cmd to play demos




i am at a loss as to what the command to playback demos is.

i've put the demo file in the baseq3 dir, and tried things like playdemo, demo, and map (as it was in q2...)


The command is "demo zzz.dm3"

But, you need the demos to be in a demos/ directory (not just sitting in baseq3)

Record a short demo of your own (use "record mydemo" and "stop" commands) and Q3 should create this dir for you in the place it expects it (baseq3/demos/, I'm certain, but I can't check because I haven't got Q3 installed here :))

Demos in the demos/ directory should also be listed under the appropriate menu option (although you might need to check that sv_pure is set to 0 to pick up demos which aren't in a .pk3 .. not sure about this tho)


Corrections :-

> use "record mydemo" and "stop" commands) ...

actually "stoprecord"

you also generally need to do "g_syncronousclients 1" before the "record" command, and "g_syncronousclients 0" straight afterward to make the game playable again.

> (although you might need to check that sv_pure is set to 0 to pick up demos which aren't in a .pk3 .. not sure about this tho)

You don't.

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