

I highly doubt this is true as Mythic sends US copies to shops in the EU and offers their free trial to all countries (i filled in on the list when i activated my account that i was from sweden, and no problems there). And no, you dont need a cd to play/use the game as you can download the game from Mythic themselves.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2005
I purchased an American version CD for both Cats, and Platinum Edition from E bay. I'm in Britain, our credit card details where they take our subs from clearly state where we are from, and I have spoken to in game help several times and they care not that I am British. *keep getting stuck to a well in Tir Na Beo :)*. So I am not sure where this snippit of info orignates from.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
never heard anything about not being allowed to play on the US servers from europe...

given the paladin TL and the minstrel TL are both brits I'd be rather surprised ;)

If you're a customer of mythic (i.e. have an open mythic account) you can use their support just don't expect your /appeal on gaheris about your stuck char on Prydwen to get very far ;)


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Under the licenece agreement between Goa and Mythic, we aren't allowed to market our product in North America and they aren't allowed to market it in Europe. That's not the same thing as prohibiting sale, it just means we aren't allowed to have commercial distribution deals in the US and vice versa.

As far as support goes, Mythic's webform is designed solely for technical queries. Anything else should either be appealed ingame (for ingame problems) or phoned through for billing support. If you send an ingame query to the webform no matter where you are from, they'll tell you to appeal it ingame (I know this from personal experience). As has been pointed out already the CSRs who respond to /appeals don't much care where you live.

Wow. After having to explain how our support system works about a zillion times, I never thought I'd need to explain Mythic's system.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Hee Heee..he said WOW.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Daedalus said:
Does that mean that we can steal his socks?
The cookies are mine!

Interesting read Requiel, now, when are we going to see commercials in Europe? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
at the end of my current subscription it looks like i'm gonna go can anyone recomend a gathris euro guild ???


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Eisdrachen is a mostly euroguild (always about 10 of them on at euro times or more) as are some of the guilds in the riddle of iron alliance but yeah just check on the vn gaheris boards and you should plenty of offers :) (used to play gaheris to ;)

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